Examples of RDBMSAdapter

Examples of org.jpox.store.rdbms.adapter.RDBMSAdapter

     * @param lock Whether to lock the rows found by this SELECT
     * @return The statement
    public String toString(boolean lock)
        final RDBMSAdapter datastoreAdapter = ((RDBMSAdapter) mainTable.getStoreManager().getDatastoreAdapter());
        // Build the SELECT list
        StringBuffer stmt = new StringBuffer("SELECT ");
        Iterator iter = selected.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext())
            if (iter.hasNext())

        // Generate the FROM clause
        String[] mainTableColumnID = new String[mainTable.getIDMapping().getNumberOfDatastoreFields()];
        int countIdFields = mainTable.getIDMapping().getNumberOfDatastoreFields();
        for (int j=0; j<countIdFields; j++)
            mainTableColumnID[j] = referenceDatastoreField(mainTable.getIDMapping().getDataStoreMapping(j).getDatastoreField());
        stmt.append(" FROM ").append(mainTable.toString()).append(" ").append("THIS");

        // Add any locking of the rows for datastores that require WITH option to be placed after the FROM clause
        if (lock && datastoreAdapter.getPlaceWithOptionAfterFromClause() && datastoreAdapter.getSelectWithLockOption() != null)
            stmt.append(" WITH ").append(datastoreAdapter.getSelectWithLockOption());
        StringBuffer joinConditions = new StringBuffer();
        RDBMSAdapter dba = (RDBMSAdapter)mainTable.getStoreManager().getDatastoreAdapter();

        // LEFT OUTER JOINs
        if (!outerTableMappings.isEmpty())
            JavaTypeMapping mainIdMapping = mainTable.getIDMapping();
            iter = outerTableMappings.entrySet().iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext())
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)iter.next();
                String alias = (String)entry.getKey();
                OuterJoinDefinition def = (OuterJoinDefinition)entry.getValue();

                JavaTypeMapping refMapping = def.getReferenceMapping();
                JavaTypeMapping refDiscrimMapping = def.getReferenceDiscrimMapping();
                Object[] refDiscrimValues = def.getDiscriminatorValues();
                JavaTypeMapping refTypeMapping = def.getReferenceTypeMapping();

                String refTableName = ((Column)refMapping.getDataStoreMapping(0).getDatastoreField()).getDatastoreContainerObject().toString();
                if (dba.supportsAnsiJoinSyntax())
                    // ANSI syntax left outer join
                    stmt.append(" LEFT OUTER JOIN ").append(refTableName).append(" ").append(alias);
                    if (datastoreAdapter.getPlaceWithOptionWithinJoinClauses())
                        stmt.append(" WITH ").append(datastoreAdapter.getSelectWithLockOption());                       
                    stmt.append(" ON ");
                    if (refDiscrimMapping != null && refDiscrimValues != null)
                    int countMainIdFields = mainIdMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields();
                    for (int i=0; i<countMainIdFields; i++)
                        if (i > 0)
                            stmt.append(" AND ");
                        stmt.append(getColumnReference("THIS", mainIdMapping.getDataStoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField()));
                        stmt.append(" = ");
                        stmt.append(getColumnReference(alias, refMapping.getDataStoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField()));

                    if (refDiscrimMapping != null && refDiscrimValues != null)
                        // Add constraint on discriminator in related table
                        stmt.append(" AND (");
                        for (int i=0;i<refDiscrimValues.length;i++)
                            if (i > 0)
                                stmt.append(" OR ");
                            stmt.append(getColumnReference(alias, refDiscrimMapping.getDataStoreMapping(0).getDatastoreField()));
                            stmt.append(" = ");
                            // TODO Cater for numeric discriminator types
                            // TODO Should we always use single quote for character values ?
                            stmt.append("'" + refDiscrimValues[i] + "'");
                    else if (refTypeMapping != null)
                        // Add join to reference type mapping table from reference table
                        String refTypeTableName = refTypeMapping.getDataStoreMapping(0).getDatastoreField().getDatastoreContainerObject().toString();
                        stmt.append(" INNER JOIN ").append(refTypeTableName).append(" ").append(alias + "_SUB");
                        if (datastoreAdapter.getPlaceWithOptionWithinJoinClauses())
                            stmt.append(" WITH ").append(datastoreAdapter.getSelectWithLockOption());                       
                        stmt.append(" ON ");
                        int countRefTypeTableFields = refTypeMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields();
                        JavaTypeMapping refIdMapping = refMapping.getDatastoreContainer().getIDMapping();
                        for (int i=0; i<countRefTypeTableFields; i++)
                            if (i > 0)
                                stmt.append(" AND ");
                            stmt.append(getColumnReference(alias + "_SUB", refTypeMapping.getDataStoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField()));
                            stmt.append(" = ");
                            stmt.append(getColumnReference(alias, refIdMapping.getDataStoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField()));
                    // Non-ANSI syntax - add table to "stmt", and join definition to "joinConditions"
                    stmt.append(',').append(refTableName).append(" ").append(alias);

