Examples of RDFDataset

Examples of com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset

class JenaRDF2JSONLD implements com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFParser {
    NodeToLabel labels = SyntaxLabels.createNodeToLabel() ;

    public RDFDataset parse(Object object) throws JsonLdError {
        RDFDataset result = new RDFDataset() ;
        if ( object instanceof DatasetGraph )
            DatasetGraph dsg = (DatasetGraph)object ;

            Iterator<Quad> iter = dsg.find() ;
            for ( ; iter.hasNext() ; )
                Quad q = iter.next() ;
                Node s = q.getSubject() ;
                Node p = q.getPredicate() ;
                Node o = q.getObject() ;
                Node g = q.getGraph() ;
                String gq = (g == null || Quad.isDefaultGraph(g) ) ? null : g.getURI() ;
                String sq = resourceString(s) ;
                String pq = p.getURI() ;
                if ( o.isLiteral() )
                    String lex = o.getLiteralLexicalForm() ;
                    String lang = o.getLiteralLanguage() ;
                    String dt = o.getLiteralDatatypeURI() ;
                    if (lang != null && lang.length() == 0)
                        lang = null ;
                        //dt = RDF.getURI()+"langString" ;
                    if (dt == null )
                        dt = XSDDatatype.XSDstring.getURI() ;

                    result.addQuad(sq, pq, lex, dt, lang, gq) ;
                    String oq = resourceString(o) ;
                    result.addQuad(sq, pq, oq, gq) ;
            Log.warn(JenaRDF2JSONLD.class, "unknown") ;
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Examples of com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset

class JenaRDF2JSONLD implements com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFParser {
    NodeToLabel labels = SyntaxLabels.createNodeToLabel() ;

    public RDFDataset parse(Object object) throws JsonLdError {
        RDFDataset result = new RDFDataset() ;
        if ( object instanceof DatasetGraph )
            DatasetGraph dsg = (DatasetGraph)object ;

            Iterator<Quad> iter = dsg.find() ;
            for ( ; iter.hasNext() ; )
                Quad q = iter.next() ;
                Node s = q.getSubject() ;
                Node p = q.getPredicate() ;
                Node o = q.getObject() ;
                Node g = q.getGraph() ;
                String gq = blankNodeOrIRIString(g) ;
                if ( gq == null )
                    throw new RiotException("Graph node is not a URI or a blank node") ;
                String sq = blankNodeOrIRIString(s) ;
                if ( sq == null )
                    throw new RiotException("Subject node is not a URI or a blank node") ;
                String pq = p.getURI() ;
                if ( o.isLiteral() )
                    String lex = o.getLiteralLexicalForm() ;
                    String lang = o.getLiteralLanguage() ;
                    String dt = o.getLiteralDatatypeURI() ;
                    if (lang != null && lang.length() == 0)
                        lang = null ;
                        //dt = RDF.getURI()+"langString" ;
                    if (dt == null )
                        dt = XSDDatatype.XSDstring.getURI() ;

                    result.addQuad(sq, pq, lex, dt, lang, gq) ;
                    String oq = blankNodeOrIRIString(o) ;
                    result.addQuad(sq, pq, oq, gq) ;
            Log.warn(JenaRDF2JSONLD.class, "unknown") ;
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Examples of com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset


  public String serialize(Model model) throws IOException {
    JenaRDFParser serializer = new JenaRDFParser();
    serializer.importModel(new RDFDataset(), model);
    try {
      return JSONUtils.toString(JSONLD.fromRDF(model, serializer));
    } catch (JSONLDProcessingError e) {
      throw new IOException(e);
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Examples of com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset

    public RDFDataset parse(Object input) throws JsonLdError {
        if (!(input instanceof String)) {
            throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.INVALID_INPUT,
                    "Invalid input; Triple RDF Parser requires a string input");
        final RDFDataset result = new RDFDataset();
        final State state = new State((String) input);

