Package ptolemy.codegen.kernel

Examples of ptolemy.codegen.kernel.CodeGeneratorHelper$Channel

        Iterator actors = (( getComponent())

        while (actors.hasNext()) {
            Actor actor = (Actor);
            CodeGeneratorHelper helperObject = (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper((NamedObj) actor);

        // Get include directories needed by the director helper.
        Director directorHelper = (Director) _getHelper((( getComponent())
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        Iterator actors = (( getComponent())

        while (actors.hasNext()) {
            Actor actor = (Actor);
            CodeGeneratorHelper helperObject = (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper((NamedObj) actor);

        // Get libraries needed by the director helper.
        Director directorHelper = (Director) _getHelper((( getComponent())
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        Iterator actors = (( getComponent())

        while (actors.hasNext()) {
            Actor actor = (Actor);
            CodeGeneratorHelper helperObject = (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper((NamedObj) actor);

        // Get shared code used by the director helper.
        Director directorHelper = (Director) _getHelper((( getComponent())
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        StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
        code.append(super.generateInitializeCode()); container = ( getComponent()
        CodeGeneratorHelper containerHelper = (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper(container);

        // Generate code for creating external initial production.
        Iterator outputPorts = container.outputPortList().iterator();
        while (outputPorts.hasNext()) {
            IOPort outputPort = (IOPort);
            int rate = DFUtilities.getTokenInitProduction(outputPort);

            if (rate > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < outputPort.getWidthInside(); i++) {
                    if (i < outputPort.getWidth()) {
                        String name = outputPort.getName();

                        if (outputPort.isMultiport()) {
                            name = name + '#' + i;

                        for (int k = 0; k < rate; k++) {
                                    .getReference(name + "," + k)));
                            code.append(" = ");
                            code.append(containerHelper.getReference("@" + name
                                    + "," + k));
                            code.append(";" + _eol);
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    protected String _createDynamicOffsetVariables(IOPort port)
            throws IllegalActionException {
        StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();

        CodeGeneratorHelper helper = (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper(port

        int width;
        if (port.isInput()) {
            width = port.getWidth();
        } else {
            width = port.getWidthInside();

        if (width != 0) {
            // Declare the read offset variable.
            String channelReadOffset = CodeGeneratorHelper.generateName(port);
            channelReadOffset += "_readOffset";

            // Now replace the concrete offset with the variable.
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
                        .setReadOffset(port, i, channelReadOffset + "[" + i
                                + "]");
            channelReadOffset += "[" + width + "]";
            code.append("static int " + channelReadOffset + ";\n");

            // Declare the write offset variable.
            String channelWriteOffset = CodeGeneratorHelper.generateName(port);

            channelWriteOffset += "_writeOffset";

            // Now replace the concrete offset with the variable.
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
                helper.setWriteOffset(port, i, channelWriteOffset + "[" + i
                        + "]");
            channelWriteOffset += "[" + width + "]";
            code.append("static int " + channelWriteOffset + ";\n");
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                        readTokens = DFUtilities.getRate(outputPort);
                        Iterator sourcePorts = outputPort
                        label1: while (sourcePorts.hasNext()) {
                            IOPort sourcePort = (IOPort);
                            CodeGeneratorHelper helper = (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper(sourcePort
                            int width;
                            if (sourcePort.isInput()) {
                                width = sourcePort.getWidthInside();
                            } else {
                                width = sourcePort.getWidth();
                            for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                                Iterator channels = helper.getSinkChannels(
                                        sourcePort, j).iterator();
                                while (channels.hasNext()) {
                                    Channel channel = (Channel);
                                    if (channel.port == outputPort
                                            && channel.channelNumber == i) {
                                        writeTokens = DFUtilities
                                        break label1;
                            i, readTokens, writeTokens));
        if (tempCode.length() > 0) {
                    + _codeGenerator.comment(container.getName()
                            + "'s offset variables"));

        Iterator actors = container.deepEntityList().iterator();
        while (actors.hasNext()) {
            StringBuffer tempCode2 = new StringBuffer();
            Actor actor = (Actor);
            Iterator inputPorts = actor.inputPortList().iterator();
            while (inputPorts.hasNext()) {
                IOPort inputPort = (IOPort);
                // If dynamic references are desired, conditionally pad buffers
                // and append the dynamic offset variables for input ports.
                if (dynamicReferencesAllowed) {
                    if (padBuffers) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < inputPort.getWidth(); i++) {
                            _padBuffer(inputPort, i);
                    // Otherwise, append the offset variables (padding is handled
                    // in _createOffsetVariablesIfNeeded()) for input ports.
                } else {
                    for (int i = 0; i < inputPort.getWidth(); i++) {
                        int readTokens = 0;
                        int writeTokens = 0;
                        // If each actor firing is inlined in the code,
                        // then read and write positions in the buffer
                        // must return to the previous values after one
                        // iteration of the container actor in order to
                        // avoid using read and write offset variables.
                        if (inline) {
                            Variable firings = (Variable) ((NamedObj) actor)
                            int firingsPerIteration = ((IntToken) firings
                            readTokens = DFUtilities.getRate(inputPort)
                                    * firingsPerIteration;
                            writeTokens = readTokens;

