Examples of PTable

Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable

                acquireLock(region, lockKey, lids);
                if (key != lockKey) {
                    acquireLock(region, key, lids);
                // Load parent table first
                PTable parentTable = null;
                ImmutableBytesPtr parentCacheKey = null;
                if (parentKey != null) {
                    parentCacheKey = new ImmutableBytesPtr(parentKey);
                    parentTable = loadTable(env, parentKey, parentCacheKey, clientTimeStamp, clientTimeStamp);
                    if (parentTable == null || isTableDeleted(parentTable)) {
                        return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.PARENT_TABLE_NOT_FOUND, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), parentTable);
                    // If parent table isn't at the expected sequence number, then return
                    if (parentTable.getSequenceNumber() != MetaDataUtil.getParentSequenceNumber(tableMetadata)) {
                        return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.CONCURRENT_TABLE_MUTATION, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), parentTable);
                // Load child table next
                ImmutableBytesPtr cacheKey = new ImmutableBytesPtr(key);
                // Get as of latest timestamp so we can detect if we have a newer table that already exists
                // without making an additional query
                PTable table = loadTable(env, key, cacheKey, clientTimeStamp, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
                if (table != null) {
                    if (table.getTimeStamp() < clientTimeStamp) {
                        // If the table is older than the client time stamp and it's deleted, continue
                        if (!isTableDeleted(table)) {
                            return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), table);
                    } else {
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable

        RegionCoprocessorEnvironment env = getEnvironment();
        HRegion region = env.getRegion();
        ImmutableBytesPtr cacheKey = new ImmutableBytesPtr(key);
        Cache<ImmutableBytesPtr,PTable> metaDataCache = GlobalCache.getInstance(this.getEnvironment()).getMetaDataCache();
        PTable table = metaDataCache.getIfPresent(cacheKey);
        // We always cache the latest version - fault in if not in cache
        if (table != null || (table = buildTable(key, cacheKey, region, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP)) != null) {
            if (table.getTimeStamp() < clientTimeStamp) {
                // If the table is older than the client time stamp and its deleted, continue
                if (isTableDeleted(table) || tableType != table.getType()) {
                    return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.TABLE_NOT_FOUND, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), null);
            } else {
                return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.NEWER_TABLE_FOUND, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), null);
        // We didn't find a table at the latest timestamp, so either there is no table or
        // there was a table, but it's been deleted. In either case we want to return.
        if (table == null) {
            if (buildDeletedTable(key, cacheKey, region, clientTimeStamp) != null) {
                return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.NEWER_TABLE_FOUND, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), null);
            return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.TABLE_NOT_FOUND, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), null);
        // Make sure we're not deleting the "wrong" child
        if (!Arrays.equals(parentTableName, table.getParentTableName() == null ? null : table.getParentTableName().getBytes())) {
            return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.TABLE_NOT_FOUND, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), null);
        // Since we don't allow back in time DDL, we know if we have a table it's the one
        // we want to delete. FIXME: we shouldn't need a scan here, but should be able to
        // use the table to generate the Delete markers.
        Scan scan = newTableRowsScan(key, MIN_TABLE_TIMESTAMP, clientTimeStamp);
        RegionScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
        List<KeyValue> results = Lists.newArrayList();
        if (results.isEmpty()) { // Should not be possible
            return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.TABLE_NOT_FOUND, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), null);
        if (hasViews(region, tenantId, table)) {
            return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.UNALLOWED_TABLE_MUTATION, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), null);
        if (tableType != PTableType.VIEW) { // Add to list of HTables to delete, unless it's a view
        List<byte[]> indexNames = Lists.newArrayList();
        byte[][] rowKeyMetaData = new byte[5][];
        byte[] rowKey;
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable

