* @return Return true if the get() method of this receiver will
* return a token without throwing a NoTokenException. Return
* false if the current thread is not a DDEThread.
public boolean hasToken() {
Workspace workspace = getContainer().workspace();
Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
if (!(thread instanceof DDEThread)) {
return false;
TimeKeeper timeKeeper = ((DDEThread) thread).getTimeKeeper();
boolean sendNullTokens = false;
synchronized (_director) {
// Update the ReceiverList
// Determine if this Receiver is in Front
if (this != timeKeeper.getFirstReceiver()) {
return false;
// Determine if the TimeKeeper is inactive
if (timeKeeper.getNextTime().getDoubleValue() == INACTIVE) {
// Check Receiver Times
if ((getReceiverTime().getDoubleValue() == IGNORE) && !_terminate) {
sendNullTokens = true;
// Check Token Availability
if (super.hasToken() && !_terminate && !sendNullTokens) {
if (!_hasNullToken()) {
_hasTokenCache = true;
return true;
} else {
// Treat Null Tokens Normally For Feedback
if (!_hideNullTokens) {
_hasTokenCache = true;
return true;
// Deal With Null Tokens Separately
sendNullTokens = true;
// Perform Blocking Read
if (!super.hasToken() && !_terminate && !sendNullTokens) {
_readPending = thread;
_director.threadBlocked(thread, this, DDEDirector.READ_BLOCKED);
while ((_readPending != null) && !_terminate) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
_terminate = true;