Examples of RateLimitReachedException

Examples of org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.RateLimitReachedException

  public final String makeRestCall(final ApiKey apiKey,
      int objectTypes, String urlString) throws Exception {
    if (hasReachedRateLimit(apiKey.getConnector(), apiKey.getGuestId()))
      throw new RateLimitReachedException();
    long then = System.currentTimeMillis();
    try {
      String restResult = HttpUtils.fetch(urlString);
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Examples of org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.RateLimitReachedException

    public final String makeRestCall(ApiKey apiKey,
                                     String accessToken, String tokenSecret, Map<String, String> additionalParameters,
                                     int objectTypes, String urlString) throws RateLimitReachedException {
    if (hasReachedRateLimit(apiKey.getConnector(), apiKey.getGuestId()))
      throw new RateLimitReachedException();
    try {
      long then = System.currentTimeMillis();
      URL url = new URL(urlString);
      HttpURLConnection request = (HttpURLConnection) url
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Examples of org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.RateLimitReachedException

  public final String makeRestCall(ApiKey apiKey,
      int objectTypes, String urlString) throws UnexpectedResponseCodeException, RateLimitReachedException {

        if (hasReachedRateLimit(apiKey.getConnector(), apiKey.getGuestId()))
            throw new RateLimitReachedException();

        try {
      long then = System.currentTimeMillis();
      URL url = new URL(urlString);
      HttpURLConnection request = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
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Examples of org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.RateLimitReachedException

        } catch (EDAMSystemException e) {
            // if rate limit has been reached, EN will send us the time when we can call the API again
            // and we can explicitely inform the userInfo object of it
            if (e.getErrorCode()== EDAMErrorCode.RATE_LIMIT_REACHED) {
                updateInfo.setResetTime("all", System.currentTimeMillis()+e.getRateLimitDuration()*1000);
                throw new RateLimitReachedException();
        } catch (EDAMUserException e) {
            // if the auth token expired, we have no other choice than to have the user re-authenticate
            if (e.getErrorCode()==EDAMErrorCode.AUTH_EXPIRED) {
                throw new AuthExpiredException();
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Examples of org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.RateLimitReachedException

                    System.out.println(new StringBuilder().append("MOVES: guestId=").append(updateInfo.getGuestId()).append(", waitTime=").append(waitTime).append(", RESCHEDULING").toString());
                    // Set the reset time info in updateInfo so that we get scheduled for when the quota becomes available
                    // + a random number of minutes in the range of 0 to 60 to spread the load of lots of competing
                    // updaters across the next hour
                    updateInfo.setResetTime("moves", getRandomRescheduleTime());
                    throw new RateLimitReachedException();
                // We are willing to wait that long
                System.out.println(new StringBuilder().append("MOVES: guestId=").append(updateInfo.getGuestId()).append(", waitTime=").append(waitTime).append(", WAITING").toString());

                try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(waitTime); }
                catch(Throwable e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error waiting to enforce rate limits.");
                waitTime = getQuotaWaitTime();
            } while (waitTime>0);

        // By the time we get to here, we should likely have quota available
        try {
            HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url);

            HttpResponse response = client.execute(get);

            // Get the millisecond time of the next available bit of quota.  These fields will be populated for
            // status 200 or status 429 (over quota).  Other responses may not have them, in which case
            // responseToQuotaAvailableTime will return -1.  Ignore that case.
            long nextQuotaAvailableTime = responseToQuotaAvailableTime(updateInfo, response);

            // Update the quotaAvailableTime and check if we're the first to learn that we just blew quota
            boolean firstToUpdate = tryUpdateQuotaAvailableTime(nextQuotaAvailableTime);
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

            if(firstToUpdate && nextQuotaAvailableTime>now) {
                // We're the first to find out that quota is gone.  We may or may not have succeeded on this call,
                // depending on the status code.  Regardless of the status code, fix the scheduling of moves updates
                // that would otherwise happen before the next quota window opens up.
                List<UpdateWorkerTask> updateWorkerTasks = connectorUpdateService.getScheduledUpdateWorkerTasksForConnectorNameBeforeTime("moves", nextQuotaAvailableTime);
                for (int i=0; i<updateWorkerTasks.size(); i++) {
                    UpdateWorkerTask updateWorkerTask = updateWorkerTasks.get(i);
                    // Space the tasks 30 seconds apart so they don't all try to start at the same time
                    long rescheduleTime = nextQuotaAvailableTime + i*(DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_SECOND*30);

                    // Update the scheduled execution time for any moves tasks that would otherwise happen during
                    // the current quota outage far enough into the future that we should have quota available by then.
                    // If there's more than one pending, stagger them by a few minutes so that they don't all try to
                    // happen at once.  The reason the "incrementRetries" arg is true is that that appears to be the
                    // way to prevent spawning a duplicate entry in the UpdateWorkerTask table.

                    logger.info("module=movesUpdater component=fetchMovesAPI action=fetchMovesAPI" +
                                " message=\"Rescheduling due to quota limit: " +
                                updateWorkerTask + "\" newUpdateTime=" + rescheduleTime);

            int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
            if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
                ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
                content = responseHandler.handleResponse(response);
            else {
                // attempt to get a human-readable message
                String message = null;
                try {
                    message = IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent());
                } catch (Throwable t) {}
                if(statusCode == 401) {
                    // Unauthorized, so this is never going to work
                    // Notify the user that the tokens need to be manually renewed
                    notificationsService.addNamedNotification(updateInfo.getGuestId(), Notification.Type.WARNING, connector().statusNotificationName(),
                                                              "Heads Up. We failed in our attempt to update your Moves connector.<br>" +
                                                              "Please head to <a href=\"javascript:App.manageConnectors()\">Manage Connectors</a>,<br>" +
                                                              "scroll to the Moves connector, and renew your tokens (look for the <i class=\"icon-resize-small icon-large\"></i> icon)");
                    // Record permanent failure since this connector won't work again until
                    // it is reauthenticated
                    guestService.setApiKeyStatus(updateInfo.apiKey.getId(), ApiKey.Status.STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE, null, ApiKey.PermanentFailReason.NEEDS_REAUTH);
                    throw new UpdateFailedException("Unauthorized access", true, ApiKey.PermanentFailReason.NEEDS_REAUTH);
                else if(statusCode == 429) {
                    // Over quota, so this API attempt didn't work
                    // Set the reset time info in updateInfo so that we get scheduled for when the quota becomes available
                    updateInfo.setResetTime("moves", getQuotaAvailableTime());
                    throw new RateLimitReachedException();
                else if (statusCode>=400 && statusCode<500) {
                    String message40x = "Unexpected response code: " + statusCode;
                    if (message!=null) message40x += " message: " + message;
                    throw new UpdateFailedException(message40x, new Exception(), true, ApiKey.PermanentFailReason.clientError(statusCode, message));
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Examples of org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.RateLimitReachedException


    private void checkRateLimitInfo(final UpdateInfo updateInfo, String methodName) throws RateLimitReachedException {
        final Integer remainingAPICalls = updateInfo.getRemainingAPICalls(methodName);
        if (remainingAPICalls!=null && remainingAPICalls<1) {
            throw new RateLimitReachedException();
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Examples of org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.RateLimitReachedException

                        message = "343 : Wrong Notification Callback Url don't exist";
                        throw new UpdateFailedException(message, true,
                    case 601:
                        // 601: Too Many Requests
                        throw new RateLimitReachedException();
                    case 2554:
                        message = "2554 : Wrong action or wrong webservice";
                        throw new UpdateFailedException(message, true,
                    case 2555:
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