// Prepare persisters and link them up with their cache
// region/access-strategy
final RegionFactory regionFactory = cacheAccess.getRegionFactory();
final String cacheRegionPrefix = settings.getCacheRegionPrefix() == null ? "" : settings.getCacheRegionPrefix() + ".";
final PersisterFactory persisterFactory = serviceRegistry.getService( PersisterFactory.class );
// todo : consider removing this silliness and just have EntityPersister directly implement ClassMetadata
// EntityPersister.getClassMetadata() for the internal impls simply "return this";
// collapsing those would allow us to remove this "extra" Map
// todo : similar for CollectionPersister/CollectionMetadata
entityPersisters = new HashMap();
Map entityAccessStrategies = new HashMap();
Map<String,ClassMetadata> classMeta = new HashMap<String,ClassMetadata>();
classes = cfg.getClassMappings();
while ( classes.hasNext() ) {
final PersistentClass model = (PersistentClass) classes.next();
model.prepareTemporaryTables( mapping, getDialect() );
final String cacheRegionName = cacheRegionPrefix + model.getRootClass().getCacheRegionName();
// cache region is defined by the root-class in the hierarchy...
EntityRegionAccessStrategy accessStrategy = ( EntityRegionAccessStrategy ) entityAccessStrategies.get( cacheRegionName );
if ( accessStrategy == null && settings.isSecondLevelCacheEnabled() ) {
final AccessType accessType = AccessType.fromExternalName( model.getCacheConcurrencyStrategy() );
if ( accessType != null ) {
LOG.tracef( "Building shared cache region for entity data [%s]", model.getEntityName() );
EntityRegion entityRegion = regionFactory.buildEntityRegion( cacheRegionName, properties, CacheDataDescriptionImpl.decode( model ) );
accessStrategy = entityRegion.buildAccessStrategy( accessType );
entityAccessStrategies.put( cacheRegionName, accessStrategy );
cacheAccess.addCacheRegion( cacheRegionName, entityRegion );
NaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy naturalIdAccessStrategy = null;
if ( model.hasNaturalId() && model.getNaturalIdCacheRegionName() != null ) {
final String naturalIdCacheRegionName = cacheRegionPrefix + model.getNaturalIdCacheRegionName();
naturalIdAccessStrategy = ( NaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy ) entityAccessStrategies.get( naturalIdCacheRegionName );
if ( naturalIdAccessStrategy == null && settings.isSecondLevelCacheEnabled() ) {
final CacheDataDescriptionImpl cacheDataDescription = CacheDataDescriptionImpl.decode( model );
NaturalIdRegion naturalIdRegion = null;
try {
naturalIdRegion = regionFactory.buildNaturalIdRegion( naturalIdCacheRegionName, properties,
cacheDataDescription );
catch ( UnsupportedOperationException e ) {
"Shared cache region factory [%s] does not support natural id caching; " +
"shared NaturalId caching will be disabled for not be enabled for %s",
if (naturalIdRegion != null) {
naturalIdAccessStrategy = naturalIdRegion.buildAccessStrategy( regionFactory.getDefaultAccessType() );
entityAccessStrategies.put( naturalIdCacheRegionName, naturalIdAccessStrategy );
cacheAccess.addCacheRegion( naturalIdCacheRegionName, naturalIdRegion );
EntityPersister cp = persisterFactory.createEntityPersister(
entityPersisters.put( model.getEntityName(), cp );
classMeta.put( model.getEntityName(), cp.getClassMetadata() );
this.classMetadata = Collections.unmodifiableMap(classMeta);
Map<String,Set<String>> tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap = new HashMap<String,Set<String>>();
collectionPersisters = new HashMap<String,CollectionPersister>();
Map<String,CollectionMetadata> tmpCollectionMetadata = new HashMap<String,CollectionMetadata>();
Iterator collections = cfg.getCollectionMappings();
while ( collections.hasNext() ) {
Collection model = (Collection) collections.next();
final String cacheRegionName = cacheRegionPrefix + model.getCacheRegionName();
final AccessType accessType = AccessType.fromExternalName( model.getCacheConcurrencyStrategy() );
CollectionRegionAccessStrategy accessStrategy = null;
if ( accessType != null && settings.isSecondLevelCacheEnabled() ) {
LOG.tracev( "Building shared cache region for collection data [{0}]", model.getRole() );
CollectionRegion collectionRegion = regionFactory.buildCollectionRegion( cacheRegionName, properties, CacheDataDescriptionImpl
.decode( model ) );
accessStrategy = collectionRegion.buildAccessStrategy( accessType );
entityAccessStrategies.put( cacheRegionName, accessStrategy );
cacheAccess.addCacheRegion( cacheRegionName, collectionRegion );