Function similar to the regexp_replace function in Postgres, which is used to pattern match a segment of the string. Usage: REGEXP_REPLACE(,,) source_char is the string in which we want to perform string replacement. pattern is a Java compatible regular expression string, and we replace all the matching part with replace_string. The first 2 arguments are required and are {@link com.salesforce.phoenix.schema.PDataType#VARCHAR}, the replace_string is default to empty string. The function returns a {@link com.salesforce.phoenix.schema.PDataType#VARCHAR}
@author zhuang
@since 0.1
Function similar to the regexp_replace function in Postgres, which is used to pattern match a segment of the string. Usage: REGEXP_REPLACE(,,) source_char is the string in which we want to perform string replacement. pattern is a Java compatible regular expression string, and we replace all the matching part with replace_string. The first 2 arguments are required and are {@link org.apache.phoenix.schema.PDataType#VARCHAR}, the replace_string is default to empty string. The function returns a {@link org.apache.phoenix.schema.PDataType#VARCHAR}
@since 0.1
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