// FIXME use pathseparator?
// FIXME: this will not work if TOSROOT has spaces in it.
text.addLine("TOSMAKE_PATH += "
+ "$(TOSROOT)/contrib/ptII/ptinyos/tools/make");
// Use full filename.
NamedObj toplevel = _toplevelNC();
String toplevelName = _sanitizedFullName(toplevel);
text.addLine("COMPONENT=" + toplevelName);
text.addLine("PFLAGS += " + pflags.stringValue());
text.addLine("PFLAGS +=" + " -DCOMMAND_PORT=" + commandPort.getToken()
+ " -DEVENT_PORT=" + eventPort.getToken());
// If the value of <i>baseStation</i> is the same as the
// Ptolemy II name of the node, then make this node a base
// station by setting _PTII_NODEID in the makefile to 0. A
// non-zero value of the nodeID parameter will be ignored. If
// the values are not equal, use the regular node ID value.
String baseStationValue = ((StringToken)baseStation.getToken()).stringValue();
NamedObj obj = this.getContainer();
if (obj != null) {
NamedObj temp = obj.getContainer();
if (temp != null) {
obj = temp;
if (obj == null) {