Examples of Redirector

Examples of org.apache.cocoon.environment.Redirector

    public void compose(ComponentManager manager) {
        this.manager = manager;

    public boolean invoke(Environment env, InvokeContext context) throws Exception {
        Redirector redirector = PipelinesNode.getRedirector(env);
        List params = null;

        // Resolve parameters
        if (parameters != null)
            params = resolveList(parameters, manager, context, env.getObjectModel());

        String continuation;
        if (continuationResolver != null) {
            // Need to resolve the function name at runtime
            continuation = continuationResolver.resolve(context, env.getObjectModel());
        } else {
            continuation = continuationId;

        // If the continuation id is not null, it takes precedence over
        // the function call, so we invoke it here.
        if (continuation != null) {
            interpreter.handleContinuation(continuation, params, env);
            // FIXME (SW) : is a flow allowed not to redirect ?
            // If not, we should throw a RNFE here.
            return redirector.hasRedirected();

        // We don't have a continuation id passed in <map:call>, so invoke
        // the specified function

        String name;
        if (functionNameResolver != null) {
            // Need to resolve the function name at runtime
            name = functionNameResolver.resolve(context, env.getObjectModel());
        } else
            name = functionName;

        if (name != null) {
            interpreter.callFunction(name, params, env);
            // FIXME (SW) : is a flow allowed not to redirect ?
            return redirector.hasRedirected();

        return false;
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Examples of org.apache.cocoon.environment.Redirector

      // Perform any common invoke functionality
      super.invoke(env, context);

        // Prepare data needed by the action
        Map            objectModel    = env.getObjectModel();
        Redirector     redirector     = PipelinesNode.getRedirector(env);
        SourceResolver resolver       = getSourceResolver(objectModel);
        String         resolvedSource = source.resolve(context, objectModel);
        Parameters     resolvedParams = VariableResolver.buildParameters(this.parameters, context, objectModel);

        Map actionResult;
        // If in action set, merge parameters
        if (inActionSet) {
            Parameters callerParams = (Parameters)env.getAttribute(ActionSetNode.CALLER_PARAMETERS);
            if (resolvedParams == Parameters.EMPTY_PARAMETERS) {
                // Just swap
                resolvedParams = callerParams;
            } else if (callerParams != Parameters.EMPTY_PARAMETERS) {
                // Build a new Parameters object since the both we hare are read-only
                Parameters newParams = new Parameters();
                // And merge both
                resolvedParams = newParams;

        // If action is ThreadSafe, avoid select() and try/catch block (faster !)
        if (this.threadSafeAction != null) {
            actionResult = this.threadSafeAction.act(
                redirector, resolver, objectModel, resolvedSource, resolvedParams);
        } else {
            Action action = (Action)this.selector.select(this.componentName);
            try {
                actionResult = action.act(
                redirector, resolver, objectModel, resolvedSource, resolvedParams);

            } finally {

        if (redirector.hasRedirected()) {
            return true;

        if (actionResult == null) {
            // Action failed
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Examples of org.apache.cocoon.environment.Redirector

        if (getLogger().isInfoEnabled()) {
            getLogger().info("Redirecting to '" + resolvedURI + "' at " + this.getLocation());

        final Redirector redirector = PipelinesNode.getRedirector(env);

        if( this.global ) {
            redirector.globalRedirect(this.createSession, resolvedURI);
        } else if (this.permanent && redirector instanceof PermanentRedirector) {
            ((PermanentRedirector)redirector).permanentRedirect(this.createSession, resolvedURI);
        } else {
            redirector.redirect(this.createSession, resolvedURI);

        return true;
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Examples of org.apache.cocoon.environment.Redirector

      // Perform any common invoke functionality
      super.invoke(env, context);

        // Prepare data needed by the action
        Map            objectModel    = env.getObjectModel();
        Redirector     redirector     = PipelinesNode.getRedirector(env);
        SourceResolver resolver       = getSourceResolver(objectModel);
        String         resolvedSource = source.resolve(context, objectModel);
        Parameters     resolvedParams = VariableResolver.buildParameters(this.parameters, context, objectModel);

        Map actionResult;

        // If action is ThreadSafe, avoid select() and try/catch block (faster !)
        if (this.threadSafeAction != null) {
            actionResult = this.threadSafeAction.act(
                redirector, resolver, objectModel, resolvedSource, resolvedParams );

        } else {
            Action action = (Action)this.selector.select(this.componentName);
            try {
                actionResult = action.act(
                redirector, resolver, objectModel, resolvedSource, resolvedParams );

            } finally {

        if (redirector.hasRedirected()) {
            return true;

        if (actionResult == null) {
            // Action failed
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Examples of org.apache.cocoon.environment.Redirector

    public final Map call(Environment env, InvokeContext context, Parameters params) throws Exception {

