Examples of REngine

Examples of org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine

    if (!Rengine.versionCheck())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("R version mismatch");
    if (engine == null)
      engine = new Rengine(new String[]{"--vanilla"},false,callbacks);
      if (!engine.waitForR())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("loading R failed");

      Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
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Examples of org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine

    if (!Rengine.versionCheck())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("R version mismatch");
    if (engine == null)
      engine = new Rengine(new String[]{"--vanilla"},false,callbacks);
      if (!engine.waitForR())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("loading R failed");

      Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
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Examples of org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine

    if (!Rengine.versionCheck())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("R version mismatch");
    if (engine == null)
      engine = new Rengine(new String[]{"--vanilla"},false,callbacks);
      if (!engine.waitForR())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("loading R failed");

      Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
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Examples of org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine

    if (!Rengine.versionCheck())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("R version mismatch");
    if (engine == null)
      engine = new Rengine(new String[]{"--vanilla"},false,callbacks);
      if (!engine.waitForR())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("loading R failed");

      Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
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Examples of org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine

  String preProcessor;
    String postProcessor;

    public RPredictiveModel() {
      this.engine = new Rengine();
        if (!this.engine.waitForR())
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Not able to load R - Please make sure it is installed properly");
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Examples of org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine

    public static Rengine getRengine() {
        if (rengine == null) {
            try {
                System.out.println("Rengine Trying to construct rengine");
                rengine = new Rengine(null, false, new Rdao());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Rengine construct Error");
                e.printStackTrace(); // neue Exception bauen nochmal fragen
                // TODO: handle exception
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Examples of org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine

    public static void eval(String command) {
        log.info("Performing Command: " + command);
        Rengine re = getRengine();

        if (re == null) {
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Examples of org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine

public final class RLocalConnector extends Singleton implements IRService {

    private Rengine rConnection;

    private RLocalConnector() {
        rConnection = new Rengine(null, false, null);
        if (!rConnection.waitForR()) {
            System.out.println("Cannot load R");
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Examples of org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine

   * @return the baseline.
  private double[] asymBaseline(final double[] chromatogram) {

    // Get R engine.
    final Rengine rEngine;
    try {
      rEngine = RUtilities.getREngine();
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Baseline correction requires R but it couldn't be loaded ("
              + t.getMessage() + ')');

    final double[] baseline;
    synchronized (RUtilities.R_SEMAPHORE) {

      // Load PTW library.
      if (rEngine.eval("require(ptw)").asBool().isFALSE()) {

        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "The \"ptw\" R package couldn't be loaded - is it installed in R?");

      try {

        // Set chromatogram.
        rEngine.assign("chromatogram", chromatogram);

        // Calculate baseline.
        baseline = rEngine.eval(
            "asysm(chromatogram," + smoothing + ',' + asymmetry
                + ')').asDoubleArray();

      } catch (Throwable t) {

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Examples of org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine

  private void cameraSearch(final RawDataFile rawFile) {

    LOG.finest("Detecting peaks.");

    // Get R engine.
    final Rengine rEngine;
    try {

      rEngine = RUtilities.getREngine();
    } catch (Throwable t) {

      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "CAMERA requires R but it couldn't be loaded ("
              + t.getMessage() + ')');

    synchronized (RUtilities.R_SEMAPHORE) {

      // Is R installed - load CAMERA library.
      if (rEngine.eval("require(CAMERA)").asBool().isFALSE()) {

        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "The CAMERA R package couldn't be loaded - is it installed in R?");

      // Check version of CAMERA.
      if (rEngine
          .eval("packageVersion('CAMERA') >= '" + CAMERA_VERSION
              + '\'').asBool().isFALSE()) {

        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "An old version of the CAMERA package is installed in R - please update CAMERA to version "
                + CAMERA_VERSION + " or later");

      // Create empty peaks matrix.
          "columnHeadings <- c('mz','mzmin','mzmax','rt','rtmin','rtmax','into','intb','maxo','sn')",
          "peaks <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=length(columnHeadings))",
      rEngine.eval("colnames(peaks) <- columnHeadings", false);

      // Initialize.
      final ChromatographicPeak[] peaks = peakList.getPeaks(rawFile);
      progress = 0.0;

      // Initialize scan map.
      final Map<Scan, Set<DataPoint>> peakDataPointsByScan = new HashMap<Scan, Set<DataPoint>>(
      int dataPointCount = 0;
      for (final int scanNumber : rawFile.getScanNumbers(MS_LEVEL)) {

        // Create a set to hold data points (sorted by m/z).
        final Set<DataPoint> dataPoints = new TreeSet<DataPoint>(

        // Add a dummy data point.
        dataPoints.add(new SimpleDataPoint(0.0, 0.0));

        // Map the set.

