{@code ReadWriteNodeTypeManager} extends the {@link ReadOnlyNodeTypeManager}and add support for operations that modify node types:
- {@link #registerNodeType(NodeTypeDefinition,boolean)}
- {@link #registerNodeTypes(NodeTypeDefinition[],boolean)}
- {@link #unregisterNodeType(String)}
- {@link #unregisterNodeTypes(String[])}
Calling any of the above methods will result in a {@link #refresh()} callbackto e.g. inform an associated session that it should refresh to make the changes visible. Subclass responsibility is to provide an implementation of {@link #getTypes()} for read only access to the tree where node types arestored in content and {@link #getWriteRoot()} for write access to therepository in order to modify node types stored in content. A subclass may also want to override the default implementation of {@link ReadOnlyNodeTypeManager} for the following methods:
- {@link #getValueFactory()}
- {@link #getCoreValueFactory()}
- {@link #getNameMapper()}