
Examples of$Factory

        // If there is no graph display yet, then create a
        // standalone window in which to display the model.
        if (_graph == null) {
            Effigy containerEffigy = Configuration.findEffigy(toplevel());
            try {
                _effigy = new PtolemyEffigy(containerEffigy,
                        "ModelDisplay Effigy");
                _tableau = new Tableau(_effigy, "tableau");
            } catch (NameDuplicationException e) {
                throw new IllegalActionException(this, e,
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    public void show() {
        JFrame frame = getFrame();

        if (frame == null) {
            PtolemyEffigy container = (PtolemyEffigy) getContainer();
            CompositeEntity model = (CompositeEntity) container.getModel();

            frame = new TreeFrame(model);

            // Give a reasonable default size.
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                if (previous != null) {
                    return previous;
                } else {
                    PtolemyEffigy ptEffigy = (PtolemyEffigy) effigy;
                    NamedObj model = ptEffigy.getModel();

                    if (model instanceof CompositeEntity) {
                        return new TreeTableau(ptEffigy, "treeTableau");
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                    } else {
                        // Need an effigy for the model, or else graphical elements
                        // of the model will not work properly.  That effigy needs
                        // to be contained by the effigy responsible for this actor.
                        PtolemyEffigy newEffigy = new PtolemyEffigy(myEffigy,

                        // Since there is no tableau, this is probably not
                        // necessary, but as a safety precaution, we prevent
                        // writing of the model.

                        if (_debugging) {
                            _debug("** Created new effigy for referenced model.");
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        public Tableau createTableau(Effigy proxy) throws Exception {
            if (!(proxy instanceof PtolemyEffigy)) {
                return null;

            PtolemyEffigy effigy = (PtolemyEffigy) proxy;

            if (effigy.getModel() instanceof InterfaceAutomaton) {
                // Check to see whether this factory contains a
                // default library.
                LibraryAttribute library = (LibraryAttribute) getAttribute(
                        "_library", LibraryAttribute.class);
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            entity = deferredTo;

        // Search the model directory for an effigy that already
        // refers to this model.
        PtolemyEffigy effigy = getEffigy(entity);

        if (effigy != null) {
            // Found one.  Display all open tableaux.
            return effigy.showTableaux();
        } else {
            // There is no pre-existing effigy.  Create one.
            //THALES MODIF
            NamedObj topLevel = entity.toplevel();

            effigy = createEffigy(getEffigy(topLevel));

            if (effigy == null) {
                effigy = new PtolemyEffigy(workspace());


            // Look to see whether the model has a URIAttribute.
            List attributes = entity.attributeList(URIAttribute.class);

            if (attributes.size() > 0) {
                // The entity has a URI, which was probably
                // inserted by MoMLParser.
                URI uri = ((URIAttribute) attributes.get(0)).getURI();

                // Set the URI and identifier of the effigy.

                // Put the effigy into the directory
                ModelDirectory directory = getDirectory();

                // Create a default tableau.
                return createPrimaryTableau(effigy);
            } else {
                // If we get here, then we are looking inside a model
                // that is defined within the same file as the parent,
                // probably.  Create a new PtolemyEffigy
                // and open a tableau for it.
                // Put the effigy inside the effigy of the parent,
                // rather than directly into the directory.
                NamedObj parent = entity.getContainer();
                PtolemyEffigy parentEffigy = null;

                // Find the first container above in the hierarchy that
                // has an effigy.
                while ((parent != null) && (parentEffigy == null)) {
                    parentEffigy = getEffigy(parent);
                    parent = parent.getContainer();

                boolean isContainerSet = false;

                if (parentEffigy != null) {
                    // OK, we can put it into this other effigy.