                acquireLock(region, key, lids);
                ImmutableBytesPtr cacheKey = new ImmutableBytesPtr(key);
                List<ImmutableBytesPtr> invalidateList = new ArrayList<ImmutableBytesPtr>();
                Cache<ImmutableBytesPtr,PTable> metaDataCache = GlobalCache.getInstance(this.getEnvironment()).getMetaDataCache();
                PTable table = metaDataCache.getIfPresent(cacheKey);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    if (table == null) {
                        logger.debug("Table " + Bytes.toStringBinary(key) + " not found in cache. Will build through scan");
                    } else {
                        logger.debug("Table " + Bytes.toStringBinary(key) + " found in cache with timestamp " + table.getTimeStamp() + " seqNum " + table.getSequenceNumber());
                // Get client timeStamp from mutations
                long clientTimeStamp = MetaDataUtil.getClientTimeStamp(tableMetadata);
                if (table == null && (table = buildTable(key, cacheKey, region, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP)) == null) {
                    // if not found then call newerTableExists and add delete marker for timestamp found
                    if (buildDeletedTable(key, cacheKey, region, clientTimeStamp) != null) {
                        return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.NEWER_TABLE_FOUND, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), null);
                    return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.TABLE_NOT_FOUND, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), null);
                if (table.getTimeStamp() >= clientTimeStamp) {
                    return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.NEWER_TABLE_FOUND, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), table);
                } else if (isTableDeleted(table)) {
                    return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.TABLE_NOT_FOUND, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), null);
                long expectedSeqNum = MetaDataUtil.getSequenceNumber(tableMetadata) - 1; // lookup TABLE_SEQ_NUM in tableMetaData
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("For table " + Bytes.toStringBinary(key) + " expecting seqNum " + expectedSeqNum + " and found seqNum " + table.getSequenceNumber() + " with " + table.getColumns().size() + " columns: " + table.getColumns());
                if (expectedSeqNum != table.getSequenceNumber()) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("For table " + Bytes.toStringBinary(key) + " returning CONCURRENT_TABLE_MUTATION due to unexpected seqNum");
                    return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.CONCURRENT_TABLE_MUTATION, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), table);
                PTableType type = table.getType();
                if (type == PTableType.INDEX) {
                    // Disallow mutation of an index table
                    return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.UNALLOWED_TABLE_MUTATION, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(), null);
                } else {
                    // server-side, except for indexing, we always expect the keyvalues to be standard KeyValues
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable

            if (result != null) {
                return result;
            long currentTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
            PTable table = doGetTable(key, clientTimeStamp);
            if (table == null) {
                return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.TABLE_NOT_FOUND, currentTime, null);
            return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, currentTime, table.getTimeStamp() != tableTimeStamp ? table : null);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            ServerUtil.throwIOException(SchemaUtil.getTableName(schemaName, tableName), t);
            return null; // impossible
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable


    private PTable doGetTable(byte[] key, long clientTimeStamp) throws IOException, SQLException {
        ImmutableBytesPtr cacheKey = new ImmutableBytesPtr(key);
        Cache<ImmutableBytesPtr,PTable> metaDataCache = GlobalCache.getInstance(this.getEnvironment()).getMetaDataCache();
        PTable table = metaDataCache.getIfPresent(cacheKey);
        // We only cache the latest, so we'll end up building the table with every call if the client connection has specified an SCN.
        // TODO: If we indicate to the client that we're returning an older version, but there's a newer version available, the client
        // can safely not call this, since we only allow modifications to the latest.
        if (table != null && table.getTimeStamp() < clientTimeStamp) {
            // Table on client is up-to-date with table on server, so just return
            if (isTableDeleted(table)) {
                return null;
            return table;
        // Ask Lars about the expense of this call - if we don't take the lock, we still won't get partial results
        // get the co-processor environment
        RegionCoprocessorEnvironment env = getEnvironment();
        // TODO: check that key is within region.getStartKey() and region.getEndKey()
        // and return special code to force client to lookup region from meta.
        HRegion region = env.getRegion();
         * Lock directly on key, though it may be an index table.
         * This will just prevent a table from getting rebuilt
         * too often.
        Integer lid = region.getLock(null, key, true);
        if (lid == null) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to acquire lock on " + Bytes.toStringBinary(key));
        try {
            // Try cache again in case we were waiting on a lock
            table = metaDataCache.getIfPresent(cacheKey);
            // We only cache the latest, so we'll end up building the table with every call if the client connection has specified an SCN.
            // TODO: If we indicate to the client that we're returning an older version, but there's a newer version available, the client
            // can safely not call this, since we only allow modifications to the latest.
            if (table != null && table.getTimeStamp() < clientTimeStamp) {
                // Table on client is up-to-date with table on server, so just return
                if (isTableDeleted(table)) {
                    return null;
                return table;
            // Query for the latest table first, since it's not cached
            table = buildTable(key, cacheKey, region, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
            if (table != null && table.getTimeStamp() < clientTimeStamp) {
                return table;
            // Otherwise, query for an older version of the table - it won't be cached
            return buildTable(key, cacheKey, region, clientTimeStamp);
        } finally {
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable

