Examples of RelationshipRecord

Examples of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.store.RelationshipRecord

        if ( rel.getFirstPrevRel() != Record.NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue() )
            Relationship lockableRel = new LockableRelationship(
                rel.getFirstPrevRel() );
            getWriteLock( lockableRel );
            RelationshipRecord prevRel = getRelationshipRecord(
                rel.getFirstPrevRel() );
            if ( prevRel == null )
                prevRel = getRelationshipStore().getRecord(
                    rel.getFirstPrevRel() );
                addRelationshipRecord( prevRel );
            if ( prevRel.getFirstNode() == rel.getFirstNode() )
                prevRel.setFirstNextRel( rel.getFirstNextRel() );
            else if ( prevRel.getSecondNode() == rel.getFirstNode() )
                prevRel.setSecondNextRel( rel.getFirstNextRel() );
                throw new InvalidRecordException(
                    prevRel + " don't match " + rel );
        // update first node next
        if ( rel.getFirstNextRel() != Record.NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue() )
            Relationship lockableRel = new LockableRelationship(
                rel.getFirstNextRel() );
            getWriteLock( lockableRel );
            RelationshipRecord nextRel = getRelationshipRecord(
                rel.getFirstNextRel() );
            if ( nextRel == null )
                nextRel = getRelationshipStore().getRecord(
                    rel.getFirstNextRel() );
                addRelationshipRecord( nextRel );
            if ( nextRel.getFirstNode() == rel.getFirstNode() )
                nextRel.setFirstPrevRel( rel.getFirstPrevRel() );
            else if ( nextRel.getSecondNode() == rel.getFirstNode() )
                nextRel.setSecondPrevRel( rel.getFirstPrevRel() );
                throw new InvalidRecordException( nextRel + " don't match "
                    + rel );
        // update second node prev
        if ( rel.getSecondPrevRel() != Record.NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue() )
            Relationship lockableRel = new LockableRelationship(
                rel.getSecondPrevRel() );
            getWriteLock( lockableRel );
            RelationshipRecord prevRel = getRelationshipRecord(
                rel.getSecondPrevRel() );
            if ( prevRel == null )
                prevRel = getRelationshipStore().getRecord(
                    rel.getSecondPrevRel() );
                addRelationshipRecord( prevRel );
            if ( prevRel.getFirstNode() == rel.getSecondNode() )
                prevRel.setFirstNextRel( rel.getSecondNextRel() );
            else if ( prevRel.getSecondNode() == rel.getSecondNode() )
                prevRel.setSecondNextRel( rel.getSecondNextRel() );
                throw new InvalidRecordException( prevRel + " don't match " +
                    rel );
        // update second node next
        if ( rel.getSecondNextRel() != Record.NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue() )
            Relationship lockableRel = new LockableRelationship(
                rel.getSecondNextRel() );
            getWriteLock( lockableRel );
            RelationshipRecord nextRel = getRelationshipRecord(
                rel.getSecondNextRel() );
            if ( nextRel == null )
                nextRel = getRelationshipStore().getRecord(
                    rel.getSecondNextRel() );
                addRelationshipRecord( nextRel );
            if ( nextRel.getFirstNode() == rel.getSecondNode() )
                nextRel.setFirstPrevRel( rel.getSecondPrevRel() );
            else if ( nextRel.getSecondNode() == rel.getSecondNode() )
                nextRel.setSecondPrevRel( rel.getSecondPrevRel() );
                throw new InvalidRecordException( nextRel + " don't match " +
                    rel );
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Examples of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.store.RelationshipRecord

        else if ( (inUseFlag & Record.IN_USE.byteValue()) != Record.NOT_IN_USE
            .byteValue() )
            throw new IOException( "Illegal in use flag: " + inUseFlag );
        RelationshipRecord record;
        if ( inUse )
            buffer.limit( 52 );
            if ( byteChannel.read( buffer ) != buffer.limit() )
                return null;
            record = new RelationshipRecord( id, buffer.getInt(), buffer
                .getInt(), buffer.getInt() );
            record.setInUse( inUse );
            record.setFirstPrevRel( buffer.getLong() );
            record.setFirstNextRel( buffer.getLong() );
            record.setSecondPrevRel( buffer.getLong() );
            record.setSecondNextRel( buffer.getLong() );
            record.setNextProp( buffer.getLong() );
            record = new RelationshipRecord( id, -1, -1, -1 );
            record.setInUse( false );
        return new Command( record );
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Examples of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.store.RelationshipRecord

        return getNodeStore().loadLightNode( nodeId );

    public RelationshipData relationshipLoad( long id )
        RelationshipRecord relRecord = getRelationshipStore().getLightRel( id );
        if ( relRecord != null )
            return new RelationshipData( id, relRecord.getFirstNode(),
                relRecord.getSecondNode(), relRecord.getType() );
        return null;
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Examples of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.store.RelationshipRecord

        long nextRel = position.getNextRecord();
        List<RelationshipData> rels = new ArrayList<RelationshipData>();
        for ( int i = 0; i < getRelGrabSize() &&
            nextRel != Record.NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue(); i++ )
            RelationshipRecord relRecord =
                getRelationshipStore().getChainRecord( nextRel );
            if ( relRecord == null )
                // return what we got so far
                position.setNextRecord( Record.NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue() );
                return rels;
            long firstNode = relRecord.getFirstNode();
            long secondNode = relRecord.getSecondNode();
            if ( relRecord.inUse() )
                rels.add( new RelationshipData( relRecord.getId(), firstNode,
                    secondNode, relRecord.getType() ) );
            if ( firstNode == nodeId )
                nextRel = relRecord.getFirstNextRel();
            else if ( secondNode == nodeId )
                nextRel = relRecord.getSecondNextRel();
                System.out.println( relRecord );
                throw new InvalidRecordException( "Node[" + nodeId +
                    "] is neither firstNode[" + firstNode +
                    "] nor secondNode[" + secondNode + "] for Relationship[" + relRecord.getId() + "]" );
        position.setNextRecord( nextRel );
        return rels;
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Examples of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.store.RelationshipRecord

