/** Get the list of PSP3 cycle names under the current PSP3 task. */
private String[] getCycleList() {
String prefix = (String) env.get("PATH_TRANSLATED");
PSPProperties props = getPSPProperties();
PropertyKey self = props.findExistingKey(prefix);
// WARNING: the "4" on the next line is a magic number which
// depends on the structure of the PSP3 template.
int numCycles = props.getNumChildren (self) - 4;
if (numCycles < 0) numCycles = 0;
String [] result = new String[numCycles];
while (numCycles-- > 0)
// WARNING: the "3" on the next line is a magic number which
// depends on the structure of the PSP3 template.
result[numCycles] = props.getChildKey(self, numCycles+3).name();
return result;