        // Prepare data needed by the actions
        Map            objectModel    = env.getObjectModel();
        Redirector     redirector     = PipelinesNode.getRedirector(env);
        SourceResolver resolver       = getSourceResolver(objectModel);

        String cocoonAction = env.getAction();

        Map result = null;
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Examples of org.apache.cocoon.environment.Redirector

        if (parameters != null) {
            params = resolveList(parameters, manager, context, env.getObjectModel());

        // Need redirector in any case
        Redirector redirector = context.getRedirector();

        // If the continuation id is not null, it takes precedence over
        // the function call, so we invoke it here.
        String continuation = continuationId.resolve(context, env.getObjectModel());
        if (continuation != null && continuation.length() > 0) {
            try {
                interpreter.handleContinuation(continuation, params, redirector);
            } catch(Exception e) {
                throw ProcessingException.throwLocated("Sitemap: error calling continuation", e, getLocation());
            if (!redirector.hasRedirected()) {
                throw new ProcessingException("Sitemap: <map:call continuation> did not send a response", getLocation());
            return true;

        // We don't have a continuation id passed in <map:call>, so invoke
        // the specified function
        String name = functionName.resolve(context, env.getObjectModel());
        if (name != null && name.length() > 0) {
            try {
                interpreter.callFunction(name, params, redirector);
            } catch(Exception e) {
                throw ProcessingException.throwLocated("Sitemap: error calling function '" + name + "'", e, getLocation());
            if (!redirector.hasRedirected()) {
                throw new ProcessingException("Sitemap: <map:call function> did not send a response", getLocation());
            return true;
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Examples of org.apache.cocoon.environment.Redirector

        // Perform any common invoke functionality
        super.invoke(env, context);

        // Prepare data needed by the action
        Map objectModel = env.getObjectModel();
        Redirector redirector = context.getRedirector();
        SourceResolver resolver = getSourceResolver(objectModel);
        String resolvedSource = source.resolve(context, objectModel);
        Parameters resolvedParams =
                    context, objectModel);

        Map actionResult;

        // If in action set, merge parameters
        if (inActionSet) {
            Parameters callerParams =
            if (resolvedParams == Parameters.EMPTY_PARAMETERS) {
                // Just swap
                resolvedParams = callerParams;
            } else if (callerParams != Parameters.EMPTY_PARAMETERS) {
                // Build new Parameters object, the both we hare are read-only!
                Parameters newParams = new Parameters();
                // And merge both
                resolvedParams = newParams;

        // If action is ThreadSafe, avoid select() and try/catch block (faster !)
        if (this.threadSafeAction != null) {
            actionResult = this.threadSafeAction.act(redirector, resolver,
                    objectModel, resolvedSource, resolvedParams);
        } else {
            Action action = (Action)this.selector.select(this.componentName);
            try {
                actionResult = action.act(redirector, resolver,
                        objectModel, resolvedSource, resolvedParams);
            } finally {

        if (redirector.hasRedirected()) {
            return true;

        if (actionResult != null) {
            // Action succeeded : process children if there are some, with the action result
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Examples of org.apache.cocoon.environment.Redirector

        if (getLogger().isInfoEnabled()) {
            getLogger().info("Redirecting to '" + resolvedURI + "' at " + this.getLocation());

        final Redirector redirector = context.getRedirector();

        if( this.global ) {
            redirector.globalRedirect(this.createSession, resolvedURI);
        } else if (this.permanent && redirector instanceof PermanentRedirector) {
            ((PermanentRedirector)redirector).permanentRedirect(this.createSession, resolvedURI);
        } else {
            redirector.redirect(this.createSession, resolvedURI);

        return true;
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Examples of org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Redirector


        log(cmdline.describeCommand(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

        // redirect output generated by ANTLR to temporary file
        Redirector r = new Redirector(this);
        File f;
        try {
            f = File.createTempFile("depend", null, getOutputdirectory());
            log("Write dependencies for '" + target.toString() + "' to file '" + f.getCanonicalPath() + "'", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new BuildException("Redirection of output failed: " + e);

        // execute antlr -depend ...
        int err = 0;
        try {
            err = run(cmdline.getCommandline(), r.getOutputStream(), null);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            try {
                log("Redirection of output terminated.", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                log("Termination of output redirection failed: " + ex, Project.MSG_ERR);
            throw new BuildException(e, getLocation());
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // ignore

        try {
            log("Redirection of output terminated.", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log("Termination of output redirection failed: " + e, Project.MSG_ERR);
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Examples of org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Redirector

import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Redirector;

public class CommandRunnerImpl implements CommandRunner {
    public int fork(Task task, String[] command) throws BuildException {
        Redirector redirector = new Redirector(task);
        Execute exe = new Execute(redirector.createHandler());
        try {
            int rc = exe.execute();
            return rc;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new BuildException(e, task.getLocation());
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