      // Add peaks.
      double progressInc = 1.0 / (double) peaks.length;
      for (final ChromatographicPeak peak : peaks) {

        // Get peak data.
        Range rtRange = null;
        Range intRange = null;
        final double mz = peak.getMZ();

        // Get the peak's data points per scan.
        for (final int scanNumber : peak.getScanNumbers()) {

          final Scan scan = rawFile.getScan(scanNumber);
          if (scan.getMSLevel() != MS_LEVEL) {

            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "CAMERA can only process peak lists from MS-level "
                    + MS_LEVEL);

          // Copy the data point.
          final DataPoint dataPoint = peak.getDataPoint(scanNumber);
          if (dataPoint != null) {

            final double intensity = dataPoint.getIntensity();
                new SimpleDataPoint(mz, intensity));

            // Update RT range.
            final double rt = scan.getRetentionTime();
            if (rtRange == null) {

              rtRange = new Range(rt);
            } else {


            // Update intensity range.
            if (intRange == null) {
              intRange = new Range(intensity);
            } else {

        // Set peak values.
        final double area = peak.getArea();
        final double maxo = intRange == null
            ? peak.getHeight()
            : intRange.getMax();
        final double rtMin = (rtRange == null ? peak
            .getRawDataPointsRTRange() : rtRange).getMin();
        final double rtMax = (rtRange == null ? peak
            .getRawDataPointsRTRange() : rtRange).getMax();

        // Add peak row.
        rEngine.eval("peaks <- rbind(peaks, c(" + mz + ", " // mz
            + mz + ", " // mzmin: use the same as mz.
            + mz + ", " // mzmax: use the same as mz.
            + peak.getRT() + ", " // rt
            + rtMin + ", " // rtmin
            + rtMax + ", " // rtmax
            + area + ", " // into: peak area.
            + area + ", " // intb: doesn't affect result, use area.
            + maxo + ", " // maxo
            + SIGNAL_TO_NOISE + "))", false);

        progress += progressInc;

      progress = 0.0;
      progressInc = 0.25;

      // Create R vectors.
      final int scanCount = peakDataPointsByScan.size();
      final double[] scanTimes = new double[scanCount];
      final int[] scanIndices = new int[scanCount];
      final double[] masses = new double[dataPointCount];
      final double[] intensities = new double[dataPointCount];

      // Fill vectors.
      int scanIndex = 0;
      int pointIndex = 0;
      for (final int scanNumber : rawFile.getScanNumbers(MS_LEVEL)) {

        final Scan scan = rawFile.getScan(scanNumber);
        scanTimes[scanIndex] = scan.getRetentionTime();
        scanIndices[scanIndex] = pointIndex + 1;

        for (final DataPoint dataPoint : peakDataPointsByScan.get(scan)) {

          masses[pointIndex] = dataPoint.getMZ();
          intensities[pointIndex] = dataPoint.getIntensity();

      // Set vectors.
      rEngine.assign("scantime", scanTimes);
      rEngine.assign("scanindex", scanIndices);
      rEngine.assign("mass", masses);
      rEngine.assign("intensity", intensities);

      // Construct xcmsRaw object
      rEngine.eval("xRaw <- new(\"xcmsRaw\")", false);
      rEngine.eval("xRaw@tic <- intensity", false);
      rEngine.eval("xRaw@scantime <- scantime * " + SECONDS_PER_MINUTE,
      rEngine.eval("xRaw@scanindex <- scanindex", false);
      rEngine.eval("xRaw@env$mz <- mass", false);
      rEngine.eval("xRaw@env$intensity <- intensity", false);

      // Create the xcmsSet object.
      rEngine.eval("xs <- new('xcmsSet')", false);

      // Set peaks.
      rEngine.eval("xs@peaks <- peaks", false);

      // Set file (dummy) file path.
      rEngine.eval("xs@filepaths  <- ''", false);

      // Set sample name.
      rEngine.assign("sampleName", peakList.getName());
      rEngine.eval("sampnames(xs) <- sampleName", false);

      // Create an empty xsAnnotate.
      rEngine.eval("an <- xsAnnotate(xs, sample=1)", false);

      // Group by RT.
      rEngine.eval("an <- groupFWHM(an, sigma=" + fwhmSigma
          + ", perfwhm=" + fwhmPercentage + ')', false);
      progress += progressInc;

      // Identify isotopes.
          "an <- findIsotopes(an, maxcharge=" + isoMaxCharge
              + ", maxiso=" + isoMaxCount + ", ppm="
              + isoMassTolerance.getPpmTolerance() + ", mzabs="
              + isoMassTolerance.getMzTolerance() + ')', false);
      progress += progressInc;

      // Split groups by correlating peak shape (need to set xraw to raw
      // data).
          "an <- groupCorr(an, calcIso=TRUE, xraw=xRaw, cor_eic_th="
              + corrThreshold + ", pval=" + corrPValue + ')',
      progress += progressInc;

      // Get the peak list.
      rEngine.eval("peakList <- getPeaklist(an)", false);

      // Extract the pseudo-spectra and isotope annotations from the peak
      // list.
      final REXP spectraExp = rEngine
      final REXP isotopeExp = rEngine.eval("peakList$isotopes");

      // Add identities.
      if (spectraExp != null) {

        addPseudoSpectraIdentities(peaks, spectraExp, isotopeExp);
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