
Examples of$ActorIterator

                    + "system with no scheduler");

        // This will throw IllegalActionException if this director
        // does not have a container.
        Schedule schedule = scheduler.getSchedule();
        Iterator levels = schedule.iterator();

        while (levels.hasNext() && !_stopRequested) {
            Schedule level = (Schedule);
            Iterator firings = level.firingIterator();

            HashMap commandsMap = new HashMap();

            while (firings.hasNext()) {
                Firing firing = (Firing);
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                    + "system with no scheduler");

        // This will throw IllegalActionException if this director
        // does not have a container.
        Schedule schedule = scheduler.getSchedule();

        //        System.out.println("Schedule size:" + schedule.size());
        int aux = iterationsValue - _iterationCount;

        if (aux < schedule.size()) {
            Iterator firings = schedule.get(schedule.size() - aux - 1)

            while (firings.hasNext()) {
                Firing firing = (Firing);
                Actor actor = firing.getActor();
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         * > NEW!                                          *

        // Schedule all the actors using the calculated firings.
        Schedule result = _scheduleInParallelConnectedActors(minimumBufferSize,
                externalRates, liveActorList, container, allActorList);

         * < NEW!                                         *
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     *  external ports are not correct.
    protected Schedule _getSchedule() throws NotSchedulableException,
            IllegalActionException {
        boolean parallelSchedule = false;
        Schedule schedule = null;

        DistributedSDFDirector director = (DistributedSDFDirector) getContainer();

        Token token = director.parallelSchedule.getToken();
        parallelSchedule = ((BooleanToken) token).booleanValue();
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            CompositeActor container, LinkedList allActorList)
            throws NotSchedulableException {
        // A linked list containing all the actors that have no inputs.
        LinkedList readyToScheduleActorList = new LinkedList();

        Schedule newSchedule = new Schedule();

         * > NEW!                                         *

        // Auxiliar Schedule to build the sublevels.
        Schedule auxSchedule = new Schedule();

         * < NEW!                                         *

        // An association between each actor and the number of firings
        // for that actor that remain to be simulated.
        Map firingsRemainingVector = new TreeMap(
                new DFUtilities.NamedObjComparator());

        // Initialized the firingsRemainingVector to the current
        // firing vector.

        // A list of all that actors that we have not yet completely scheduled.
        LinkedList unscheduledActorList = new LinkedList();

         * > NEW!                                          *

        // Keeps a list of the actors on the same level.
        LinkedList parallelLevel = new LinkedList();

         * < NEW!                                          *
        try {
            // Initializing waitingTokens at all the input ports of actors and
            // output ports of the model to zero is not necessary because
            // SDFReceiver.clear() does it.
            // Simulate the creation of initialization tokens (delays).
            // Fill readyToScheduleActorList with all the actors that have
            // no unfulfilled input ports, and are thus ready to fire.
            // This includes actors with no input ports and those
            // whose input ports have consumption rates of zero.
            Iterator actors = actorList.iterator();

            while (actors.hasNext()) {
                Actor actor = (Actor);
                int firingsRemaining = ((Integer) firingsRemainingVector

                if (firingsRemaining == 0) {

                int inputCount = _countUnfulfilledInputs(actor, actorList, true);

                if (inputCount == 0) {
                     * > NEW!                                         *

                    // Changed from addFirst to addLast, this does not really
                    // matter since this is are all the sources that have
                    // no input requirements to be fired.

                     * > NEW!                                         *

                if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
                    _debug("Actor " + ((ComponentEntity) actor).getName()
                            + " has " + inputCount + " unfulfilledInputs.");

            // Simulate production of initial tokens.
            actors = actorList.iterator();

            while (actors.hasNext()) {
                Actor actor = (Actor);
                Iterator outputPorts = actor.outputPortList().iterator();

                while (outputPorts.hasNext()) {
                    IOPort outputPort = (IOPort);
                    int count = DFUtilities.getTokenInitProduction(outputPort);

                    if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
                        _debug("Simulating " + count + " initial tokens "
                                + "created on " + outputPort);

                    if (count > 0) {
                         * > NEW!                                         *
                        _simulateTokensCreatedLast(outputPort, count,
                                actorList, readyToScheduleActorList);

