Examples of RefAddr

Examples of javax.naming.RefAddr

            return NamingManager.getContinuationContext(cpe);
        } catch (CannotProceedException e) {
            java.lang.Object resObj = e.getResolvedObj();
            if (resObj instanceof Reference) {
                Reference ref = (Reference) resObj;
                RefAddr addr = ref.get("nns");
                if (addr.getContent() instanceof javax.naming.Context) {
                    NamingException ne = JacORBMessages.MESSAGES.noReferenceFound();
                    throw ne;
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Examples of javax.naming.RefAddr


        // Create and configure a MemoryUserDatabase instance based on the
        // RefAddr values associated with this Reference
        MemoryUserDatabase database = new MemoryUserDatabase(name.toString());
        RefAddr ra = null;

        ra = ref.get("pathname");
        if (ra != null) {

        // Return the configured database instance
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Examples of javax.naming.RefAddr

        Object instance = null;
        if (refObject instanceof Reference) {
            Reference ref = (Reference) refObject;

            RefAddr addr = ref.get(SERVICE_CLASSNAME);
            Object obj = null;
            // If an explicit service classname is provided, then this is a
            // generated Service class.  Just use its default constructor.
            if (addr != null && (obj = addr.getContent()) instanceof String) {
                instance = ClassUtils.forName((String) obj).newInstance();
            // else this is an instance of the Service class, so grab the
            // reference data...
            else {
                // Get the WSDL location...
                addr = ref.get(WSDL_LOCATION);
                if (addr != null && (obj = addr.getContent()) instanceof String) {
                    URL wsdlLocation = new URL((String) obj);

                    // Build the service qname...
                    addr = ref.get(SERVICE_NAMESPACE);
                    if (addr != null
                        && (obj = addr.getContent()) instanceof String) {
                        String namespace = (String) obj;
                        addr = ref.get(SERVICE_LOCAL_PART);
                        if (addr != null
                            && (obj = addr.getContent()) instanceof String) {
                            String localPart = (String) obj;
                            QName serviceName = new QName(namespace, localPart);

                            // Construct an instance of the service
                            Class[] formalArgs = new Class[]
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Examples of javax.naming.RefAddr

            return null;

        // Create and configure a PoolManager instance based on the
        // RefAddr values associated with this Reference
        RefAddr ra = null;
        String driver = null;
        String url = null;
        int min = 1;
        int max = 1;
        String username = null;
        String password = null;

        ra = ref.get("min");
        if (ra != null) {
            min = Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString());

        ra = ref.get("max");
        if (ra != null) {
            max = Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString());

        ra = ref.get("driver");
        if (ra != null) {
            driver = ra.getContent().toString();

        ra = ref.get("password");
        if (ra != null) {
            password = ra.getContent().toString();

        ra = ref.get("url");
        if (ra != null) {
            url = ra.getContent().toString();

        ra = ref.get("username");
        if (ra != null) {
            username = ra.getContent().toString();

        return new PoolManager(driver, url, min, max, username, password);
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Examples of javax.naming.RefAddr

        throws NamingException {
        Object result = super.getObjectInstance(obj, name, nameCtx, environment);
        // Can we process this request?
        if (result!=null) {
            Reference ref = (Reference) obj;
            RefAddr userAttr = ref.get("username");
            RefAddr passAttr = ref.get("password");
            if (userAttr.getContent()!=null && passAttr.getContent()!=null) {
                result = wrapDataSource(result,userAttr.getContent().toString(), passAttr.getContent().toString());
        return result;
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Examples of javax.naming.RefAddr

                Object bean = beanClass.newInstance();
                Enumeration<RefAddr> e = ref.getAll();
                while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                    RefAddr ra = e.nextElement();
                    String propName = ra.getType();
                    if (propName.equals(Constants.FACTORY) ||
                        propName.equals("scope") || propName.equals("auth") ||
                        propName.equals("singleton")) {
                    String value = (String)ra.getContent();
                    Object[] valueArray = new Object[1];
                    int i = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i<pda.length; i++) {
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Examples of javax.naming.RefAddr

                tcl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
            ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
            javax.xml.rpc.Service service = null;

            // Service Interface
            RefAddr tmp = ref.get(ServiceRef.SERVICE_INTERFACE);
            String serviceInterface = null;
            if (tmp != null)
                serviceInterface = (String) tmp.getContent();

            // WSDL
            tmp = ref.get(ServiceRef.WSDL);
            String wsdlRefAddr = null;
            if (tmp != null)
                wsdlRefAddr = (String) tmp.getContent();

            // PortComponent
            Hashtable<String,QName> portComponentRef =
                new Hashtable<String,QName>();

            // Create QName object
            QName serviceQname = null;
            tmp = ref.get(ServiceRef.SERVICE_LOCAL_PART);
            if (tmp != null) {
                String serviceLocalPart = (String) tmp.getContent();
                tmp = ref.get(ServiceRef.SERVICE_NAMESPACE);
                if (tmp == null) {
                    serviceQname = new QName(serviceLocalPart);
                } else {
                    String serviceNamespace = (String) tmp.getContent();
                    serviceQname = new QName(serviceNamespace,
            Class<?> serviceInterfaceClass = null;

