public void removeRelationship( org.apache.ws.muse.example.resourceadmin.properties.RemoveRelationshipDocument requestDoc )
throws Exception
// get participants of relationship to be removed
RelationshipType relationshipRemove = requestDoc.getRemoveRelationship( ).getRelationship( );
// get the relationship property from properties set
// then walk all relationships and compare them with the relationship which needs to be removed.
// when the match exist the relationship will be removed from the relationship properties list
// this will genarate realtionshipremoved notification
org.apache.ws.resource.properties.ResourcePropertySet resourcePropertySet = getResourcePropertySet( );
org.apache.ws.resource.properties.ResourceProperty resourceProperty = null;
resourceProperty = resourcePropertySet.get( BusinessprocesstypePropertyQNames.RELATIONSHIP );
if ( resourceProperty.isEmpty( ) )
for ( int i = 0; i < resourceProperty.size( ); i++ )
Object relationObj = resourceProperty.get( i );
if ( relationObj instanceof RelationshipType )
RelationshipType relationship = (RelationshipType) relationObj;
if ( ExampleUtils.CompareRelationships( relationshipRemove, relationship ) )
resourceProperty.remove( relationObj );
//continue to walk - you can have more then one this same relationship