                         * < NEW!                                         *

            // Simulate a number of tokens initially present on each
            // external input port.
            for (Iterator inputPorts = container.inputPortList().iterator(); inputPorts
                    .hasNext();) {
                IOPort port = (IOPort);
                int count = ((Integer) externalRates.get(port)).intValue();

                if (count > 0) {
                    _simulateExternalInputs(port, count, actorList,

             * > NEW!                                         *

            // We copy all the initial ready actors into the parallelLevel
            // to keep track of when we finalize processing every level.
            for (actors = readyToScheduleActorList.iterator(); actors.hasNext();) {
                // Changed from addFirst to addLast, this does not really
                // matter since this is are all the sources that have
                // no input requirements to be fired.

             * > NEW!                                         *

            // While we have actors left, pick one that is ready and fire it.
            while (readyToScheduleActorList.size() > 0) {
                if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
                    _debug("Actors that can be scheduled:");

                    for (Iterator readyActors = readyToScheduleActorList
                            .iterator(); readyActors.hasNext();) {
                        Entity readyActor = (Entity);

                    _debug("Actors with firings left:");

                    for (Iterator remainingActors = unscheduledActorList
                            .iterator(); remainingActors.hasNext();) {
                        Entity remainingActor = (Entity);

                // Pick an actor that is ready to fire.
                Actor currentActor = (Actor) readyToScheduleActorList

                // Remove it from the list of actors we are waiting to fire.
                while (readyToScheduleActorList.remove(currentActor)) {

                 * > NEW!                                         *

                // Remove it from the parallelLevel.
                while (parallelLevel.remove(currentActor)) {

                 * < NEW!                                         *

                // Determine the number of times currentActor can fire.
                int numberOfFirings = _computeMaximumFirings(currentActor);

                // We should never schedule something more than the number
                // of times expected by the balance equations.  This might
                // happen because we assume an infinite number of tokens
                // are waiting on external ports.
                int firingsRemaining = ((Integer) firingsRemainingVector

                if (numberOfFirings > firingsRemaining) {
                    numberOfFirings = firingsRemaining;

                if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
                    _debug("Scheduling actor " + currentActor.getName() + " "
                            + numberOfFirings + " times.");

                // Update the firingsRemainingVector for this actor.
                firingsRemaining -= numberOfFirings;
                firingsRemainingVector.put(currentActor, Integer

                if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
                    _debug(currentActor.getName() + " should fire "
                            + firingsRemaining + " more times.");

                // Simulate the tokens that are consumed by the actors
                // input ports.
                _simulateInputConsumption(currentActor, numberOfFirings);

                // Add it to the schedule numberOfFirings times.
                Firing firing = new Firing();

                 * > NEW!                                         *
                // newSchedule to auxSchedule

                 * < NEW!                                         *

                // Get all its outputPorts
                // and simulate the proper production of tokens.
                for (Iterator outputPorts = currentActor.outputPortList()
                        .iterator(); outputPorts.hasNext();) {
                    IOPort outputPort = (IOPort);

                    int count = DFUtilities.getTokenProductionRate(outputPort);

                     * > NEW!                                         *
                    // First to Last
                    _simulateTokensCreatedLast(outputPort, count
                            * numberOfFirings, unscheduledActorList,

                     * < NEW!                                         *

                // System.out.println(parallelLevel.get(parallelLevel.
                // size()-1));

                 * > NEW!                                         *

                // if the parallel level is empty we start with a new level.
                if (parallelLevel.size() == 0) {
                    auxSchedule = new Schedule();

                 * > NEW!                                         *
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        // the CTEmbeddedDirector.
        LinkedList nonCTSubsystems = new LinkedList();

        // Construct a list of schedules, which will be accessible to
        // the CT directors.
        Schedule continuousActorSchedule = new Schedule();
        Schedule discreteActorSchedule = new Schedule();
        Schedule dynamicActorSchedule = new Schedule();
        Schedule eventGeneratorSchedule = new Schedule();
        Schedule outputSchedule = new Schedule();
        Schedule outputSSCActorSchedule = new Schedule();
        Schedule statefulActorSchedule = new Schedule();
        Schedule stateSSCActorSchedule = new Schedule();
        Schedule stateTransitionSchedule = new Schedule();
        Schedule waveformGeneratorSchedule = new Schedule();