        while (!"".equals(state.line)) {
            // check if line is a directive
            Matcher match = Regex.DIRECTIVE.matcher(state.line);
            if (match.find()) {
                if (match.group(1) != null || match.group(4) != null) {
                    final String ns = match.group(1) != null ? match.group(1) : match.group(4);
                    String iri = match.group(1) != null ? match.group(2) : match.group(5);
                    if (!iri.contains(":")) {
                        iri = state.baseIri + iri;
                    iri = unescape(iri);
                    validateIRI(state, iri);
                    state.namespaces.put(ns, iri);
                    result.setNamespace(ns, iri);
                } else {
                    String base = match.group(3) != null ? match.group(3) : match.group(6);
                    base = unescape(base);
                    validateIRI(state, base);
                    if (!base.contains(":")) {
                        state.baseIri = state.baseIri + base;
                    } else {
                        state.baseIri = base;

            if (state.curSubject == null) {
                // we need to match a subject
                match = Regex.SUBJECT.matcher(state.line);
                if (match.find()) {
                    String iri;
                    if (match.group(1) != null) {
                        // matched IRI
                        iri = unescape(match.group(1));
                        if (!iri.contains(":")) {
                            iri = state.baseIri + iri;
                    } else if (match.group(2) != null) {
                        // matched NS:NAME
                        final String ns = match.group(2);
                        final String name = unescapeReserved(match.group(3));
                        iri = state.expandIRI(ns, name);
                    } else if (match.group(4) != null) {
                        // match ns: only
                        iri = state.expandIRI(match.group(4), "");
                    } else if (match.group(5) != null) {
                        // matched BNODE
                        iri = state.namer.getName(match.group(0).trim());
                    } else {
                        // matched anon node
                        iri = state.namer.getName();
                    // make sure IRI still matches an IRI after escaping
                    validateIRI(state, iri);
                    state.curSubject = iri;
                // handle blank nodes
                else if (state.line.startsWith("[")) {
                    final String bnode = state.namer.getName();
                    state.curSubject = bnode;
                // handle collections
                else if (state.line.startsWith("(")) {
                    final String bnode = state.namer.getName();
                    // so we know we want a predicate if the collection close
                    // isn't followed by a subject end
                    state.curSubject = bnode;
                    state.curSubject = bnode;
                    state.curPredicate = RDF_FIRST;
                // make sure we have a subject already
                else {
                    throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.PARSE_ERROR,
                            "Error while parsing Turtle; missing expected subject. {line: "
                                    + state.lineNumber + "position: " + state.linePosition + "}");

            if (state.curPredicate == null) {
                // match predicate
                match = Regex.PREDICATE.matcher(state.line);
                if (match.find()) {
                    String iri = "";
                    if (match.group(1) != null) {
                        // matched IRI
                        iri = unescape(match.group(1));
                        if (!iri.contains(":")) {
                            iri = state.baseIri + iri;
                    } else if (match.group(2) != null) {
                        // matched NS:NAME
                        final String ns = match.group(2);
                        final String name = unescapeReserved(match.group(3));
                        iri = state.expandIRI(ns, name);
                    } else if (match.group(4) != null) {
                        // matched ns:
                        iri = state.expandIRI(match.group(4), "");
                    } else {
                        // matched "a"
                        iri = RDF_TYPE;
                    validateIRI(state, iri);
                    state.curPredicate = iri;
                } else {
                    throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.PARSE_ERROR,
                            "Error while parsing Turtle; missing expected predicate. {line: "
                                    + state.lineNumber + "position: " + state.linePosition + "}");

