Examples of QDGraphics

Examples of quicktime.qd.QDGraphics

    // set up a drawing environment for coverting future frame images

    qdGraphics = new QDGraphics(imgDesc.getBounds());

    dSeq = new DSequence(imgDesc, qdGraphics, imgDesc.getBounds(), null, null, StdQTConstants.codecFlagUseImageBuffer, StdQTConstants.codecLosslessQuality,

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Examples of quicktime.qd.QDGraphics

      GraphicsImporter gi = new GraphicsImporter(

      // create an offscreen QDGraphics / GWorld the size of the picts
      // importer will draw into this and pass to CSequence
      QDGraphics gw = new QDGraphics(new QDRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT));

      // set importer's GWorld
      gi.setGWorld(gw, null);
      QDRect gRect = new QDRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);

      // add images to media
      int frames = pics.length;
      int rawImageSize = QTImage.getMaxCompressionSize(gw, gRect,
        gw.getPixMap().getPixelSize(), StdQTConstants.codecLosslessQuality,
        CODEC_TYPE, CodecComponent.bestFidelityCodec);
      QTHandle imageHandle = new QTHandle(rawImageSize, true);
      RawEncodedImage compressed = RawEncodedImage.fromQTHandle(imageHandle);
      CSequence seq = new CSequence(gw, gRect, gw.getPixMap().getPixelSize(),
        CODEC_TYPE, CodecComponent.bestFidelityCodec,
        KEY_FRAME_RATE, null, StdQTConstants.codecFlagUpdatePrevious);
      ImageDescription imgDesc = seq.getDescription();
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Examples of quicktime.qd.QDGraphics

            _videoMedia = new VideoMedia(_videoTrack, kVidTimeScale);


            _videoSize = new QDRect(_frameWidth, _frameHeight);
            _gw = new QDGraphics(_videoSize);

            int size = QTImage.getMaxCompressionSize(_gw, _videoSize, _gw
                    .getPixMap().getPixelSize(), codecNormalQuality,
                    kAnimationCodecType, CodecComponent.anyCodec);
            _imageHandle = new QTHandle(size, true);
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Examples of quicktime.qd.QDGraphics

            _videoMedia = new VideoMedia(_videoTrack, kVidTimeScale);


            _videoSize = new QDRect(_frameWidth, _frameHeight);
            _gw = new QDGraphics(_videoSize);

            int size = QTImage.getMaxCompressionSize(_gw, _videoSize, _gw
                    .getPixMap().getPixelSize(), codecNormalQuality,
                    kAnimationCodecType, CodecComponent.anyCodec);
            _imageHandle = new QTHandle(size, true);
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Examples of quicktime.qd.QDGraphics

/*     */
/*     */   /** @deprecated */
/*     */   public MoviePresenter(Movie paramMovie)
/*     */     throws QTException
/*     */   {
/*  86 */     this(paramMovie, new QDGraphics(32, paramMovie.getBounds(), 4096));
/*     */   }
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Examples of quicktime.qd.QDGraphics

/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   public QDGraphics newGWorld(int paramInt)
/*     */     throws QTException
/*     */   {
/* 375 */     return new QDGraphics(this, paramInt);
/*     */   }
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Examples of quicktime.qd.QDGraphics

/*  528 */           GDevice localGDevice = (GDevice)AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
/*      */             public Object run() {
/*  530 */               return GDevice.getMain();
/*      */             }
/*      */           });
/*  534 */           QDGraphics.scratch = new QDGraphics(QDGraphics.kDefaultPixelFormat, new QDRect(1, 1), null, localGDevice, 2);
/*  535 */           if (qtjwiredDebug) System.out.println("validScratch depth 0x" + Integer.toHexString(QDGraphics.kDefaultPixelFormat));
/*  536 */           QDGraphics.validScratch = new QDGraphics(QDGraphics.kDefaultPixelFormat, new QDRect(1, 1), null, localGDevice, 2);
/*      */         }
/*  538 */         if (qtjwiredDebug) System.out.println("JQTinitialized");
/*      */       }
/*  540 */       else { initDone += 1; }
/*      */
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Examples of quicktime.qd.QDGraphics

/*     */     throws StdQTException
/*     */   {
/* 335 */     int i = 0;
/* 336 */     int[] arrayOfInt1 = { 0 };
/* 337 */     int[] arrayOfInt2 = { 0 };
/* 338 */     QDGraphics localQDGraphics = getGWorld();
/* 339 */     this.hasStarted = false;
/* 340 */     synchronized (QTNative.globalsLock) {
/* 341 */       i = SGStop(_ID());
/*     */     }
/* 343 */     StdQTException.checkError(i);
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Examples of quicktime.qd.QDGraphics