        // Get the composite actor that contains the CT director,
        // which contains this scheduler.
        CompositeActor container = (CompositeActor) getContainer()

        boolean isCTCompositeActor = container instanceof CTCompositeActor;

        // Examine and propagate the signal types of the container ports.
        // FIXME: the following implementation is not a good solution.
        // Signal types can also be derived in a similar way as the
        // function dependencies analysis.
        Iterator containerInPorts = container.inputPortList().iterator();

        while (containerInPorts.hasNext()) {
            IOPort inPort = (IOPort);

            if (!isCTCompositeActor) {

                // If the container is not a CT composite actor, this
                // actor is not embedded inside a CT or HS model. In
                // most cases, the outside model is a discrete model.
                // For example, a DE model. However, there is a
                // possibility that the outside model is a Giotto or
                // other domains that have their receivers with a
                // "state" semantics.  Solution: Set signal types
                // according the receiver types.  If the receiver is a
                // state receiver, the signal type is set to
                // "CONTINUOUS", otherwise, "DISCRETE".
                // NOTE: The implicit assumption is that all the receivers
                // belonging to the same IO port have the same signal type.
                Receiver[][] localReceivers = inPort.getReceivers();
                try {
                    Receiver localReceiver = localReceivers[0][0];
                    if (localReceiver instanceof StateReceiver) {
                        _signalTypeMap.setType(inPort, CONTINUOUS);
                    } else {
                        _signalTypeMap.setType(inPort, DISCRETE);
                } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                    throw new IllegalActionException(this, ex,
                            "The container \"" + container.getFullName()
                            + "\" is a \"" + container.getClass().getName()
                            + "\", which is not a CT Composite actor, yet "
                            + "the port \"" + inPort.getFullName()
                            + "\" appears to have no receivers?  "
                            + "Perhaps the port is not connected?");
            } else {
                // If the container is a CT composite actor,
                // examine the "signalType" parameter specified manually
                // by model designers, or by the upper level in
                // hierarchy during its schedule construction.
                // If no such parameter exists, defalut the signal type of
                // the input ports to be "CONTINUOUS".
                Parameter signalType = (Parameter) inPort

                if (signalType != null) {
                    String type = ((StringToken) signalType.getToken())
                    type = type.trim().toUpperCase();

                    if (type.equals("CONTINUOUS")) {
                        _signalTypeMap.setType(inPort, CONTINUOUS);
                    } else if (type.equals("DISCRETE")) {
                        _signalTypeMap.setType(inPort, DISCRETE);
                    } else {
                        throw new IllegalActionException(
                                "Unrecognized signal type. "
                                        + "It should be a string of "
                                        + "either \"CONTINUOUS\" or \"DISCRETE\".");
                } else {
                    // The default signal type of the input ports of a
                    // CTCompositeActor is continuous.
                    // FIXME: This is not accurate. There is a possibility
                    // that one of the input ports receives a discrete input
                    // while another input port receives a continuous input.
                    // FIXME: We may need iterations to solve this problem.
                    // Because there are only three types: CONTINUOUS, DISCRETE,
                    // and UNKNONW, where the UNKNOWN is the bottom. Two
                    // iterations are sufficient to solve the signal type of
                    // all ports.
                    _signalTypeMap.setType(inPort, CONTINUOUS);

            // Propagate the signal types of the input ports of the contained
            // actors.

        // Iterate all contained actors to classify each actor and
        // resolve the signal types of its ports.
        Iterator allActors = container.deepEntityList().iterator();

        while (allActors.hasNext()) {
            Actor a = (Actor);

            if (_debugging & _verbose) {
                _debug("Examine " + ((Nameable) a).getFullName()
                        + " for signal types.");