            // expecting bnode or object

            // match BNODE values
            if (state.line.startsWith("[")) {
                final String bnode = state.namer.getName();
                result.addTriple(state.curSubject, state.curPredicate, bnode);
                // check for anonymous objects
                if (state.line.startsWith("]")) {
                    // next we expect a statement or object separator
                // otherwise we're inside the blank node
                else {
                    state.curSubject = bnode;
                    // next we expect a predicate
            // match collections
            else if (state.line.startsWith("(")) {
                // check for empty collection
                if (state.line.startsWith(")")) {
                    result.addTriple(state.curSubject, state.curPredicate, RDF_NIL);
                    // next we expect a statement or object separator
                // otherwise we're inside the collection
                else {
                    final String bnode = state.namer.getName();
                    result.addTriple(state.curSubject, state.curPredicate, bnode);
                    state.curSubject = bnode;
                    state.curPredicate = RDF_FIRST;
            } else {
                // match object
                match = Regex.OBJECT.matcher(state.line);
                if (match.find()) {
                    String iri = null;
                    if (match.group(1) != null) {
                        // matched IRI
                        iri = unescape(match.group(1));
                        if (!iri.contains(":")) {
                            iri = state.baseIri + iri;
                    } else if (match.group(2) != null) {
                        // matched NS:NAME
                        final String ns = match.group(2);
                        final String name = unescapeReserved(match.group(3));
                        iri = state.expandIRI(ns, name);
                    } else if (match.group(4) != null) {
                        // matched ns:
                        iri = state.expandIRI(match.group(4), "");
                    } else if (match.group(5) != null) {
                        // matched BNODE
                        iri = state.namer.getName(match.group(0).trim());
                    if (iri != null) {
                        validateIRI(state, iri);
                        // we have a object
                        result.addTriple(state.curSubject, state.curPredicate, iri);
                    } else {
                        // we have a literal
                        String value = match.group(6);
                        String lang = null;
                        String datatype = null;
                        if (value != null) {
                            // we have a string literal
                            value = unquoteString(value);
                            value = unescape(value);
                            lang = match.group(7);
                            if (lang == null) {
                                if (match.group(8) != null) {
                                    datatype = unescape(match.group(8));
                                    if (!datatype.contains(":")) {
                                        datatype = state.baseIri + datatype;
                                    validateIRI(state, datatype);
                                } else if (match.group(9) != null) {
                                    datatype = state.expandIRI(match.group(9),
                                } else if (match.group(11) != null) {
                                    datatype = state.expandIRI(match.group(11), "");
                            } else {
                                datatype = RDF_LANGSTRING;
                        } else if (match.group(12) != null) {
                            // integer literal
                            value = match.group(12);
                            datatype = XSD_DOUBLE;
                        } else if (match.group(13) != null) {
                            // decimal literal
                            value = match.group(13);
                            datatype = XSD_DECIMAL;
                        } else if (match.group(14) != null) {
                            // double literal
                            value = match.group(14);
                            datatype = XSD_INTEGER;
                        } else if (match.group(15) != null) {
                            // boolean literal
                            value = match.group(15);
                            datatype = XSD_BOOLEAN;
                        result.addTriple(state.curSubject, state.curPredicate, value, datatype,
                } else {
                    throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.PARSE_ERROR,
                            "Error while parsing Turtle; missing expected object or blank node. {line: "
                                    + state.lineNumber + "position: " + state.linePosition + "}");

            // close collection
            boolean collectionClosed = false;
            while (state.line.startsWith(")")) {
                if (!RDF_FIRST.equals(state.curPredicate)) {
                    throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.PARSE_ERROR,
                            "Error while parsing Turtle; unexpected ). {line: " + state.lineNumber
                                    + "position: " + state.linePosition + "}");
                result.addTriple(state.curSubject, RDF_REST, RDF_NIL);
                collectionClosed = true;

            boolean expectDotOrPred = false;

            // match end of bnode
            if (state.line.startsWith("]")) {
                final String bnode = state.curSubject;
                if (state.curSubject == null) {
                    // this is a bnode as a subject and we
                    // expect either a . or a predicate
                    state.curSubject = bnode;
                    expectDotOrPred = true;

            // match list separator
            if (!expectDotOrPred && state.line.startsWith(",")) {
                // now we expect another object/bnode

            // match predicate end
            if (!expectDotOrPred) {
                while (state.line.startsWith(";")) {
                    state.curPredicate = null;
                    // now we expect another predicate, or a dot
                    expectDotOrPred = true;

            if (state.line.startsWith(".")) {
                if (state.expectingBnodeClose) {
                    throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.PARSE_ERROR,
                            "Error while parsing Turtle; missing expected )\"]\". {line: "
                                    + state.lineNumber + "position: " + state.linePosition + "}");
                state.curSubject = null;
                state.curPredicate = null;
                // this can now be the end of the document.
            } else if (expectDotOrPred) {
                // we're expecting another predicate since we didn't find a dot