        public ColumnResolver createColumnResolver() {
            return new JoinedTableColumnResolver(this, origResolver);
        public PTableWrapper mergeProjectedTables(PTableWrapper rWrapper, boolean innerJoin) throws SQLException {
            PTable left = this.getTable();
            PTable right = rWrapper.getTable();
            List<PColumn> merged = new ArrayList<PColumn>();
            int position = merged.size();
            for (PColumn c : right.getColumns()) {
                if (!SchemaUtil.isPKColumn(c)) {
                    PColumnImpl column = new PColumnImpl(c.getName(),
                            PNameFactory.newName(TupleProjector.VALUE_COLUMN_FAMILY), c.getDataType(),
                            c.getMaxLength(), c.getScale(), innerJoin ? c.isNullable() : true, position++,
                            c.getSortOrder(), c.getArraySize(), c.getViewConstant(), c.isViewReferenced());
            if (left.getBucketNum() != null) {
            PTable t = PTableImpl.makePTable(left.getTenantId(), left.getSchemaName(),
                    PNameFactory.newName(SchemaUtil.getTableName(left.getName().getString(), right.getName().getString())), left.getType(), left.getIndexState(), left.getTimeStamp(), left.getSequenceNumber(), left.getPKName(), left.getBucketNum(), merged,
                    left.getParentTableName(), left.getIndexes(), left.isImmutableRows(), Collections.<PName>emptyList(), null, null, PTable.DEFAULT_DISABLE_WAL, left.isMultiTenant(), left.getViewType(), left.getViewIndexId());

            ListMultimap<String, String> mergedMap = ArrayListMultimap.<String, String>create();
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable

        public ProjectedPTableWrapper createProjectedTable(boolean retainPKColumns) throws SQLException {
            List<PColumn> projectedColumns = new ArrayList<PColumn>();
            List<Expression> sourceExpressions = new ArrayList<Expression>();
            ListMultimap<String, String> columnNameMap = ArrayListMultimap.<String, String>create();
            PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
            boolean hasSaltingColumn = retainPKColumns && table.getBucketNum() != null;
            if (retainPKColumns) {
                for (PColumn column : table.getPKColumns()) {
                    addProjectedColumn(projectedColumns, sourceExpressions, columnNameMap,
                            column, column.getFamilyName(), hasSaltingColumn);
            if (isWildCardSelect()) {
                for (PColumn column : table.getColumns()) {
                    if (!retainPKColumns || !SchemaUtil.isPKColumn(column)) {
                        addProjectedColumn(projectedColumns, sourceExpressions, columnNameMap,
                                column, PNameFactory.newName(TupleProjector.VALUE_COLUMN_FAMILY), hasSaltingColumn);
            } else {
                for (Map.Entry<ColumnRef, ColumnRefType> e : columnRefs.entrySet()) {
                    ColumnRef columnRef = e.getKey();
                    if (e.getValue() != ColumnRefType.PREFILTER
                            && columnRef.getTableRef().equals(tableRef)
                            && (!retainPKColumns || !SchemaUtil.isPKColumn(columnRef.getColumn()))) {
                        PColumn column = columnRef.getColumn();
                        addProjectedColumn(projectedColumns, sourceExpressions, columnNameMap,
                                column, PNameFactory.newName(TupleProjector.VALUE_COLUMN_FAMILY), hasSaltingColumn);
            PTable t = PTableImpl.makePTable(table.getTenantId(), PNameFactory.newName(PROJECTED_TABLE_SCHEMA), table.getName(), PTableType.JOIN,
                        table.getIndexState(), table.getTimeStamp(), table.getSequenceNumber(), table.getPKName(),
                        retainPKColumns ? table.getBucketNum() : null, projectedColumns, table.getParentTableName(),
                        table.getIndexes(), table.isImmutableRows(), Collections.<PName>emptyList(), null, null, table.isWALDisabled(), table.isMultiTenant(), table.getViewType(), table.getViewIndexId());
            return new ProjectedPTableWrapper(t, columnNameMap, sourceExpressions);
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable

        throws SQLException {
            if (sourceColumn == SALTING_COLUMN)
            int position = projectedColumns.size() + (hasSaltingColumn ? 1 : 0);
            PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
            String schemaName = table.getSchemaName().getString();
            String tableName = table.getTableName().getString();
            String colName = sourceColumn.getName().getString();
            String fullName = getProjectedColumnName(schemaName, tableName, colName);
            String aliasedName = tableRef.getTableAlias() == null ? fullName : getProjectedColumnName(null, tableRef.getTableAlias(), colName);
            columnNameMap.put(colName, aliasedName);
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable

        public ProjectedPTableWrapper createProjectedTable(RowProjector rowProjector) throws SQLException {
            List<PColumn> projectedColumns = new ArrayList<PColumn>();
            List<Expression> sourceExpressions = new ArrayList<Expression>();
            ListMultimap<String, String> columnNameMap = ArrayListMultimap.<String, String>create();
            PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
            for (PColumn column : table.getColumns()) {
                String colName = getProjectedColumnName(null, tableRef.getTableAlias(), column.getName().getString());
                Expression sourceExpression = rowProjector.getColumnProjector(column.getPosition()).getExpression();
                PColumnImpl projectedColumn = new PColumnImpl(PNameFactory.newName(colName), PNameFactory.newName(TupleProjector.VALUE_COLUMN_FAMILY),
                        sourceExpression.getDataType(), sourceExpression.getMaxLength(), sourceExpression.getScale(), sourceExpression.isNullable(),
                        column.getPosition(), sourceExpression.getSortOrder(), column.getArraySize(), column.getViewConstant(), column.isViewReferenced());               
            PTable t = PTableImpl.makePTable(table.getTenantId(), PNameFactory.newName(PROJECTED_TABLE_SCHEMA), table.getName(), PTableType.JOIN,
                        table.getIndexState(), table.getTimeStamp(), table.getSequenceNumber(), table.getPKName(),
                        null, projectedColumns, table.getParentTableName(),
                        table.getIndexes(), table.isImmutableRows(), Collections.<PName>emptyList(), null, null, table.isWALDisabled(), table.isMultiTenant(), table.getViewType(), table.getViewIndexId());
            return new ProjectedPTableWrapper(t, columnNameMap, sourceExpressions);
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable

            int batchSize = Math.min(connection.getMutateBatchSize(), maxSize);
            boolean isAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
            byte[][] values = new byte[columnIndexes.length][];
            int rowCount = 0;
            Map<ImmutableBytesPtr,Map<PColumn,byte[]>> mutation = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(batchSize);
            PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
            ResultSet rs = new PhoenixResultSet(iterator, projector, statement);
            ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
            while (rs.next()) {
                for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                    PColumn column = table.getColumns().get(columnIndexes[i]);
                    byte[] bytes = rs.getBytes(i+1);
                    ptr.set(bytes == null ? ByteUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY : bytes);
                    Object value = rs.getObject(i+1);
                    int rsPrecision = rs.getMetaData().getPrecision(i+1);
                    Integer precision = rsPrecision == 0 ? null : rsPrecision;
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