Examples of RelationshipTranslation

Examples of org.rhq.helpers.perftest.support.jpa.mapping.RelationshipTranslation


    private static Set<ColumnValues> resolveDependentPks(IDatabaseConnection connection, Edge edge,
        Set<ColumnValues> fromPks, ColumnValuesTableMap resolvedPks) throws SQLException {

        RelationshipTranslation translation = edge.getTranslation();

        if (translation.getRelationTable() != null) {
            //copy the fromPks to columnValues. We'll use the pks from the from table
            //to find the corresponding entries in the relation table
            Set<ColumnValues> columnValues = null;

            if (fromPks != null) {
                columnValues = new HashSet<ColumnValues>();
                for (ColumnValues pk : fromPks) {

                //now change the names of the columns in columnValues to the corresponding
                //relationTableFromColumns (this assumes the same order of the columns
                //in the case of composite pk)
                for (int i = 0; i < translation.getRelationTableFromColumns().length; ++i) {
                    for (ColumnValues cols : columnValues) {

            String[] fromAndToCols = new String[translation.getRelationTableFromColumns().length
                + translation.getRelationTableToColumns().length];
            System.arraycopy(translation.getRelationTableFromColumns(), 0, fromAndToCols, 0,
            System.arraycopy(translation.getRelationTableToColumns(), 0, fromAndToCols,
                translation.getRelationTableFromColumns().length, translation.getRelationTableToColumns().length);

            if (fromPks != null) {
                Set<ColumnValues> fromAndToValues = getValuesFromTable(connection, translation.getRelationTable(),
                    fromAndToCols, columnValues);

                //add the relation table to the resolvedPks using fromAndToValues as its primary keys

                //now read out the to pks from fromAndToCols are return them as the "to" table primary keys
                Set<ColumnValues> toPks = new HashSet<ColumnValues>();
                for (ColumnValues cols : fromAndToValues) {
                    ColumnValues toPk = new ColumnValues();
                    for (int i = 0; i < translation.getRelationTableToColumns().length; ++i) {
                        String colName = translation.getRelationTableToColumns()[i];
                        String pkName = edge.getTo().getTranslation().getPkColumns()[i];

                        toPk.add(pkName, cols.getColumnByName(colName).getValue());

                return removeValuesWithNullColumn(toPks);
            } else {
                resolvedPks.put(translation.getRelationTable(), null);
                return null;
        } else {
            if (fromPks == null) {
                return null;

            //get the values of the "fromColumns" of the relation from the "from" table
            Set<ColumnValues> columnValues = getValuesFromTable(connection, edge.getFrom().getTranslation()
                .getTableName(), translation.getFromColumns(), fromPks);

            //now change the names of the columns in columnValues to correspond to the ones
            //in the "to" table (this assumes that the columns in fromColumns and toColumns
            //correspond to each other by position)
            for (int i = 0; i < translation.getToColumns().length; ++i) {
                for (ColumnValues cols : columnValues) {

            //now translate the foreign keys into primary keys
            //but first check if we even need to do it by comparing the column names
            boolean columnsDiffer = false;
            Set<String> pkColumns = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(edge.getTo().getTranslation().getPkColumns()));
            for(String col : translation.getToColumns()) {
                if (!pkColumns.contains(col)) {
                    columnsDiffer = true;
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Examples of org.rhq.helpers.perftest.support.jpa.mapping.RelationshipTranslation


    private static Set<ColumnValues> resolveDependingPks(IDatabaseConnection connection, Edge edge,
        Set<ColumnValues> toPks, ColumnValuesTableMap resolvedPks) throws SQLException {

        RelationshipTranslation translation = edge.getTranslation();

        if (translation.getRelationTable() == null) {
            if (toPks == null) {
                return null;

            //get the foreign keys in the "to" table
            Set<ColumnValues> columnValues = getValuesFromTable(connection, edge.getTo().getTranslation()
                .getTableName(), translation.getToColumns(), toPks);

            //now rename the foreign keys to their foreign key counterparts in the "from" table
            for (int i = 0; i < translation.getFromColumns().length; ++i) {
                for (ColumnValues cols : columnValues) {

            EntityTranslation fromTranslation = edge.getFrom().getTranslation();

            //now translate the foreign keys into primary keys
            //but first check if we even need to do it by comparing the column names
            boolean columnsDiffer = false;
            Set<String> pkColumns = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(fromTranslation.getPkColumns()));
            for(String col : translation.getFromColumns()) {
                if (!pkColumns.contains(col)) {
                    columnsDiffer = true;
            if (columnsDiffer) {
                columnValues = getValuesFromTable(connection, fromTranslation.getTableName(),
                    fromTranslation.getPkColumns(), removeValuesWithNullColumn(columnValues));
            return removeValuesWithNullColumn(columnValues);
        } else {
            //only bother with one-to-many relationships. A many-to-many
            //relationship implicitly means that the two entities are not tightly
            //connected (with a many-to-many relationship, either of the entities
            //can always "live without" the entities from the other side of the relationship).
            if (edge.getDependencyType() != DependencyType.MANY_TO_MANY) {
                //copy the toPks to columnValues. We'll use the pks from the to table
                //to find the corresponding entries in the relation table
                Set<ColumnValues> columnValues = null;

                if (toPks != null) {
                    columnValues = new HashSet<ColumnValues>();
                    for (ColumnValues pk : toPks) {

                    //now change the names of the columns in columnValues to the corresponding
                    //relationTableToColumns (this assumes the same order of the columns
                    //in the case of composite pk)
                    for (int i = 0; i < translation.getRelationTableToColumns().length; ++i) {
                        for (ColumnValues cols : columnValues) {

                String[] fromAndToCols = new String[translation.getRelationTableFromColumns().length
                    + translation.getRelationTableToColumns().length];
                System.arraycopy(translation.getRelationTableFromColumns(), 0, fromAndToCols, 0,
                System.arraycopy(translation.getRelationTableToColumns(), 0, fromAndToCols,
                    translation.getRelationTableFromColumns().length, translation.getRelationTableToColumns().length);

                if (toPks != null) {
                    Set<ColumnValues> fromAndToValues = getValuesFromTable(connection, translation.getRelationTable(),
                        fromAndToCols, columnValues);

                    //add the relation table to the resolvedPks using fromAndToValues as its primary keys

                    //now read out the to pks from fromAndToCols are return them as the "from" table primary keys
                    Set<ColumnValues> fromPks = new HashSet<ColumnValues>();
                    for (ColumnValues cols : fromAndToValues) {
                        ColumnValues fromPk = new ColumnValues();
                        for (int i = 0; i < translation.getRelationTableFromColumns().length; ++i) {
                            String colName = translation.getRelationTableFromColumns()[i];
                            String pkName = edge.getFrom().getTranslation().getPkColumns()[i];
                            fromPk.add(pkName, cols.getColumnByName(colName).getValue());

                    return removeValuesWithNullColumn(fromPks);
                } else {
                    resolvedPks.put(translation.getRelationTable(), null);
                    return null;
            } else {
                //put no restrictions on the search if the toPks are null (unrestricted)
                //otherwise pretend there's nothing depending.
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