Examples of RawComparable

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.zebra.tfile.RawComparable


    RawComparable[] keys = keyDistri.getKeys();
    for (int i = 0; i <= keys.length; ++i) {
      RawComparable begin = (i == 0) ? null : keys[i - 1];
      RawComparable end = (i == keys.length) ? null : keys[i];
      BlockDistribution bd;
      if (i < keys.length)
        bd = keyDistri.getBlockDistribution(keys[i]);
        bd = lastBd;
      BytesWritable beginB = null, endB = null;
      if (begin != null)
        beginB = new BytesWritable(begin.buffer());
      if (end != null)
        endB = new BytesWritable(end.buffer());
      SortedTableSplit split = new SortedTableSplit(i, beginB, endB, bd, conf);
    LOG.info("getSplits : returning " + splits.size() + " sorted splits.");
    return splits;
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.zebra.tfile.RawComparable

          boolean first, last, realFirst = true;
          Path myPath;
          for (int i = beginIndex; i < endIndex; ++i) {
            first = (i == beginIndex);
            last = (i == endIndex -1);
            RawComparable begin = first ? beginKey : null;
            RawComparable end = last ? endKey : null;
            TFileScannerInfo scanner;
            if (rowRange == null)
              myPath = cgindex.getPath(i, path);
              myPath = new Path(path, rowRange.names[i]);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.zebra.tfile.RawComparable


    RawComparable[] keys = keyDistri.getKeys();
    for (int i = 0; i <= keys.length; ++i) {
      RawComparable begin = (i == 0) ? null : keys[i - 1];
      RawComparable end = (i == keys.length) ? null : keys[i];
      BlockDistribution bd;
      if (i < keys.length)
        bd = keyDistri.getBlockDistribution(keys[i]);
        bd = lastBd;
      BytesWritable beginB = null, endB = null;
      if (begin != null)
        beginB = new BytesWritable(begin.buffer());
      if (end != null)
        endB = new BytesWritable(end.buffer());
      SortedTableSplit split = new SortedTableSplit(i, beginB, endB, bd, conf);
    LOG.info("getSplits : returning " + splits.size() + " sorted splits.");
    return splits;
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.zebra.tfile.RawComparable

      if (!isSorted()) {
        throw new IOException(
            "Cannot get key-bounded scanner for unsorted table");
      RawComparable begin =
          (beginKey != null) ? new ByteArray(beginKey.getBytes(), 0, beginKey
              .getLength()) : null;
      RawComparable end =
          (endKey != null) ? new ByteArray(endKey.getBytes(), 0, endKey.getLength())
              : null;
      if (begin != null && end != null) {
        if (comparator.compare(begin, end) >= 0) {
          throw new IOException("Zero-key-range split");
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.zebra.tfile.RawComparable

      final long minSize = getMinSplitSize(conf);
      final long EPSILON = (long) (minSize * (SPLIT_SLOP - 1));
      long goalSize = totalBytes / n;
      long batchSize = 0;
      BlockDistribution bd = new BlockDistribution();;
      RawComparable prevKey = null;

      long minStepSize = -1;
      FSDataInputStream nextFsdis = null;
      TFile.Reader nextReader = null;
      for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i) {
        FileStatus fstatus = tfileStatus[i];
        long blkSize = fstatus.getBlockSize();
        long fileLen = fstatus.getLen();
        long stepSize = Math.max(minSize,
            (goalSize < blkSize) ? goalSize : blkSize);
        if (minStepSize== -1 || minStepSize > stepSize)
          minStepSize = stepSize;
        // adjust the block size by the scaling factor
        blkSize /= nTables;
        stepSize = Math.max(minSize,
          (goalSize < blkSize) ? goalSize : blkSize);
        FSDataInputStream fsdis = null;
        TFile.Reader reader = null;
        long remainLen = fileLen;
        try {
          if (nextReader == null)
            fsdis = fs.open(paths[i]);
            reader = new TFile.Reader(fsdis, fileLen, conf);
          } else {
            fsdis = nextFsdis;
            reader = nextReader;
          BlockLocation[] locations =
              fs.getFileBlockLocations(fstatus, 0, fileLen);
          if (locations.length == 0) {
            throw new AssertionError(
                "getFileBlockLocations returns 0 location");