            // Now classify actors by their implemented interfaces.
            if (a instanceof CompositeActor) {
                if (a instanceof CTCompositeActor) {
                    // the actor is a CT subsystem
                    // We do not blindly add a CT sub system into the list
                    // of dynamic actors or the list of waveform generators.
                    // Instead, we check whether it contains some dynamic
                    // actors or waveform generators inside.
                    // The reason is that if a CT subsystem does not contain
                    // any of the above two actors, it cannot be treated as
                    // a source actor.
                    if (((CTCompositeActor) a).containsDynamicActors()) {
                    statefulActorSchedule.add(new Firing(a));
                    if (((CTCompositeActor) a).containsWaveformGenerators()) {
                } else {
                    // The actor is a subsystem but not a CT one,
                    // it can only be an arithmetic actor or a sink actor.
                    // We will clarify this actor based on the completely
                    // resolved signal type of its input and output ports later.
                    // Right now, we simply save it for future processing.
            } else {
                // the actor is an atomic actor
                if (a instanceof CTStatefulActor) {
                    statefulActorSchedule.add(new Firing(a));

                if (a instanceof CTWaveformGenerator) {
                } else if (a instanceof CTEventGenerator) {
                } else if (a instanceof CTDynamicActor) {
                } else {

            // Now resolve signal types to find the continuous and
            // discrete clusters of actors.
            if (a instanceof SequenceActor) {
                // Set all ports of a sequence actor with signal type "DISCRETE"
                if (predecessorList(a).isEmpty()) {
                    throw new NotSchedulableException(((Nameable) a).getName()
                            + " is a SequenceActor, which cannot be a"
                            + " source actor in the CT domain.");

                Iterator ports = ((Entity) a).portList().iterator();

                while (ports.hasNext()) {
                    IOPort port = (IOPort);
                    _signalTypeMap.setType(port, DISCRETE);

                    if (port.isOutput()) {
            } else if ((a instanceof CompositeActor)
                    && !(a instanceof CTCompositeActor)) {
                // This actor is an opaque composite actor but not a
                // CT Composite actor.
                // NOTE: For its output ports, we can tell the signal type
                // from their receiver types. However, the signal types of
                // its input ports have to be derived from the output ports
                // of some other actors that reside at the same hierarchical
                // level. So we only handle output ports here.
                Iterator ports = ((Entity) a).portList().iterator();

                while (ports.hasNext()) {
                    IOPort port = (IOPort);

                    if (port.isOutput()) {
                        Receiver[][] insideReceivers = port

                        // NOTE: The assumption is that all the receivers
                        // belonging to the same IO port have the same
                        // signal type, so if there is at least one
                        // receiver, then use its type. If there are no
                        // receivers, assume the type is continuous.
                        if (insideReceivers.length > 0
                                && insideReceivers[0] != null
                                && insideReceivers[0].length > 0) {
                            Receiver insideReceiver = insideReceivers[0][0];

                            if (insideReceiver instanceof StateReceiver) {
                                _signalTypeMap.setType(port, CONTINUOUS);
                            } else {
                                _signalTypeMap.setType(port, DISCRETE);
                        } else {
                            _signalTypeMap.setType(port, CONTINUOUS);

            } else {
                // The signal types of the rest ports are obtained
                // from the "signalType" parameter.
                Iterator ports = ((Entity) a).portList().iterator();

                while (ports.hasNext()) {
                    IOPort port = (IOPort);
                    Parameter signalType = (Parameter) port

                    if (signalType != null) {
                        String type = ((StringToken) signalType.getToken())
                        type = type.trim().toUpperCase();

                        if (type.equals("CONTINUOUS")) {
                            _signalTypeMap.setType(port, CONTINUOUS);

                            if (port.isOutput()) {
                        } else if (type.equals("DISCRETE")) {
                            _signalTypeMap.setType(port, DISCRETE);

                            if (port.isOutput()) {
                        } else {
                            throw new InvalidStateException(port,
                                    " signalType not understandable.");
                    } else if (a instanceof CTCompositeActor) {
                        // Assume all the ports of a CTCompositeActor
                        // to be continuous unless otherwise specified.
                        // NOTE: this is a conservative approximation.
                        if (_signalTypeMap.getType(port) == UNKNOWN) {
                            _signalTypeMap.setType(port, CONTINUOUS);