                    if (refDiscrimMapping != null && refDiscrimValues != null)
                    int countMainIdFields = mainIdMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields();
                    for (int i=0; i<countMainIdFields; i++)
                        if (joinConditions.length() > 0)
                            joinConditions.append(" AND ");
                    if (refDiscrimMapping != null && refDiscrimValues != null)
                        // Add constraint on discriminator in related table
                        joinConditions.append(" AND (");
                        for (int i=0;i<refDiscrimValues.length;i++)
                            if (i > 0)
                                joinConditions.append(" OR ");
                            joinConditions.append(getColumnReference(alias, refDiscrimMapping.getDataStoreMapping(0).getDatastoreField()));
                            joinConditions.append(" = ");
                            // TODO Cater for numeric discriminator types
                            // TODO Should we always use single quote for character values ?
                            joinConditions.append("'" + refDiscrimValues[i] + "'");
                    else if (refTypeMapping != null)
                        // Add join to ref type mapping table
                        String refTypeTableName = refTypeMapping.getDataStoreMapping(0).getDatastoreField().getDatastoreContainerObject().toString();
                        stmt.append(',').append(refTypeTableName).append(" ").append(alias + "_SUB");

                        int countRefTypeTableFields = refTypeMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields();
                        JavaTypeMapping refIdMapping = refMapping.getDatastoreContainer().getIDMapping();
                        for (int i=0; i<countRefTypeTableFields; i++)
                            if (i > 0)
                                stmt.append(" AND ");

        // INNER JOINs
        if (!innerTableMappings.isEmpty())
            JavaTypeMapping mainIdMapping = mainTable.getIDMapping();
            iter = innerTableMappings.entrySet().iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext())
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)iter.next();
                String alias = (String)entry.getKey();
                InnerJoinDefinition join = (InnerJoinDefinition)entry.getValue();
                if (dba.supportsAnsiJoinSyntax())
                    stmt.append(" INNER JOIN ").append(join.getTable()).append(" ").append(alias);
                    if (lock && datastoreAdapter.getPlaceWithOptionWithinJoinClauses())
                        stmt.append(" WITH ").append(datastoreAdapter.getSelectWithLockOption());                       
                    stmt.append(" ON ");
                    int countReferenceFields = join.getReferenceMapping().getNumberOfDatastoreFields();
                    for (int i=0; i<countReferenceFields; i++)
                        stmt.append(getColumnReference("THIS", mainIdMapping.getDataStoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField()));
                        stmt.append(" = ");
                        stmt.append(getColumnReference(alias, join.getReferenceMapping().getDataStoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField()));
                        if (i < join.getReferenceMapping().getNumberOfDatastoreFields()-1)
                            stmt.append(" AND ");
                    stmt.append(',').append(join.getTable()).append(" ").append(alias);

                    String[] supertableColumnID = new String[mainTable.getIDMapping().getNumberOfDatastoreFields()];
                    int countReferenceFields = join.getReferenceMapping().getNumberOfDatastoreFields();
                    for (int i=0; i<countReferenceFields; i++)
                        supertableColumnID[i] = getColumnReference(alias, join.getReferenceMapping().getDataStoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField());
                    for (int i=0; i<countReferenceFields; i++)
                        if (joinConditions.length() > 0)
                            joinConditions.append(" AND ");
                        joinConditions.append(dba.getNonAnsiInnerJoinWhereClause(mainTableColumnID[i], supertableColumnID[i]));

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Examples of org.jpox.store.rdbms.adapter.RDBMSAdapter

    public String getSQLDefinition()
        StringBuffer def = new StringBuffer(identifier.toString());
        StringBuffer typeSpec = new StringBuffer(typeInfo.typeName);
        RDBMSAdapter adapter = (RDBMSAdapter) storeMgr.getDatastoreAdapter();