            // if we're in a collection
            if (RDF_FIRST.equals(state.curPredicate)) {
                final String bnode = state.namer.getName();
                result.addTriple(state.curSubject, RDF_REST, bnode);
                state.curSubject = bnode;

            if (collectionClosed) {
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Examples of com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset

        final String input = testSuite.getFile(inputfn);

        Boolean passed = false;
        String failmsg = "";
        if ("rdft:TestTurtleEval".equals(type)) {
            final RDFDataset result = new TurtleRDFParser().parse(input);
            final RDFDataset expected = RDFDatasetUtils.parseNQuads(testSuite.getFile(outputfn));
            passed = compareDatasets("http://example/base/" + inputfn, result, expected);
            if (!passed) {
                failmsg = "\n" + "Expected: " + RDFDatasetUtils.toNQuads(expected) + "\n"
                        + "Result  : " + RDFDatasetUtils.toNQuads(result);
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Examples of com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset


    public RDFDataset parse(Object input) throws JsonLdError {
        final RDFDataset result = new RDFDataset();

        // empty dataset if no input given
        if (input == null) {
            return result;
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Examples of com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset

                + subject.getClass().getName());

    public RDFDataset parse(Object input) throws JsonLdError {
        final RDFDataset result = new RDFDataset();
        if (input instanceof Statement) {
            handleStatement(result, (Statement) input);
        } else if (input instanceof Graph) {
            if (input instanceof Model) {
                final Set<Namespace> namespaces = ((Model) input).getNamespaces();
                for (final Namespace nextNs : namespaces) {
                    result.setNamespace(nextNs.getName(), nextNs.getPrefix());

            for (final Statement nextStatement : (Graph) input) {
                handleStatement(result, nextStatement);
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Examples of com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset


    public RDFDataset parse(Object input) throws JsonLdError {
        final RDFDataset result = new RDFDataset();
        // allow null input so we can use importModel and importResource before
        // calling fromRDF
        if (input == null) {
            return result;
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Examples of com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset

class JenaRDF2JSONLD implements com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFParser {
    NodeToLabel labels = SyntaxLabels.createNodeToLabel();

    public RDFDataset parse(Object object) throws JsonLdError {
        final RDFDataset result = new RDFDataset();
        if (object instanceof DatasetGraph) {
            final DatasetGraph dsg = (DatasetGraph) object;

            final Iterator<Quad> iter = dsg.find();
            for (; iter.hasNext();) {
                final Quad q = iter.next();
                final Node s = q.getSubject();
                final Node p = q.getPredicate();
                final Node o = q.getObject();
                final Node g = q.getGraph();

                final String gq = (g == null || Quad.isDefaultGraph(g)) ? null : g.getURI();
                final String sq = resourceString(s);
                final String pq = p.getURI();
                if (o.isLiteral()) {
                    final String lex = o.getLiteralLexicalForm();
                    String lang = o.getLiteralLanguage();
                    String dt = o.getLiteralDatatypeURI();
                    if (lang != null && lang.length() == 0) {
                        lang = null;
                        // dt = RDF.getURI()+"langString" ;
                    if (dt == null) {
                        dt = XSDDatatype.XSDstring.getURI();

                    result.addQuad(sq, pq, lex, dt, lang, gq);
                } else {
                    final String oq = resourceString(o);
                    result.addQuad(sq, pq, oq, gq);
        } else {
            Log.warn(JenaRDF2JSONLD.class, "unknown");
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Examples of com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset

    public RDFDataset parse(Object input) throws JsonLdError {
        if (!(input instanceof String)) {
            throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.INVALID_INPUT,
                    "Invalid input; Triple RDF Parser requires a string input");
        final RDFDataset result = new RDFDataset();
        final State state = new State((String) input);

        while (!"".equals(state.line)) {
            // check if line is a directive
            Matcher match = Regex.DIRECTIVE.matcher(state.line);
            if (match.find()) {
                if (match.group(1) != null || match.group(4) != null) {
                    final String ns = match.group(1) != null ? match.group(1) : match.group(4);
                    String iri = match.group(1) != null ? match.group(2) : match.group(5);
                    if (!iri.contains(":")) {
                        iri = state.baseIri + iri;
                    iri = unescape(iri);
                    validateIRI(state, iri);
                    state.namespaces.put(ns, iri);
                    result.setNamespace(ns, iri);
                } else {
                    String base = match.group(3) != null ? match.group(3) : match.group(6);
                    base = unescape(base);
                    validateIRI(state, base);
                    if (!base.contains(":")) {
                        state.baseIri = state.baseIri + base;
                    } else {
                        state.baseIri = base;