                        if (port.isOutput()) {

                // NOTE: If it is a domain polymorphic source, unless its
                // outputs are declared as DISCRETE, assume their signal
                // types to CONTINUOUS. For example, the Const actor.
                // FIXME: Should the Sequence actor implement the SequenceActor
                // interface?
                if (predecessorList(a).isEmpty()) {
                    ports = ((Entity) a).portList().iterator();

                    while (ports.hasNext()) {
                        IOPort port = (IOPort);

                        if (_signalTypeMap.getType(port) == UNKNOWN) {
                            _signalTypeMap.setType(port, CONTINUOUS);

                            if (port.isOutput()) {

        // Done with classification and port signal type assignment
        // of the sources, waveform generators, event generators,
        // sequence actors, and dynamic actors.
        // In the following, we first try to resolve the signal types of
        // the ports of the rest actors including nonCTSubsystems
        // by propagating known signal types.
        // First make sure that there is no causality loop of arithmetic
        // actors. This makes the graph reachability algorithms terminate.
        DirectedAcyclicGraph arithmeticGraph = _toGraph(arithmeticActors);

        if (!arithmeticGraph.isAcyclic()) {
            Object[] cycleNodes = arithmeticGraph.cycleNodes();
            LinkedList nodesAsList = new LinkedList();
            StringBuffer inCycle = new StringBuffer("Cycle includes: ");
            for (int i = 0; i < cycleNodes.length; i++) {
                inCycle.append(((NamedObj) cycleNodes[i]).getFullName());
                if (i < cycleNodes.length - 1) {
                    inCycle.append(", ");
            throw new NotSchedulableException(nodesAsList, null,
                    "Algebraic loop. " + inCycle.toString());

        // We do not allow loops of dynamic actors, either.
        DirectedAcyclicGraph dynamicGraph = _toGraph(dynamicActors);

        // FIXME: Why is this disallowed? If we change this, change the class
        // comment (at the end) also.
        if (!dynamicGraph.isAcyclic()) {
            throw new NotSchedulableException(
                    "Loops of dynamic actors (e.g. integrators) "
                            + "are not allowed in the CT domain. You may insert a "
                            + "Scale actor with factor 1.");

        // Now we propagate the signal types by topological sort.
        // Notice that signal types of the output ports of the dynamic actors,
        // source actors, waveform generators, event generators, and sequence
        // actors have already been propagated by one step.
        // So, we start with arithmetic actors.
        Object[] sortedArithmeticActors = arithmeticGraph.topologicalSort();

        for (int i = 0; i < sortedArithmeticActors.length; i++) {
            Actor actor = (Actor) sortedArithmeticActors[i];

            // Note that the signal type of the input ports should be set
            // already. If all input ports are CONTINUOUS, and the
            // output ports are UNKNOWN, then all output ports should be
            // CONTINUOUS. If all input ports are DISCRETE, and the
            // output ports are UNKNOWN, then all output ports should be
            // DISCRETE. If some input ports are continuous and some
            // input ports are discrete, then the output port type must
            // be set manually, which means they can not been resolved.
            Iterator inputPorts = actor.inputPortList().iterator();
            CTReceiver.SignalType knownInputType = UNKNOWN;
            boolean needManuallySetType = true;

            while (inputPorts.hasNext()) {
                IOPort inputPort = (IOPort);

                if (inputPort.getWidth() != 0) {
                    CTReceiver.SignalType inputType = _signalTypeMap

                    if (inputType == UNKNOWN) {
                        throw new NotSchedulableException("Cannot resolve "
                                + "signal type for port "
                                + inputPort.getFullName()
                                + ". If you are certain about the signal type"
                                + ", you can set them manually.\n"
                                + " To do this, you can add a parameter "
                                + "called \'signalType\' with value "
                                + "\'\"CONTINUOUS\"\' or \'\"DISCRETE\"\'"
                                + " to a port.");
                    } else if (knownInputType == UNKNOWN) {
                        knownInputType = inputType;
                        needManuallySetType = false;
                    } else if (knownInputType != inputType) {
                        needManuallySetType = true;

            Iterator outputPorts = actor.outputPortList().iterator();

            while (outputPorts.hasNext()) {
                IOPort outputPort = (IOPort);

                if (outputPort.getWidth() != 0) {
                    CTReceiver.SignalType outputType = _signalTypeMap

                    if (outputType == UNKNOWN) {
                        if (needManuallySetType) {
                            throw new NotSchedulableException(
                                    "Cannot resolve "
                                            + "signal type for port "
                                            + outputPort.getFullName()
                                            + ".\n To set the signal type manually, "
                                            + "add a parameter with name \'signalType\'"
                                            + " and a string value \'\"CONTINUOUS\"\' "
                                            + "or \'\"DISCRETE\"\'.");
                        } else {
                            _signalTypeMap.setType(outputPort, knownInputType);


        // Set the "signalType" parameters in the model
        // to display the signal types.