                            // If each actor firing is wrapped in a
                            // function, then read and write positions in
                            // the buffer must return to the previous
                            // values after one firing of this actor or
                            // one firing of the actor that produces
                            // tokens consumed by this actor in order to
                            // avoid using read and write offset
                            // variables.
                        } else {
                            readTokens = DFUtilities.getRate(inputPort);
                            Iterator sourcePorts = inputPort.sourcePortList()
                            label2: while (sourcePorts.hasNext()) {
                                IOPort sourcePort = (IOPort);
                                CodeGeneratorHelper helper = (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper(sourcePort
                                int width;
                                if (sourcePort.isInput()) {
                                    width = sourcePort.getWidthInside();
                                } else {
                                    width = sourcePort.getWidth();
                                for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                                    Iterator channels = helper.getSinkChannels(
                                            sourcePort, j).iterator();
                                    while (channels.hasNext()) {
                                        Channel channel = (Channel) channels
                                        if (channel.port == inputPort
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    protected String _createOffsetVariablesIfNeeded(IOPort port,
            int channelNumber, int readTokens, int writeTokens)
            throws IllegalActionException {
        StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();

        CodeGeneratorHelper helper = (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper(port
        boolean padBuffers = ((BooleanToken) _codeGenerator.padBuffers

        int bufferSize = helper.getBufferSize(port, channelNumber);

        // Increase the buffer size of that channel to the power of two.
        if (bufferSize > 0 && padBuffers) {
            bufferSize = _padBuffer(port, channelNumber);

        if (bufferSize != 0
                && (readTokens % bufferSize != 0 || writeTokens % bufferSize != 0)) {
            int width;
            if (port.isInput()) {
                width = port.getWidth();
            } else {
                width = port.getWidthInside();

            // We check again if the new bufferSize divides readTokens or
            // writeTokens. If yes, we could avoid using variable to represent
            // offset.
            if (readTokens % bufferSize != 0) {

                // Declare the read offset variable.
                StringBuffer channelReadOffset = new StringBuffer();
                if (width > 1) {
                    channelReadOffset.append("_" + channelNumber);
                String channelReadOffsetVariable = channelReadOffset.toString();
                //code.append("static int " + channelReadOffsetVariable + " = "
                //        + helper.getReadOffset(port, channelNumber) + ";\n");
                code.append("static int " + channelReadOffsetVariable + ";\n");
                // Now replace the concrete offset with the variable.
                helper.setReadOffset(port, channelNumber,

            if (writeTokens % bufferSize != 0) {

                // Declare the write offset variable.
                StringBuffer channelWriteOffset = new StringBuffer();
                if (width > 1) {
                    channelWriteOffset.append("_" + channelNumber);
                String channelWriteOffsetVariable = channelWriteOffset
                code.append("static int " + channelWriteOffsetVariable + ";\n");
                // Now replace the concrete offset with the variable.
                helper.setWriteOffset(port, channelNumber,
        return code.toString();
View Full Code Here containerHelper = ( _getHelper(container);

        Iterator actors = container.deepEntityList().iterator();
        while (actors.hasNext()) {
            Actor actor = (Actor);
            CodeGeneratorHelper actorHelper = (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper((NamedObj) actor);
            Iterator inputPorts = actor.inputPortList().iterator();
            while (inputPorts.hasNext()) {
                IOPort inputPort = (IOPort);
                for (int k = 0; k < inputPort.getWidth(); k++) {
                    int newCapacity = getBufferSize(inputPort, k);
                    int oldCapacity = actorHelper.getBufferSize(inputPort, k);
                    if (newCapacity > oldCapacity) {
                        actorHelper.setBufferSize(inputPort, k, newCapacity);
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     * @return The size of the new buffer.
     * @exception IllegalActionException If thrown when getting the port's helper.
    private int _padBuffer(IOPort port, int channelNumber)
            throws IllegalActionException {
        CodeGeneratorHelper helper = (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper(port

        int bufferSize = helper.getBufferSize(port, channelNumber);
        int newBufferSize = _ceilToPowerOfTwo(bufferSize);
        helper.setBufferSize(port, channelNumber, newBufferSize);

        return newBufferSize;
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            Actor actor = firing.getActor();

            // FIXME: Before looking for a helper class, we should check to
            // see whether the actor contains a code generator attribute.
            // If it does, we should use that as the helper.
            CodeGeneratorHelper helper = (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper((NamedObj) actor);

            if (inline) {
                for (int i = 0; i < firing.getIterationCount(); i++) {

                    // generate fire code for the actor

                    // update buffer offset after firing each actor once
                    Iterator inputPorts = actor.inputPortList().iterator();
                    while (inputPorts.hasNext()) {
                        IOPort port = (IOPort);
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Related Classes of ptolemy.codegen.kernel.CodeGeneratorHelper$Channel

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