private static final Object[] EMPTY = new Object[0];
public static Object call(PageContext pc , Object[] objArr) throws PageException {
String path = Caster.toString(objArr[objArr.length-1]);
Component cfc = CreateObject.doComponent(pc, path);
// no init method
if(!(cfc.get(KeyConstants._init,null) instanceof UDF)){
if(objArr.length>1) {
Object arg1 = objArr[0];
if(arg1 instanceof FunctionValue) {
Struct args=Caster.toFunctionValues(objArr,0,objArr.length-1);
EntityNew.setPropeties(pc, cfc, args,true);
else if(Decision.isStruct(arg1)){
Struct args=Caster.toStruct(arg1);
EntityNew.setPropeties(pc, cfc, args,true);
return cfc;
Object rtn;
// no arguments
if(objArr.length==1) {
rtn =, KeyConstants._init, EMPTY);
// named arguments
else if(objArr[0] instanceof FunctionValue) {
Struct args=Caster.toFunctionValues(objArr,0,objArr.length-1);
rtn = cfc.callWithNamedValues(pc, KeyConstants._init, args);
// no name arguments
else {
Object[] args = new Object[objArr.length-1];
for(int i=0;i<objArr.length-1;i++) {
if(args[i] instanceof FunctionValue)
throw new ExpressionException("invalid argument defintion,when using named parameters to a function, every parameter must have a name.");
rtn =, KeyConstants._init, args);
if(rtn==null)return cfc;
return rtn;