          Arrays.sort(locations, new Comparator<BlockLocation>() {
            public int compare(BlockLocation o1, BlockLocation o2) {
              long diff = o1.getOffset() - o2.getOffset();
              if (diff < 0) return -1;
              if (diff > 0) return 1;
              return 0;
          long[] startOffsets = new long[locations.length];

          for (int ii = 0; ii < locations.length; ii++)
            startOffsets[ii] = locations[ii].getOffset();

          boolean done = false;
          while ((remainLen > 0) && !done) {
            long splitBytes =
                remainLen > stepSize ? stepSize : remainLen;
            long offsetBegin = fileLen - remainLen;
            long offsetEnd = offsetBegin + splitBytes;
            int indexBegin = getStartBlockIndex(startOffsets, offsetBegin);
            int indexEnd = getEndBlockIndex(startOffsets, offsetEnd);
            BlockLocation firstBlock = locations[indexBegin];
            BlockLocation lastBlock = locations[indexEnd-1];
            long lastBlockOffsetBegin = lastBlock.getOffset();
            long lastBlockOffsetEnd =
                lastBlockOffsetBegin + lastBlock.getLength();
            if ((firstBlock.getOffset() > offsetBegin)
                || (lastBlockOffsetEnd < offsetEnd)) {
              throw new AssertionError(
                  "Block locations returned by getFileBlockLocations do not cover requested range");

            // Adjust offsets
            if ((offsetEnd > lastBlockOffsetBegin)
                && (offsetEnd - lastBlockOffsetBegin < EPSILON)) {
              // the split includes a bit of the next block, remove it.
              if (offsetEnd != fileLen)
              // only if this is not the last chunk
                offsetEnd = lastBlockOffsetBegin;
                splitBytes = offsetEnd - offsetBegin;
            else if ((lastBlockOffsetEnd > offsetEnd)
                && (lastBlockOffsetEnd - offsetEnd < EPSILON)) {
              // the split includes almost the whole block, fill it.
              offsetEnd = lastBlockOffsetEnd;
              splitBytes = offsetEnd - offsetBegin;

            RawComparable key = reader.getKeyNear(offsetEnd);
            if (key == null) {
              offsetEnd = fileLen;
              splitBytes = offsetEnd - offsetBegin;
              if (i < paths.length-1)
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.zebra.tfile.RawComparable

        result.minStepSize = sourceKeys[i].minStepSize;
    RawComparable[][] its = new RawComparable[srcSize][];
    for (int i = 0; i < srcSize; i++)
      its[i] = sourceKeys[i].getKeys();
    RawComparable min, current;
    int minIndex = -1;
    int[] index = new int[srcSize];
    boolean[] dirty = new boolean[srcSize];
    while (true)
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.zebra.tfile.RawComparable

    Iterator<Map.Entry<RawComparable, BlockDistribution>> it =
    KeyDistribution adjusted = new KeyDistribution(data.comparator());
    long realSize = 0, mySize = 0;
    RawComparable key = null;
    BlockDistribution bd = null, bd0 = null;
    while (it.hasNext())
      Map.Entry<RawComparable, BlockDistribution> mapEntry = it.next();
      bd0 = mapEntry.getValue();
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.zebra.tfile.RawComparable

            return cmprv;

        for (int i = 0; i < index.size() - 1; ++i) {
          RawComparable prevLastKey = index.get(i).lastKey;
          RawComparable nextFirstKey = index.get(i + 1).firstKey;
          if (nextFirstKey == null) {
          if (comparator.compare(prevLastKey, nextFirstKey) > 0) {
            throw new IOException("Overlapping key ranges");
      else {
        // sort by name
        Collections.sort(index, new Comparator<CGIndexEntry>() {

          public int compare(CGIndexEntry o1, CGIndexEntry o2) {
            return o1.name.compareTo(o2.name);

      // update status
      if ((!dirty) && (index.size() > 0)) {
        RawComparable keyFirst = index.get(0).getFirstKey();
        status.beginKey = new BytesWritable();
        status.beginKey.set(keyFirst.buffer(), keyFirst.offset(), keyFirst
        RawComparable keyLast = index.get(index.size() - 1).getLastKey();
        status.endKey = new BytesWritable();
        status.endKey.set(keyLast.buffer(), keyLast.offset(), keyLast.size());
      sorted = true;
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