        // Output the signal type resolution result to the debugger.
        if (_debugging) {
            _debug("Resolved signal types: {\n" + _signalTypeMap.toString()
                    + "}");

        // Now the signal types of all ports are resolved and stored in the
        // SignalTypes table. We classify continuous and discrete actors.
        // NOTE: An actor is continuous if it has continuous ports;
        // an actor is discrete if it has discrete ports. Under this
        // rule, the set of continuous actors and discrete actors may have
        // a non-empty intersection set.
        discreteActors = _signalTypeMap.getDiscreteActors();
        continuousActors = _signalTypeMap.getContinuousActors();

        // NOTE: There is a situation that the signal types of all the input
        // and output ports of a CT composite actor are derived as "DISCRETE".
        // In such case, we still need to include this actor into the set of
        // continuous actors, because there may be some continuous actors
        // hidden inside that CT composite actor.
        // To avoid introducing duplication:

        // NOTE: There is a situation that the signal types of all the input
        // and output ports of a CT composite actor are derived as "CONTINUOUS".
        // In such case, we still need to include this actor into the set of
        // discrete actors, because there may be some discrete actors
        // hidden inside that CT composite actor.
        // To avoid introducing duplication:

        // FIXME: the following statement does not make sense.
        // At this point, since the ports of all actors have their signal types
        // resolved, a nonCTSubsystem will be clarified based on
        // the signal types of its input and output ports.
        Iterator subsystems = nonCTSubsystems.iterator();

        while (subsystems.hasNext()) {
            CompositeActor subsystem = (CompositeActor);

            if (discreteActors.contains(subsystem)
                    && continuousActors.contains(subsystem)) {
                // NOTE:
                // For a non-CT composite actor, it can not be a
                // waveform generator or an event generator.
                // Because the transformation of different type of signals
                // can only be made in CT models.

                // remove the current subsystem from both the continuous
                // and discrete actor clusters.

        // Now, all actors are classified.
        // Notice that by now, we have all the discrete actors, but
        // they are not in the topological order. Sort them and
        // create the discrete schedule.
        DirectedAcyclicGraph discreteGraph = _toGraph(discreteActors);
        Object[] discreteSorted = discreteGraph.topologicalSort();

        for (int i = 0; i < discreteSorted.length; i++) {
            Actor actor = (Actor) discreteSorted[i];

            // We want to distinguish the waveform and event generators,
            // which have at least one input or output declared as CONTINUOUS
            // signal type, from purely discrete (continuous) actors, whose
            // ports are all DISCRETE (CONTINUOUS).
            if (continuousActors.contains(actor)) {
                if (actor instanceof CTCompositeActor) {
                    // We add CT composite actors into the list of discrete
                    // actors because a CTComposite actor can be anything.
                    discreteActorSchedule.add(new Firing(actor));
                } else {
                    // the following code removes event generators
                    // and waveform generators from the list of purely
                    // continuous actors.
                    // NOTE: we only remove actors that are declared to be
                    // event generators or waveform generators. Some actors,
                    // such as TriggeredContinuousClock actor, are still treated
                    // as purely continuous actors even though they have
                    // discrete inputs, because they produce continuous signals.
                    // TESTIT: Clock3, Clock5, and Clock6 in ct/lib/test/auto.
                    if ((actor instanceof CTEventGenerator)
                            || (actor instanceof CTWaveformGenerator)) {


            // We add purely discrete actors (discrete -> discrete) into list.
            discreteActorSchedule.add(new Firing(actor));

        // Create the schedule for waveform generators.
        Iterator generators = waveformGenerators.iterator();

        while (generators.hasNext()) {
            Actor generator = (Actor);
            waveformGeneratorSchedule.add(new Firing(generator));