        // Add type specification.
        boolean specifyType = true;
        if (adapter.supportsIdentityFields() && autoIncrement && !adapter.supportsAutoIncrementColumnTypeSpecification())
            specifyType = false;

        if (specifyType)
            // Parse and append createParams to the typeName if it looks like it's supposed to be appended,
            // i.e. if it contains parentheses, and the type name itself doesn't. createParams is mighty
            // ill-defined by the JDBC spec, but attempt to interpret it.
            if (typeInfo.createParams != null && typeInfo.createParams.indexOf('(') >= 0 && typeInfo.typeName.indexOf('(') < 0)
                StringTokenizer toks = new StringTokenizer(typeInfo.createParams);
                while (toks.hasMoreTokens())
                    String tok = toks.nextToken();
                    if (tok.startsWith("[") && tok.endsWith("]"))
                        // The brackets look like they indicate an optional param so
                        // skip
                    typeSpec.append(" " + tok);
            // Add any precision - note that there is no obvious flag in the JDBC typeinfo to
            // tell us whether the type allows this specification or not, and many JDBC just
            // return crap anyway. We use the allowsPrecisionSpec flag for this
            StringBuffer precSpec = new StringBuffer();
            int sqlPrecision = getSQLPrecision();
            if (sqlPrecision > 0 && typeInfo.allowsPrecisionSpec)
                if (columnMetaData.getScale() != null)
                    precSpec.append("," + columnMetaData.getScale());
            else if (sqlPrecision > 0 && !typeInfo.allowsPrecisionSpec)
                JPOXLogger.DATASTORE_SCHEMA.warn(LOCALISER.msg("020183", this.toString()));
            int lParenIdx = typeSpec.toString().indexOf('(');
            int rParenIdx = typeSpec.toString().indexOf(')', lParenIdx);
            if (lParenIdx > 0 && rParenIdx > 0)
                // Some databases (like DB2) give you typeNames with ()'s already
                // present ready for you to insert the values instead of appending them.
                if (precSpec.length() > 0)
                    typeSpec.replace(lParenIdx + 1, rParenIdx, precSpec.toString());
                else if (rParenIdx == lParenIdx + 1)
                    throw new DatastoreFieldDefinitionException(LOCALISER.msg("020184", this.toString()));
            else if (precSpec.length() > 0)
            def.append(" " + typeSpec.toString());

        // Add DEFAULT (if specifiable before NULL)
        if (adapter.supportsDefaultBeforeNullInColumnOptions() &&
            adapter.supportsDefaultKeywordInColumnOptions() &&
            columnMetaData.getDefaultValue() != null)
            def.append(" ").append(getDefaultDefinition());

        // Nullability
        if (adapter.supportsIdentityFields() && autoIncrement && !adapter.supportsAutoIncrementKeysNullSpecification())
            // Do nothing since the adapter doesn't allow NULL specifications with autoincrement/identity
            if (!isNullable())
                if (columnMetaData.getDefaultValue() == null || adapter.supportsDefaultKeywordWithNotNullInColumnOptions())
                    def.append(" NOT NULL");
            else if (typeInfo.nullable == DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable)
                if (adapter.supportsNullsKeywordInColumnOptions())
                    def.append(" NULL");

        // Add DEFAULT (if specifiable after NULL)
        if (!adapter.supportsDefaultBeforeNullInColumnOptions() &&
            adapter.supportsDefaultKeywordInColumnOptions() &&
            columnMetaData.getDefaultValue() != null)
            def.append(" ").append(getDefaultDefinition());

        // Constraints checks
        if (adapter.supportsCheckInCreateStatements() && constraints != null)
            def.append(" " + constraints.toString());

        // Auto Increment
        if (adapter.supportsIdentityFields() && autoIncrement)
            def.append(" " + adapter.getAutoIncrementKeyword());

        // Uniqueness
        if (isUnique() && !adapter.supportsUniqueConstraintsInEndCreateStatements())
            def.append(" UNIQUE");

        return def.toString();
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Examples of org.jpox.store.rdbms.adapter.RDBMSAdapter

        if (c[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_TABLE] != null)
            tableName = c[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_TABLE];
        RDBMSAdapter dba = (RDBMSAdapter)storeMgr.getDatastoreAdapter();
        catalogName = JDBCUtils.getIdentifierNameStripped(catalogName, dba);
        schemaName = JDBCUtils.getIdentifierNameStripped(schemaName, dba);
        tableName = JDBCUtils.getIdentifierNameStripped(tableName, dba);

