super(new Visualization());
// this predicate makes sure only the continental states are included
Predicate filter = (Predicate)ExpressionParser.parse(
"state >= 1 && state <= 56 && state != 2 && state != 15");
VisualTable vt = m_vis.addTable(DATA, t, filter, getDataSchema());
// zip codes are loaded in as integers, so lets create a derived
// column that has correctly-formatted 5 digit strings
vt.addColumn("zipstr", "LPAD(zip,5,'0')");
// now add a formatted label to show within the visualization
vt.addColumn("label", "CONCAT(CAP(city),', ',STATE(state),' ',zipstr)");
// create a filter controlling label appearance
Predicate loneResult = (Predicate)ExpressionParser.parse(
"INGROUP('_search_') AND GROUPSIZE('_search_')=1 AND " +