Represents a return value in the query results. Not the same as a result (column) in the JDBC ResultSet! Return is distinctly different from a {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan.spi.Fetch} and so modeled as completely separate hierarchy.
@see ScalarReturn
@see EntityReturn
@see CollectionReturn
@author Steve Ebersole
Represents a return value in the query results. Not the same as a result (column) in the JDBC ResultSet! Return is distinctly different from a {@link org.hibernate.loader.plan2.spi.Fetch} and so modeled as completely separate hierarchy.
@see ScalarReturn
@see EntityReturn
@see CollectionReturn
@author Steve Ebersole
Common contract for individual return objects which can be either results ( {@link ResultSetReturn}) or update counts ( {@link UpdateCountReturn}).
@author Steve Ebersole
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