        return rels;
    public ArrayMap<Integer,PropertyData> relGetProperties( long relId )
        RelationshipRecord relRecord = getRelationshipStore().getRecord( relId );
        if ( !relRecord.inUse() )
            throw new InvalidRecordException( "Relationship[" + relId +
                "] not in use" );
        long nextProp = relRecord.getNextProp();
        ArrayMap<Integer,PropertyData> propertyMap =
            new ArrayMap<Integer,PropertyData>( 9, false, true );
        while ( nextProp != Record.NO_NEXT_PROPERTY.intValue() )
            PropertyRecord propRecord =
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Examples of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.store.RelationshipRecord

            else if ( (inUseFlag & Record.IN_USE.byteValue()) != Record.NOT_IN_USE
                .byteValue() )
                throw new IOException( "Illegal in use flag: " + inUseFlag );
            RelationshipRecord record;
            if ( inUse )
                buffer.limit( 60 );
                if ( byteChannel.read( buffer ) != buffer.limit() )
                    return null;
                record = new RelationshipRecord( id, buffer.getLong(), buffer
                    .getLong(), buffer.getInt() );
                record.setInUse( inUse );
                record.setFirstPrevRel( buffer.getLong() );
                record.setFirstNextRel( buffer.getLong() );
                record.setSecondPrevRel( buffer.getLong() );
                record.setSecondNextRel( buffer.getLong() );
                record.setNextProp( buffer.getLong() );
                record = new RelationshipRecord( id, -1, -1, -1 );
                record.setInUse( false );
            return new RelationshipCommand( neoStore.getRelationshipStore(),
                record );
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Examples of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.store.RelationshipRecord

    public void setRelationshipProperties( long rel,
        Map<String,Object> properties )
        RelationshipRecord record = getRelationshipRecord( rel );
        if ( record.getNextProp() != Record.NO_NEXT_PROPERTY.intValue() )
            deletePropertyChain( record.getNextProp() );
        record.setNextProp( createPropertyChain( properties ) );
        getRelationshipStore().updateRecord( record );
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Examples of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.store.RelationshipRecord

        NodeRecord nodeRecord = getNodeRecord( nodeId );
        long nextRel = nodeRecord.getNextRel();
        List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
        while ( nextRel != Record.NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue() )
            RelationshipRecord relRecord = getRelationshipRecord( nextRel );
            ids.add( relRecord.getId() );
            long firstNode = relRecord.getFirstNode();
            long secondNode = relRecord.getSecondNode();
            if ( firstNode == nodeId )
                nextRel = relRecord.getFirstNextRel();
            else if ( secondNode == nodeId )
                nextRel = relRecord.getSecondNextRel();
                throw new InvalidRecordException( "Node[" + nodeId +
                    "] not part of firstNode[" + firstNode +
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Examples of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.store.RelationshipRecord

        long nextRel = position.getNextRecord();
        List<RelationshipData> rels = new ArrayList<RelationshipData>();
        for ( int i = 0; i < getRelGrabSize() &&
            nextRel != Record.NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue(); i++ )
            RelationshipRecord relRecord = getRelationshipStore().getChainRecord( nextRel );
            if ( relRecord == null )
                // return what we got so far
                position.setNextRecord( Record.NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue() );
                return rels;
            long firstNode = relRecord.getFirstNode();
            long secondNode = relRecord.getSecondNode();
            if ( relRecord.inUse() ) // && !relRecord.isCreated() )
                rels.add( new RelationshipData( relRecord.getId(), firstNode,
                    secondNode, relRecord.getType() ) );
            if ( firstNode == nodeId )
                nextRel = relRecord.getFirstNextRel();
            else if ( secondNode == nodeId )
                nextRel = relRecord.getSecondNextRel();
                throw new InvalidRecordException( "Node[" + nodeId +
                        "] is neither firstNode[" + firstNode +
                        "] nor secondNode[" + secondNode + "] for Relationship[" + relRecord.getId() + "]" );
        position.setNextRecord( nextRel );
        return rels;
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Examples of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.store.RelationshipRecord

        NodeRecord nodeRecord = getNodeRecord( nodeId );
        long nextRel = nodeRecord.getNextRel();
        List<SimpleRelationship> rels = new ArrayList<SimpleRelationship>();
        while ( nextRel != Record.NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue() )
            RelationshipRecord relRecord = getRelationshipRecord( nextRel );
            RelationshipType type = new RelationshipTypeImpl(
                typeHolder.getName( relRecord.getType() ) );
            rels.add( new SimpleRelationship( relRecord.getId(),
                relRecord.getFirstNode(), relRecord.getSecondNode(), type ) );
            long firstNode = relRecord.getFirstNode();
            long secondNode = relRecord.getSecondNode();
            if ( firstNode == nodeId )
                nextRel = relRecord.getFirstNextRel();
            else if ( secondNode == nodeId )
                nextRel = relRecord.getSecondNextRel();
                throw new InvalidRecordException( "Node[" + nodeId +
                    "] not part of firstNode[" + firstNode +
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