                    // Set the identifier of the effigy to be that
                    // of the parent with the model name appended.
                    // Note that we add a # the first time, and
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    protected PtolemyEffigy createEffigy(PtolemyEffigy container) {
        PtolemyEffigy answer = null;

        if (container instanceof NavigableEffigy) {
            answer = new NavigableEffigy(workspace());
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                URL input) throws Exception {
            if (input == null) {
                // Create a blank effigy.
                // Use the strategy pattern so derived classes can
                // override this.
                PtolemyEffigy effigy = _newEffigy(container, container

                // If this factory contains an entity called "blank", then
                // clone that.
                NamedObj entity = getEntity("blank");
                Attribute attribute = getAttribute("blank");
                NamedObj newModel;

                if (entity != null) {
                    newModel = (NamedObj) entity.clone(new Workspace());

                    // The cloning process results an object that defers change
                    // requests.  By default, we do not want to defer change
                    // requests, but more importantly, we need to execute
                    // any change requests that may have been queued
                    // during cloning. The following call does that.
                } else if (attribute != null) {
                    newModel = (NamedObj) attribute.clone(new Workspace());

                    // The cloning process results an object that defers change
                    // requests.  By default, we do not want to defer change
                    // requests, but more importantly, we need to execute
                    // any change requests that may have been queued
                    // during cloning. The following call does that.
                } else {
                    newModel = new TypedCompositeActor(new Workspace());

                // The model should have a parser associated with it
                // so that undo works.
                // Checking to see if there already is a _parser attribute
                // might be overkill, but it is safer.
                ParserAttribute parserAttribute = (ParserAttribute) newModel
                        .getAttribute("_parser", ParserAttribute.class);

                if (parserAttribute == null) {
                    parserAttribute = new ParserAttribute(newModel, "_parser");

                    MoMLParser parser = new MoMLParser();

                    // Make sure that the MoMLParser._modified flag is reset
                    // If we don't call reset here, then the second time
                    // the code generator is run, we will be prompted to
                    // save the model because the first time we ran
                    // the code generator the model was marked as modified.


                // The name might be "blank" which is confusing.
                // Set it to an empty string.  On Save As, this will
                // be changed to match the file name.

                // THALES MODIF
                new Attribute(newModel, "_navigable");

                if (!modelIsValid(newModel)) {
                    effigy = null;

                //END THALES MODIF
                return effigy;
            } else {
                String extension = getExtension(input);

                if (!extension.equals("xml") && !extension.equals("moml")) {
                    return null;

                // THALES MODIF
                if (checkFile(input)) {
                    // Create a blank effigy.
                    PtolemyEffigy effigy = _newEffigy(container, container

                    MoMLParser parser = new MoMLParser();

                    // Make sure that the MoMLParser._modified flag is reset
                    // If we don't call reset here, then the second time
                    // the code generator is run, we will be prompted to
                    // save the model because the first time we ran
                    // the code generator the model was marked as modified.

                    NamedObj toplevel = null;

                    try {
                        try {
                            // If the following fails, we should remove the effigy.
                            try {
                                toplevel = parser.parse(base, input);
                            } catch (IOException io) {
                                // If we are running under Web Start, we
                                // might have a URL that refers to another
                                // jar file.
                                URL anotherURL = ClassUtilities

                                if (anotherURL != null) {
                                    toplevel = parser.parse(base, anotherURL);
                                } else {
                                    throw io;

                            if (toplevel != null) {

                                // A MoMLFilter may have modified the model
                                // as it was being parsed.

                                // The effigy will handle saving the modified
                                // moml for us, so MoMLParser need
                                // not care anymore.

                                // Identify the URI from which the model was read
                                // by inserting an attribute into both the model
                                // and the effigy.
                                URIAttribute uriAttribute = new URIAttribute(
                                        toplevel, "_uri");
                                URI inputURI = null;

                                try {
                                    inputURI = new URI(input.toExternalForm());
                                } catch ( ex) {
                                    // This is annoying, if the input has a space
                                    // in it, then we cannot create a URI,
                                    // but we could create a URL.
                                    // If, under Windows, we call
                                    // File.createTempFile(), then we are likely
                                    // to get a pathname that has space.
                                    // FIXME: Note that jar urls will barf if there
                                    // is a %20 instead of a space.  This could
                                    // cause problems in Web Start
                                    String inputExternalFormFixed = StringUtilities
                                                    " ", "%20");

                                    try {
                                        inputURI = new URI(
                                    } catch (Exception ex2) {
                                        throw new Exception(
                                                "Failed to generate "
                                                        + "a URI from '"
                                                        + input
                                                        + "' and from '"
                                                        + inputExternalFormFixed
                                                        + "'", ex);


                                // This is used by TableauFrame in its
                                //_save() method.

