if (f.exists())
// We try to open the Py Interpreter
PythonInterpreter interp = new PythonInterpreter();
// Make sure the Py Interpreter use the right classloader
// This is necessary for servlet engines generally has
// their own classloader implementations and servlets aren't
// loaded in the system classloader. The python script will
// load java package
// org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python;
// the new classes to it as well.
// We import the Python SYS module. Now we don't need to do this
// explicitely in the script. We always use the sys module to
// do stuff like loading java package
// org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python;
interp.exec("import sys");
// Now we try to load the script file
// We create an instance of the screen class from the
// python script
interp.exec("scr = " + name + "()");
catch (Throwable e)
throw new Exception(
"\nCannot create an instance of the python class.\n"
+ "You probably gave your class the wrong name.\n"
+ "Your class should have the same name as your "
+ "filename.\nFilenames should be all lowercase and "
+ "classnames should start with a capital.\n"
+ "Expected class name: " + name + "\n");
// Here we convert the python sceen instance to a java instance.
assembler = (T) interp.get("scr", Assembler.class);
catch (Exception e)
// We log the error here because this code is not widely tested
// yet. After we tested the code on a range of platforms this