Examples of RegexFilter

Examples of org.mule.routing.filters.RegExFilter

                    return e;
                    RegExFilter regExFilter = new RegExFilter(regex);
                    if (regExFilter.accept(e.getClass().getName()))
                        return e;
                catch (Exception regexEx)
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Examples of tutorial.storm.trident.operations.RegexFilter

        // The "each" primitive allows us to apply either filters or functions to the stream
        // We always have to select the input fields.
                .newStream("filter", spout)
                .each(new Fields("actor"), new RegexFilter("pere"))
                .each(new Fields("text", "actor"), new Print());

        // Functions describe their output fields, which are always appended to the input fields.
        // As you see, Each operations can be chained.
                .newStream("function", spout)
                .each(new Fields("text"), new ToUpperCase(), new Fields("uppercased_text"))
                .each(new Fields("text", "uppercased_text"), new Print());

        // You can prune unnecessary fields using "project"
                .newStream("projection", spout)
                .each(new Fields("text"), new ToUpperCase(), new Fields("uppercased_text"))
                .project(new Fields("uppercased_text"))
                .each(new Fields("uppercased_text"), new Print());

        // Stream can be parallelized with "parallelismHint"
        // Parallelism hint is applied downwards until a partitioning operation (we will see this later).
        // This topology creates 5 spouts and 5 bolts:
        // Let's debug that with TridentOperationContext.partitionIndex !
                .newStream("parallel", spout)
                .each(new Fields("actor"), new RegexFilter("pere"))
                .each(new Fields("text", "actor"), new Print());

        // You can perform aggregations by grouping the stream and then applying an aggregation
        // Note how each actor appears more than once. We are aggregating inside small batches (aka micro batches)
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