                                return effigy;
                            } else {
                        } catch (Throwable throwable) {
                            if (throwable instanceof StackOverflowError) {
                                Throwable newThrowable = new StackOverflowError(
                                        "StackOverflowError: "
                                                + "Which often indicates that a class "
                                                + "could not be found, but there was "
                                                + "possibly a moml file with that same "
                                                + "name in the directory that referred "
                                                + "to the class, so we got into a loop."
                                                + "For example: We had "
                                                + "actor/lib/joystick/ "
                                                + "and "
                                                + "actor/lib/joystick/joystick.xml, "
                                                + "but "
                                                + "the .class file would not load "
                                                + "because of a classpath problem, "
                                                + "so we kept "
                                                + "loading joystick.xml which "
                                                + "referred to Joystick and because "
                                                + "of Windows "
                                                + "filename case insensitivity, "
                                                + "we found joystick.xml, which put "
                                                + "us in a loop.");
                                throwable = newThrowable;


                            // The finally clause below can result in the
                            // application exiting if there are no other
                            // effigies open.  We check for that condition,
                            // and report the error here.  Otherwise, we
                            // pass the error to the caller.
                            ModelDirectory dir = (ModelDirectory) effigy
                            List effigies = dir.entityList(Effigy.class);

                            // We might get to here if we are running a
                            // vergil with a model specified as a command
                            // line argument and the model has an invalid
                            // parameter.
                            // We might have three effigies here:
                            // 1)
                            // 2)
                            // 3)
                            // Note that one of the effigies is the configuration
                            // itself, which does not prevent exiting the app.
                            // Hence, we handle the error if there are 3 or fewer.
                            if (effigies.size() <= 3) {
                                // FIXME: This could cause problems with
                                // systems that do not load the user
                                // library.  Currently, VergilApplication
                                // loads the user library, but other
                                // applications like PtolemyApplication do
                                // not.  We could check to see if the
                                // names of two of the three Effigies were
                                // library, but this seems like overkill.
                                String errorMessage = "Failed to read " + input;
                                MessageHandler.error(errorMessage, throwable);
                            } else {
                                if (throwable instanceof Exception) {
                                    // Let the caller handle the error.
                                    throw (Exception) throwable;
                                } else {
                                    // If we have a parameter that has a backslash
                                    // then we might get a data.expr.TokenMgrError
                                    // which is an error, so we rethrow this
                                    // FIXME: createEffigy() should be
                                    // declared to throw Throwable, but that
                                    // results in lots of changes elsewhere.
                                    throw new Exception(throwable);
                    } finally {
                        // If we failed to populate the effigy with a model,
                        // then we remove the effigy from its container.
                        if (toplevel == null) {

                //END THALES MODIF
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            if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                try {
                    File file = chooser.getSelectedFile();

                    PtolemyEffigy effigy = (PtolemyEffigy) getTableau()
                    Configuration configuration = (Configuration) effigy
                    UserActorLibrary.openLibrary(configuration, file);

                } catch (Throwable throwable) {
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         * Create a new instance of the current model in the actor library of
         * the configuration.
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            PtolemyEffigy effigy = (PtolemyEffigy) getTableau().getContainer();
            NamedObj object = effigy.getModel();

            if (object == null) {

            if (!(object instanceof Entity)) {
                throw new KernelRuntimeException("Could not save in "
                        + "library, '" + object + "' is not an Entity");

            Entity entity = (Entity) object;
            Configuration configuration = (Configuration) effigy.toplevel();
            try {
                UserActorLibrary.saveComponentInLibrary(configuration, entity);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // We catch exceptions here because this method used to
                // not throw Exceptions, and we don't want to break
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Related Classes of$Factory

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