class but ensures that the type is reified. Reification means that the Type graph associated with a Java 5 Type
instance is traversed until the type becomes a concrete class. In Java 1.4 a class has no arguments. This concrete class implements the Reified Type for Java 1.4. In Java 1.4, this class works with non-generic types. In that cases, a Reified Type provides access to the class and has zero type arguments, though a subclass that provide type arguments should be respected. Blueprint extender implementations can subclass this class and provide access to the generics type graph if used in a conversion. Such a subclass must reify the different Java 5 Type
instances into the reified form. That is, a form where the raw Class is available with its optional type arguments as Reified Types.
class but ensures that the type is reified. Reification means that the Type graph associated with a Java 5 Type
instance is traversed until the type becomes a concrete class. In Java 1.4 a class has no arguments. This concrete class implements the Reified Type for Java 1.4. In Java 1.4, this class works with non-generic types. In that cases, a Reified Type provides access to the class and has zero type arguments, though a subclass that provide type arguments should be respected. Blueprint extender implementations can subclass this class and provide access to the generics type graph if used in a conversion. Such a subclass must reify the different Java 5 Type
instances into the reified form. That is, a form where the raw Class is available with its optional type arguments as Reified Types.
class but ensures that the type is reified. Reification means that the Type graph associated with a Java 5 Type
instance is traversed until the type becomes a concrete class. In Java 1.4 a class has no arguments. This concrete class implements the Reified Type for Java 1.4. In Java 1.4, this class works with non-generic types. In that cases, a Reified Type provides access to the class and has zero type arguments, though a subclass that provide type arguments should be respected. Blueprint extender implementations can subclass this class and provide access to the generics type graph if used in a conversion. Such a subclass must reify the different Java 5 Type
instances into the reified form. That is, a form where the raw Class is available with its optional type arguments as Reified Types.
Java 5 and later support generic types. These types consist of a raw class with type parameters. This class models such a Type
class but ensures that the type is reified. Reification means that the Type graph associated with a Java 5 Type
instance is traversed until the type becomes a concrete class. This class is available with the {@link #getRawClass()} method. The optional type parameters are recursivelyrepresented as Reified Types.
In Java 1.4, a class has by definition no type parameters. This class implementation provides the Reified Type for Java 1.4 by making the raw class the Java 1.4 class and using a Reified Type based on the Object
class for any requested type parameter.
A Blueprint extender implementations can subclass this class and provide access to the generic type parameter graph for conversion. Such a subclass must reify the different Java 5 Type
instances into the reified form. That is, a form where the raw Class is available with its optional type parameters as Reified Types.
@version $Revision: 8083 $