        ResultSet rs = conn.getMetaData().getTables(catalogName, schemaName, tableName, null);
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Examples of org.jpox.store.rdbms.adapter.RDBMSAdapter

        if (c[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_TABLE] != null)
            tableName = c[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_TABLE];
        RDBMSAdapter dba = (RDBMSAdapter)storeMgr.getDatastoreAdapter();
        catalogName = JDBCUtils.getIdentifierNameStripped(catalogName, dba);
        schemaName = JDBCUtils.getIdentifierNameStripped(schemaName, dba);
        tableName = JDBCUtils.getIdentifierNameStripped(tableName, dba);

        ResultSet rs = dba.getColumns(conn, catalogName, schemaName, tableName);
            while (rs.next())
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Examples of org.jpox.store.rdbms.adapter.RDBMSAdapter

                                                        DatastoreIdentifier column)
    throws SQLException
        ColumnInfo colInfo = null;

        RDBMSAdapter dba = (RDBMSAdapter)storeMgr.getDatastoreAdapter();
        // Calculate the catalog/schema names since we need to search fully qualified
        String[] t = splitTableIdentifierName(dba.getCatalogSeparator(), table.getIdentifier().getIdentifier());
        String catalogName = table.getCatalogName();
        String schemaName = table.getSchemaName();
        String tableName = table.getIdentifier().getIdentifier();
        if (t[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_CATALOG] != null)
            catalogName = t[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_CATALOG];
        if (t[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_SCHEMA] != null)
            schemaName = t[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_SCHEMA];
        if (t[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_TABLE] != null)
            tableName = t[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_TABLE];
        String[] c = splitColumnIdentifierName(dba.getCatalogSeparator(), column.getIdentifier());
        String columnName = column.getIdentifier();
        if (c[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_COLUMN] != null)
            columnName = c[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_COLUMN];
        //put in case, so JDBC driver will find the schema
        if (schemaName != null)
            if (storeMgr.getIdentifierFactory().getIdentifierCase() == IdentifierFactory.IDENTIFIER_LOWER_CASE ||
                storeMgr.getIdentifierFactory().getIdentifierCase() == IdentifierFactory.IDENTIFIER_LOWER_CASE_QUOTED)
                schemaName = schemaName.toLowerCase();
            else if (storeMgr.getIdentifierFactory().getIdentifierCase() == IdentifierFactory.IDENTIFIER_UPPER_CASE ||
                storeMgr.getIdentifierFactory().getIdentifierCase() == IdentifierFactory.IDENTIFIER_UPPER_CASE_QUOTED)
                schemaName= schemaName.toUpperCase();
        ResultSet rs = dba.getColumns(conn, catalogName, schemaName, tableName, columnName);
            if (rs.next())
                colInfo = ((RDBMSAdapter)storeMgr.getDatastoreAdapter()).newColumnInfo(rs);
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Examples of org.jpox.store.rdbms.adapter.RDBMSAdapter

        if (c[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_TABLE] != null)
            tableName = c[TABLE_IDENTIFIER_TABLE];
        RDBMSAdapter dba = (RDBMSAdapter)storeMgr.getDatastoreAdapter();
        catalogName = JDBCUtils.getIdentifierNameStripped(catalogName, dba);
        schemaName = JDBCUtils.getIdentifierNameStripped(schemaName, dba);
        tableName = JDBCUtils.getIdentifierNameStripped(tableName, dba);

        ResultSet rs = conn.getMetaData().getImportedKeys(catalogName, schemaName, tableName);
            while (rs.next())
                ForeignKeyInfo fki = dba.newForeignKeyInfo(rs);

                // Some RDBMS (e.g PostgreSQL) returns duplicate rows from getImportedKeys().
                if (!fk_cols.contains(fki))
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Examples of org.jpox.store.rdbms.adapter.RDBMSAdapter