            if (state.curSubject == null) {
                // we need to match a subject
                match = Regex.SUBJECT.matcher(state.line);
                if (match.find()) {
                    String iri;
                    if (match.group(1) != null) {
                        // matched IRI
                        iri = unescape(match.group(1));
                        if (!iri.contains(":")) {
                            iri = state.baseIri + iri;
                    } else if (match.group(2) != null) {
                        // matched NS:NAME
                        final String ns = match.group(2);
                        final String name = unescapeReserved(match.group(3));
                        iri = state.expandIRI(ns, name);
                    } else if (match.group(4) != null) {
                        // match ns: only
                        iri = state.expandIRI(match.group(4), "");
                    } else if (match.group(5) != null) {
                        // matched BNODE
                        iri = state.namer.getName(match.group(0).trim());
                    } else {
                        // matched anon node
                        iri = state.namer.getName();
                    // make sure IRI still matches an IRI after escaping
                    validateIRI(state, iri);
                    state.curSubject = iri;
                // handle blank nodes
                else if (state.line.startsWith("[")) {
                    final String bnode = state.namer.getName();
                    state.curSubject = bnode;
                // handle collections
                else if (state.line.startsWith("(")) {
                    final String bnode = state.namer.getName();
                    // so we know we want a predicate if the collection close
                    // isn't followed by a subject end
                    state.curSubject = bnode;
                    state.curSubject = bnode;
                    state.curPredicate = RDF_FIRST;
                // make sure we have a subject already
                else {
                    throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.PARSE_ERROR,
                            "Error while parsing Turtle; missing expected subject. {line: "
                                    + state.lineNumber + "position: " + state.linePosition + "}");

            if (state.curPredicate == null) {
                // match predicate
                match = Regex.PREDICATE.matcher(state.line);
                if (match.find()) {
                    String iri = "";
                    if (match.group(1) != null) {
                        // matched IRI
                        iri = unescape(match.group(1));
                        if (!iri.contains(":")) {
                            iri = state.baseIri + iri;
                    } else if (match.group(2) != null) {
                        // matched NS:NAME
                        final String ns = match.group(2);
                        final String name = unescapeReserved(match.group(3));
                        iri = state.expandIRI(ns, name);
                    } else if (match.group(4) != null) {
                        // matched ns:
                        iri = state.expandIRI(match.group(4), "");
                    } else {
                        // matched "a"
                        iri = RDF_TYPE;
                    validateIRI(state, iri);
                    state.curPredicate = iri;
                } else {
                    throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.PARSE_ERROR,
                            "Error while parsing Turtle; missing expected predicate. {line: "
                                    + state.lineNumber + "position: " + state.linePosition + "}");

