* @see prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer#getRawShape(prefuse.visual.VisualItem)
protected Shape getRawShape(VisualItem item) {
EdgeItem edge = (EdgeItem)item;
VisualItem item1 = edge.getSourceItem();
VisualItem item2 = edge.getTargetItem();
int type = m_edgeType;
getAlignedPoint(m_tmpPoints[0], item1.getBounds(),
m_xAlign1, m_yAlign1);
getAlignedPoint(m_tmpPoints[1], item2.getBounds(),
m_xAlign2, m_yAlign2);
m_curWidth = (float)(m_width * getLineWidth(item));
// create the arrow head, if needed
EdgeItem e = (EdgeItem)item;
if ( e.isDirected() && m_edgeArrow != Constants.EDGE_ARROW_NONE ) {
// get starting and ending edge endpoints
boolean forward = (m_edgeArrow == Constants.EDGE_ARROW_FORWARD);
Point2D start = null, end = null;
start = m_tmpPoints[forward?0:1];
end = m_tmpPoints[forward?1:0];
// compute the intersection with the target bounding box
VisualItem dest = forward ? e.getTargetItem() : e.getSourceItem();
int i = GraphicsLib.intersectLineRectangle(start, end,
dest.getBounds(), m_isctPoints);
if ( i > 0 ) end = m_isctPoints[0];
// create the arrow head shape