                                  ClassLoaderResolver clr)
    throws Exception
        // Initialise the Catalog/Schema names
        PersistenceConfiguration conf = omfContext.getPersistenceConfiguration();
        RDBMSAdapter rdba = (RDBMSAdapter)dba;
        if ((conf.hasProperty("org.jpox.mapping.Catalog") && rdba.supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions()) ||
            (conf.hasProperty("org.jpox.mapping.Schema") && rdba.supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions()))
            // User-specified catalog/schema
            catalogName = conf.getStringProperty("org.jpox.mapping.Catalog");
            schemaName = conf.getStringProperty("org.jpox.mapping.Schema");
            // TODO Should we bother with this if the RDBMS doesnt support catalog/schema in the table identifiers ?
            // Try to find the catalog/schema from the connection
                    catalogName = rdba.getCatalogName(conn);
                    schemaName = rdba.getSchemaName(conn);
                catch (UnsupportedOperationException e)
                    if (!readOnlyDatastore && !fixedDatastore)
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Examples of org.jpox.store.rdbms.adapter.RDBMSAdapter

     * @throws Exception If an error occurs in obtaining the schema information
    public void outputDatastoreInformation(PrintStream ps)
    throws Exception
        RDBMSAdapter dba = (RDBMSAdapter) getDatastoreAdapter();

        // Print out the DBA
        String msg = dba.toString();

        // Print out the type info
        msg = "Database TypeInfo";

        Iterator typeInfosIter = dba.iteratorTypeInfo();
        while (typeInfosIter.hasNext())
            JDBCTypeInfo jti = (JDBCTypeInfo)typeInfosIter.next();
            String typeStr = "JDBC Type=" + JDBCUtils.getNameForJDBCType(jti.getJdbcType()) +
                " datastoreTypes=" + StringUtils.objectArrayToString(jti.getTypeNames());

        // Print out the keywords info
        msg = "Database Keywords";

        Iterator reservedWordsIter = dba.iteratorReservedWords();
        while (reservedWordsIter.hasNext())
            Object words = reservedWordsIter.next();
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Examples of org.jpox.store.rdbms.adapter.RDBMSAdapter

     * @throws Exception If an error occurs in obtaining the schema information
    public void outputSchemaInformation(PrintStream ps)
    throws Exception
        RDBMSAdapter dba = (RDBMSAdapter) getDatastoreAdapter();

        // Print out the DBA
        String msg = dba.toString();

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Examples of org.jpox.store.rdbms.adapter.RDBMSAdapter

        if (this.stmtText == null)
            // Make sure we have any necessary ordering columns in the SELECT (where required)

            final RDBMSAdapter rdbmsAdapter = (RDBMSAdapter)storeMgr.getDatastoreAdapter();
            StatementText stmtText = null;

      stmtText = new StatementText("SELECT ");

            if (rangeOffset > -1 || rangeCount > -1)
                if (rdbmsAdapter.getRangeByRowNumberColumn().length()>0)
                    // When doing range queries using ROWNUM, we must wrap the original query
                    // in an outer query that does selection based on an aliased ROWNUM column
                    // of the inner (original) query (CORE-2721)
                    // see also
                    // SELECT the ROWNUM column and alias it in what will be the inner query
                    stmtText.append(rdbmsAdapter.getRangeByRowNumberColumn() + " rn, ");
                    // Add a LIMIT clause to SELECT if it is supported
                    stmtText.append(rdbmsAdapter.getRangeByLimitSelectClause(rangeOffset, rangeCount));

            boolean usingDistinct = false;
            if (!isExistsSubQuery)
              if (distinctResults)
                  stmtText.append("DISTINCT ");
                    usingDistinct = true;

              Iterator iterator = selected.iterator();
              while (iterator.hasNext())
                    Object selectExpr = iterator.next();
                  if (iterator.hasNext())
                if ((rangeOffset > -1 || rangeCount > -1) && rdbmsAdapter.getRangeByRowNumberColumn().length() > 0)
                    // Add a ROW NUMBER column if supported as the means of handling ranges by the RDBMS
                JavaTypeMapping m = rdbmsAdapter.getMapping(Integer.class, storeMgr);
                stmtText.append(m.newLiteral(this, new Integer("1")).toStatementText(ScalarExpression.PROJECTION).toStatementString(ScalarExpression.PROJECTION));

             * 1. Push joins down
             * 2. try to make sure joins refer to previous table in stack
             *  A
             *  JOIN B = A
             *  JOIN C = C
             *  JOIN D = D
            //SORT JOINS
            List sorted = sortJoins(joins);
            final Join[] sortedJoins = (Join[]) sorted.toArray(new Join[sorted.size()]);