            // Create service object
            if (serviceInterface == null) {
                if (serviceQname == null) {
                    throw new NamingException
                    ("Could not create service-ref instance");
                try {
                    if (wsdlRefAddr == null) {
                        service = factory.createService( serviceQname );
                    } else {
                        service = factory.createService( new URL(wsdlRefAddr),
                                serviceQname );
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    NamingException ex = new NamingException
                    ("Could not create service");
                    throw ex;
            } else {
                // Loading service Interface
                try {
                    serviceInterfaceClass = tcl.loadClass(serviceInterface);
                } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    NamingException ex = new NamingException
                    ("Could not load service Interface");
                    throw ex;
                if (serviceInterfaceClass == null) {
                    throw new NamingException
                    ("Could not load service Interface");
                try {
                    if (wsdlRefAddr == null) {
                        if (!Service.class.isAssignableFrom(serviceInterfaceClass)) {
                            throw new NamingException
                            ("service Interface should extend javax.xml.rpc.Service");
                        service = factory.loadService( serviceInterfaceClass );
                    } else {
                        service = factory.loadService( new URL(wsdlRefAddr),
                                new Properties() );
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    NamingException ex = new NamingException
                    ("Could not create service");
                    throw ex;
            if (service == null) {
                throw new NamingException
                ("Cannot create service object");
            serviceQname = service.getServiceName();
            serviceInterfaceClass = service.getClass();
            if (wsdlRefAddr != null) {
                try {
                    WSDLFactory wsdlfactory = WSDLFactory.newInstance();
                    WSDLReader reader = wsdlfactory.newWSDLReader();
                    reader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.importDocuments", true);
                    Definition def = reader.readWSDL((new URL(wsdlRefAddr)).toExternalForm());

                    javax.wsdl.Service wsdlservice = def.getService(serviceQname);
                    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Can't change the API
                    Map<String,?> ports = wsdlservice.getPorts();
                    Method m = serviceInterfaceClass.getMethod("setEndpointAddress",
                            new Class[] { java.lang.String.class,
                            java.lang.String.class });
                    for (Iterator<String> i = ports.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                        String portName = i.next();
                        Port port = wsdlservice.getPort(portName);
                        String endpoint = getSOAPLocation(port);
                        m.invoke(service, new Object[] {port.getName(), endpoint });
                        portComponentRef.put(endpoint, new QName(port.getName()));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    NamingException ex = new NamingException
                    ("Error while reading Wsdl File");
                    throw ex;

            ServiceProxy proxy = new ServiceProxy(service);

            // Use port-component-ref
            for (int i = 0; i < ref.size(); i++)
                if (ServiceRef.SERVICEENDPOINTINTERFACE.equals(ref.get(i).getType())) {
                    String serviceendpoint = "";
                    String portlink = "";
                    serviceendpoint = (String) ref.get(i).getContent();
                    if (ServiceRef.PORTCOMPONENTLINK.equals(ref.get(i + 1).getType())) {
                        portlink = (String) ref.get(i).getContent();
                    portComponentRef.put(serviceendpoint, new QName(portlink));


            // Instantiate service with proxy class
            Class<?>[] interfaces = null;
            Class<?>[] serviceInterfaces = serviceInterfaceClass.getInterfaces();

            interfaces = new Class[serviceInterfaces.length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < serviceInterfaces.length; i++) {
                interfaces[i] = serviceInterfaces[i];

            interfaces[interfaces.length - 1] = javax.xml.rpc.Service.class;
            Object proxyInstance = null;
            try {
                proxyInstance = Proxy.newProxyInstance(tcl, interfaces, proxy);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                proxyInstance = Proxy.newProxyInstance(tcl, serviceInterfaces, proxy);

            // Use handler
            if (((ServiceRef) ref).getHandlersSize() > 0) {

                HandlerRegistry handlerRegistry = service.getHandlerRegistry();
                ArrayList<String> soaproles = new ArrayList<String>();

                while (((ServiceRef) ref).getHandlersSize() > 0) {
                    HandlerRef handlerRef = ((ServiceRef) ref).getHandler();
                    HandlerInfo handlerInfo = new HandlerInfo();

                    // Loading handler Class
                    tmp = handlerRef.get(HandlerRef.HANDLER_CLASS);
                    if ((tmp == null) || (tmp.getContent() == null))
                    Class<?> handlerClass = null;
                    try {
                        handlerClass = tcl.loadClass((String) tmp.getContent());
                    } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {

                    // Load all datas relative to the handler : SOAPHeaders, config init element,
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Examples of javax.naming.RefAddr

            Reference ref = (Reference) obj;

            if (ref.getClassName().equals(AMQConnection.class.getName()))
                RefAddr addr = ref.get(AMQConnection.class.getName());

                if (addr != null)
                    return new AMQConnection((String) addr.getContent());

            if (ref.getClassName().equals(AMQQueue.class.getName()))
                RefAddr addr = ref.get(AMQQueue.class.getName());

                if (addr != null)
                    return new AMQQueue(new AMQBindingURL((String) addr.getContent()));

            if (ref.getClassName().equals(AMQTopic.class.getName()))
                RefAddr addr = ref.get(AMQTopic.class.getName());

                if (addr != null)
                    return new AMQTopic(new AMQBindingURL((String) addr.getContent()));

            if (ref.getClassName().equals(AMQConnectionFactory.class.getName()))
                RefAddr addr = ref.get(AMQConnectionFactory.class.getName());

                if (addr != null)
                    return new AMQConnectionFactory((String) addr.getContent());

        return null;
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Examples of javax.naming.RefAddr

        String type = ref.getClassName();
        Object o = Class.forName(type).newInstance();
        while (refs.hasMoreElements()) {
            RefAddr addr = refs.nextElement();
            String param = addr.getType();
            String value = null;
            if (addr.getContent()!=null) {
                value = addr.getContent().toString();
            if (setProperty(o, param, value,false)) {
            } else {
                log.debug("Property not configured["+param+"]. No setter found on["+o+"].");
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Examples of javax.naming.RefAddr

        Enumeration refAddrs = getAll();
        while (refAddrs.hasMoreElements()) {
            RefAddr refAddr = (RefAddr) refAddrs.nextElement();
        return (sb.toString());
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