/*      */
/*      */   /** @deprecated */
/*      */   public final QDGraphics getPort()
/*      */     throws QTUnknownOSException, NativeGraphicsException
/*      */   {
/*  262 */     QDGraphics localQDGraphics = null;
/*  263 */     if (isVisible()) {
/*  264 */       localQDGraphics = this.ng != null ? this.ng.getGWorld() : null;
/*      */     }
/*  266 */     return localQDGraphics == null ? QDGraphics.scratch : localQDGraphics;
/*      */   }
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Examples of quicktime.qd.QDGraphics

/*      */   public void paint(Graphics paramGraphics)
/*      */   {
/* 1048 */     if (this.qtcHelper.mClient != null)
/* 1049 */       if (isValid()) {
/* 1050 */         synchronized (this) {
/* 1051 */           QDGraphics localQDGraphics = null;
/* 1052 */           Region localRegion = null;
/*      */           try
/*      */           {
/* 1055 */             if ((QTSession.isCurrentOS(1)) || (QTSession.isCurrentOS(4))) {
/* 1056 */               localQDGraphics = getPort();
/* 1057 */               localRegion = localQDGraphics.getClip();
/* 1058 */               localQDGraphics.clipRect();
/*      */             }
/* 1060 */             synchronized (this.qtcHelper.mClient) {
/* 1061 */               if (this.deferResize)
/*      */               {
/* 1068 */                 this.qtcHelper.doClientSetBounds();
/*      */               }
/* 1070 */               if (this.moved) {
/* 1071 */                 this.moved = false;
/* 1072 */                 if (this.clientListener != null)
/* 1073 */                   this.clientListener.componentMoved(new ComponentEvent(this, 100));
/*      */               }
/* 1075 */               if (this.deferResize) {
/* 1076 */                 this.deferResize = false;
/* 1077 */                 if (this.clientListener != null) {
/* 1078 */                   this.clientListener.componentResized(new ComponentEvent(this, 101));
/*      */                 }
/* 1080 */                 if (this.doRedrawForQTPlayer) {
/* 1081 */                   this.qtcHelper.mClient.redraw(null);
/* 1082 */                   this.doRedrawForQTPlayer = false;
/*      */                 }
/* 1084 */                 if ((MRJWorkaroundFlag) && (!this.deferRedraw) &&
/* 1085 */                   (!this.isWin))
/*      */                 {
/* 1123 */                   if ((localQDGraphics != null) && (localRegion != null))
/* 1124 */                     localQDGraphics.setClip(localRegion);
/*      */                   return;
/*      */                 }
/*      */               }
/* 1089 */               if ((this.qtcHelper.mClient instanceof QTDrawable)) {
/* 1090 */                 if (!((QTDrawable)this.qtcHelper.mClient).getGWorld().equals(QDGraphics.scratch)) {
/* 1091 */                   QTUtils.checkFreeMemory();
/* 1092 */                   this.qtcHelper.mClient.redraw(null);
/*      */                 }
/* 1094 */               } else if (isShowing()) {
/* 1095 */                 QTUtils.checkFreeMemory();
/* 1096 */                 this.qtcHelper.mClient.redraw(null);
/*      */               }
/* 1098 */               this.deferRedraw = false;
/*      */             }
/*      */           } catch (QTException localQTException) {
/* 1101 */             if ((localQTException.errorCode() == -500) || (localQTException.errorCode() == -108)) {
/* 1102 */               if (localQTException.errorCode() == -108) {
/*      */                 try {
/* 1104 */                   QTUtils.checkFreeMemory();
/*      */                 } catch (UtilException localUtilException) {
/* 1106 */                   QTRuntimeException.handleOrThrow(new QTRuntimeException(localUtilException), this.qtcHelper.mClient, "redraw");
/*      */                 }
/*      */               }
/* 1109 */               if (this.countRegionErr < 3) {
/* 1110 */                 if (this.deferResize)
/* 1111 */                   this.doRedrawForQTPlayer = true;
/* 1112 */                 this.countRegionErr += 1;
/* 1113 */                 QTUtils.reclaimMemory();
/* 1114 */                 repaint();
/*      */
/* 1123 */                 if ((localQDGraphics != null) && (localRegion != null))
/* 1124 */                   localQDGraphics.setClip(localRegion);
/*      */                 return;
/*      */               }
/* 1117 */               this.countRegionErr = 0;
/* 1118 */               QTRuntimeException.handleOrThrow(new QTRuntimeException(localQTException), this.qtcHelper.mClient, "setDisplayBounds");
/*      */             }
/*      */             else {
/* 1121 */               QTRuntimeException.handleOrThrow(new QTRuntimeException(localQTException), this.qtcHelper.mClient, "setDisplayBounds");
/*      */             }
/*      */           } finally { if ((localQDGraphics != null) && (localRegion != null))
/* 1124 */               localQDGraphics.setClip(localRegion);
/*      */           }
/* 1126 */           this.countRegionErr = 0;
/*      */         }
/*      */       } else {
/* 1129 */         doParentLayout();
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