            // FROM condition(s)
            stmtText.append(" FROM ");

            List crossJoinss = new ArrayList();
            if (crossJoinss.size()==1)
                if (lock && rdbmsAdapter.getSelectWithLockOption() != null && rdbmsAdapter.getPlaceWithOptionAfterFromClause())
                    // Add any locking of the rows for datastores that require WITH option to be placed after the FROM clause
                    stmtText.append(" WITH " + rdbmsAdapter.getSelectWithLockOption());
            for (int i=0; i<sortedJoins.length; i++)
                final Join join = sortedJoins[i];
                for (int j=crossJoinss.size()-1; j>=0; j--)
                    if ((sortedJoins[i].expr1.getLogicSetExpression().equals(crossJoinss.get(j)) ||
                        if (i > 0)
                        if (lock && rdbmsAdapter.getSelectWithLockOption() != null && rdbmsAdapter.getPlaceWithOptionAfterFromClause())
                            // Add any locking of the rows for datastores that require WITH option to be placed after the FROM clause
                            stmtText.append(" WITH " + rdbmsAdapter.getSelectWithLockOption());
                stmtText.append(stmtJoinsSeparator).append(join.toString(rdbmsAdapter, lock));
            for (int i=0; i<crossJoinss.size(); i++)
                if (sortedJoins.length > 0 || i > 0)
                if (lock && rdbmsAdapter.getSelectWithLockOption() != null && rdbmsAdapter.getPlaceWithOptionAfterFromClause())
                    // Add any locking of the rows for datastores that require WITH option to be placed after the FROM clause
                    stmtText.append(" WITH " + rdbmsAdapter.getSelectWithLockOption());

            // WHERE condition(s)
            if (whereExpr != null)
                stmtText.append(" WHERE ").append(whereExpr.toStatementText(ScalarExpression.FILTER),ScalarExpression.FILTER);

            // GROUP BY clause(s)
            if (groupingExpressions != null)
                List groupBy = new ArrayList();
                for (int i=0;i<groupingExpressions.size();i++)
                    // Add on the user-specified groupings
                    String exprText = ((ScalarExpression)groupingExpressions.get(i)).toStatementText(ScalarExpression.PROJECTION).toString();
                    if (!groupBy.contains(exprText))
                if (groupBy.size() > 0 && hasAggregateExpression)
                    stmtText.append(" GROUP BY ");
                    boolean first = true;
                    for (int i=0; i<groupBy.size(); i++)
                        if (!first)
                        first = false;

            // HAVING clause
            if (havingExpr != null)
                stmtText.append(" HAVING ").append(havingExpr.toStatementText(ScalarExpression.FILTER),ScalarExpression.FILTER);

            // UNION to other query statements
            Iterator iterator = union.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext())
                if (!rdbmsAdapter.supportsUnionSyntax())
                    throw new JPOXException(LOCALISER.msg("052504", "UNION")).setFatal();

                if (rdbmsAdapter.useUnionAll())
                    stmtText.append(" UNION ALL ");
                    stmtText.append(" UNION ");
                QueryStatement qs = ((QueryStatement)iterator.next());
                //do not use for update in other union queries. is this correct for all databases?

            // ORDER clause
            if (!isExistsSubQuery)
                if (orderingExpressions != null && orderingExpressions.length > 0)
                    StatementText orderByStmt = generateOrderingStatement();
                  stmtText.append(" ORDER BY ").append(orderByStmt,ScalarExpression.PROJECTION);

            if (rangeOffset > -1 || rangeCount > -1)
                // Add a LIMIT clause to WHERE if it is supported
                stmtText.append(rdbmsAdapter.getRangeByLimitWhereClause(rangeOffset, rangeCount));

            // Add any required locking based on the RDBMS capability
            if (lock && rdbmsAdapter.supportsLockWithSelectForUpdate())
                if (usingDistinct && !rdbmsAdapter.supportsDistinctWithSelectForUpdate())
                    stmtText.append(" FOR UPDATE");
            if ((rangeOffset > -1 || rangeCount > -1) && rdbmsAdapter.getRangeByRowNumberColumn().length() > 0)
                // range query using ROWNUM (CORE-2721): wrap in outer query,
                // which must select all columns of the inner query,
                // except for the ROWNUM column (which is not contained in
                // selected list)
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