            // expecting bnode or object

            // match BNODE values
            if (state.line.startsWith("[")) {
                final String bnode = state.namer.getName();
                result.addTriple(state.curSubject, state.curPredicate, bnode);
                // check for anonymous objects
                if (state.line.startsWith("]")) {
                    // next we expect a statement or object separator
                // otherwise we're inside the blank node
                else {
                    state.curSubject = bnode;
                    // next we expect a predicate
            // match collections
            else if (state.line.startsWith("(")) {
                // check for empty collection
                if (state.line.startsWith(")")) {
                    result.addTriple(state.curSubject, state.curPredicate, RDF_NIL);
                    // next we expect a statement or object separator
                // otherwise we're inside the collection
                else {
                    final String bnode = state.namer.getName();
                    result.addTriple(state.curSubject, state.curPredicate, bnode);
                    state.curSubject = bnode;
                    state.curPredicate = RDF_FIRST;
            } else {
                // match object
                match = Regex.OBJECT.matcher(state.line);
                if (match.find()) {
                    String iri = null;
                    if (match.group(1) != null) {
                        // matched IRI
                        iri = unescape(match.group(1));
                        if (!iri.contains(":")) {
                            iri = state.baseIri + iri;
                    } else if (match.group(2) != null) {
                        // matched NS:NAME
                        final String ns = match.group(2);
                        final String name = unescapeReserved(match.group(3));
                        iri = state.expandIRI(ns, name);
                    } else if (match.group(4) != null) {
                        // matched ns:
                        iri = state.expandIRI(match.group(4), "");
                    } else if (match.group(5) != null) {
                        // matched BNODE
                        iri = state.namer.getName(match.group(0).trim());
                    if (iri != null) {
                        validateIRI(state, iri);
                        // we have a object
                        result.addTriple(state.curSubject, state.curPredicate, iri);
                    } else {
                        // we have a literal
                        String value = match.group(6);
                        String lang = null;
                        String datatype = null;
                        if (value != null) {
                            // we have a string literal
                            value = unquoteString(value);
                            value = unescape(value);
                            lang = match.group(7);
                            if (lang == null) {
                                if (match.group(8) != null) {
                                    datatype = unescape(match.group(8));
                                    if (!datatype.contains(":")) {
                                        datatype = state.baseIri + datatype;
                                    validateIRI(state, datatype);
                                } else if (match.group(9) != null) {
                                    datatype = state.expandIRI(match.group(9),
                                } else if (match.group(11) != null) {
                                    datatype = state.expandIRI(match.group(11), "");
                            } else {
                                datatype = RDF_LANGSTRING;
                        } else if (match.group(12) != null) {
                            // integer literal
                            value = match.group(12);
                            datatype = XSD_DOUBLE;
                        } else if (match.group(13) != null) {
                            // decimal literal
                            value = match.group(13);
                            datatype = XSD_DECIMAL;
                        } else if (match.group(14) != null) {
                            // double literal
                            value = match.group(14);
                            datatype = XSD_INTEGER;
                        } else if (match.group(15) != null) {
                            // boolean literal
                            value = match.group(15);
                            datatype = XSD_BOOLEAN;
                        result.addTriple(state.curSubject, state.curPredicate, value, datatype,
                } else {
                    throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.PARSE_ERROR,
                            "Error while parsing Turtle; missing expected object or blank node. {line: "
                                    + state.lineNumber + "position: " + state.linePosition + "}");

            // close collection
            boolean collectionClosed = false;
            while (state.line.startsWith(")")) {
                if (!RDF_FIRST.equals(state.curPredicate)) {
                    throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.PARSE_ERROR,
                            "Error while parsing Turtle; unexpected ). {line: " + state.lineNumber
                                    + "position: " + state.linePosition + "}");
                result.addTriple(state.curSubject, RDF_REST, RDF_NIL);
                collectionClosed = true;

            boolean expectDotOrPred = false;

            // match end of bnode
            if (state.line.startsWith("]")) {
                final String bnode = state.curSubject;
                if (state.curSubject == null) {
                    // this is a bnode as a subject and we
                    // expect either a . or a predicate
                    state.curSubject = bnode;
                    expectDotOrPred = true;

            // match list separator
            if (!expectDotOrPred && state.line.startsWith(",")) {
                // now we expect another object/bnode

            // match predicate end
            if (!expectDotOrPred) {
                while (state.line.startsWith(";")) {
                    state.curPredicate = null;
                    // now we expect another predicate, or a dot
                    expectDotOrPred = true;

            if (state.line.startsWith(".")) {
                if (state.expectingBnodeClose) {
                    throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.PARSE_ERROR,
                            "Error while parsing Turtle; missing expected )\"]\". {line: "
                                    + state.lineNumber + "position: " + state.linePosition + "}");
                state.curSubject = null;
                state.curPredicate = null;
                // this can now be the end of the document.
            } else if (expectDotOrPred) {
                // we're expecting another predicate since we didn't find a dot

            // if we're in a collection
            if (RDF_FIRST.equals(state.curPredicate)) {
                final String bnode = state.namer.getName();
                result.addTriple(state.curSubject, RDF_REST, bnode);
                state.curSubject = bnode;

            if (collectionClosed) {
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