        // Schedule event generators so that they are executed topologically.
        // Treat them as sink actors from the point of view of a
        // continuous phase of execution.
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        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        Iterator iterator;
        result.append("CTSchedule {\n" + "    continuousActors {\n");

        Schedule continuous = (Schedule) get(CONTINUOUS_ACTORS);
        iterator = continuous.actorIterator();

        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            result.append("\t" + ((NamedObj)
                    + "\n");

        result.append("    }\n" + "    discreteActors {\n");

        Schedule discrete = (Schedule) get(DISCRETE_ACTORS);
        iterator = discrete.actorIterator();

        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            result.append("\t" + ((NamedObj)
                    + "\n");
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        boolean inline = ((BooleanToken) _codeGenerator.inline.getToken())

        // Generate code for one iteration. director = ( getComponent();
        Schedule schedule = director.getScheduler().getSchedule();

        boolean isIDefined = false;
        Iterator actorsToFire = schedule.firingIterator();
        while (actorsToFire.hasNext()) {
            Firing firing = (Firing);
            Actor actor = firing.getActor();

            // FIXME: Before looking for a helper class, we should check to
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            TreeSet sortedActors = new TreeSet(new LeftRightComparator());
            while (actorIterator.hasNext()) {
                Actor actor = (Actor);
            Schedule schedule = new Schedule();
            Iterator sortedActorsIterator = sortedActors.iterator();
            while (sortedActorsIterator.hasNext()) {
                Actor actor = (Actor);
                Firing firing = new Firing();

            return schedule;
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        while ((_unitIndex < _schedule.size()) && !_stopRequested) {

            // Grab the next minor cycle (unit) schedule to execute.
            Schedule unitSchedule = (Schedule) _schedule.get(_unitIndex);

            // We only do synchronization to real time here and leave time
            // update to upper level directors or the postfire() method.
            if (_synchronizeToRealTime) {
                long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - _realStartTime;
                double elapsedTimeInSeconds = elapsedTime / 1000.0;

                if (_expectedNextIterationTime.getDoubleValue() > elapsedTimeInSeconds) {
                    long timeToWait = (long) ((_expectedNextIterationTime
                            .getDoubleValue() - elapsedTimeInSeconds) * 1000.0);

                    if (timeToWait > 0) {
                        if (_debugging) {
                            _debug("Waiting for real time to pass: "
                                    + timeToWait);

                        // Synchronize on the scheduler.
                        Scheduler scheduler = getScheduler();

                        synchronized (scheduler) {
                            try {
                            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                                // Continue executing.

            // Find the actors that will be invoked in this minor cycle (unit)
            // and update the receivers that are their destinations.
            // The reason that the destinations are updated is that any
            // actor that is to be run in this unit is also presumably
            // just completing a run from the previous iteration (because
            // of the periodic semantics of Giotto).
            // Of course, in the first iteration, the actors are not
            // (obviously) completing any previous cycle.  However, according
            // to Giotto semantics, the first unit always involves a firing
            // of every actor.  Hence, the first unit schedule will include
            // every actor.  Thus, in the first iteration, we will be
            // committing the outputs of every actor.  This has the effect
            // of committing any data values that the actor may have produced
            // in its initialize() method.
            Iterator scheduleIterator = unitSchedule.iterator();

            while (scheduleIterator.hasNext()) {
                Actor actor = ((Firing);

                if (_debugging) {
                    _debug("Updating destination receivers of "
                            + ((NamedObj) actor).getFullName());

                List outputPortList = actor.outputPortList();
                Iterator outputPorts = outputPortList.iterator();

                while (outputPorts.hasNext()) {
                    IOPort port = (IOPort);
                    Receiver[][] channelArray = port.getRemoteReceivers();

                    for (int i = 0; i < channelArray.length; i++) {
                        Receiver[] receiverArray = channelArray[i];

                        for (int j = 0; j < receiverArray.length; j++) {
                            GiottoReceiver receiver = (GiottoReceiver) receiverArray[j];

            scheduleIterator = unitSchedule.iterator();

            while (scheduleIterator.hasNext()) {
                Actor actor = ((Firing);

                if (_debugging) {
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