Package prefuse.action.layout.graph

Source Code of prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout

package prefuse.action.layout.graph;

import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.Iterator;

import prefuse.action.layout.Layout;
import prefuse.util.PrefuseLib;
import prefuse.util.force.DragForce;
import prefuse.util.force.ForceItem;
import prefuse.util.force.ForceSimulator;
import prefuse.util.force.NBodyForce;
import prefuse.util.force.SpringForce;
import prefuse.visual.EdgeItem;
import prefuse.visual.NodeItem;
import prefuse.visual.VisualItem;

* <p>Layout that positions graph elements based on a physics simulation of
* interacting forces; by default, nodes repel each other, edges act as
* springs, and drag forces (similar to air resistance) are applied. This
* algorithm can be run for multiple iterations for a run-once layout
* computation or repeatedly run in an animated fashion for a dynamic and
* interactive layout.</p>
* <p>The running time of this layout algorithm is the greater of O(N log N)
* and O(E), where N is the number of nodes and E the number of edges.
* The addition of custom force calculation modules may, however, increase
* this value.</p>
* <p>The {@link prefuse.util.force.ForceSimulator} used to drive this layout
* can be set explicitly, allowing any number of custom force directed layouts
* to be created through the user's selection of included
* {@link prefuse.util.force.Force} components. Each node in the layout is
* mapped to a {@link prefuse.util.force.ForceItem} instance and each edge
* to a {@link prefuse.util.force.Spring} instance for storing the state
* of the simulation. See the {@link prefuse.util.force} package for more.</p>
* @author <a href="">jeffrey heer</a>
public class ForceDirectedLayout extends Layout {
    private ForceSimulator m_fsim;
    private long m_lasttime = -1L;
    private long m_maxstep = 50L;
    private boolean m_runonce;
    private int m_iterations = 100;
    private boolean m_enforceBounds;
    protected transient VisualItem referrer;
    protected String m_nodeGroup;
    protected String m_edgeGroup;
     * Create a new ForceDirectedLayout. By default, this layout will not
     * restrict the layout to the layout bounds and will assume it is being
     * run in animated (rather than run-once) fashion.
     * @param graph the data group to layout. Must resolve to a Graph instance.
    public ForceDirectedLayout(String graph)
        this(graph, false, false);

     * Create a new ForceDirectedLayout. The layout will assume it is being
     * run in animated (rather than run-once) fashion.
     * @param group the data group to layout. Must resolve to a Graph instance.
     * @param enforceBounds indicates whether or not the layout should require
     * that all node placements stay within the layout bounds.
    public ForceDirectedLayout(String group, boolean enforceBounds)
        this(group, enforceBounds, false);
     * Create a new ForceDirectedLayout.
     * @param group the data group to layout. Must resolve to a Graph instance.
     * @param enforceBounds indicates whether or not the layout should require
     * that all node placements stay within the layout bounds.
     * @param runonce indicates if the layout will be run in a run-once or
     * animated fashion. In run-once mode, the layout will run for a set number
     * of iterations when invoked. In animation mode, only one iteration of the
     * layout is computed.
    public ForceDirectedLayout(String group,
            boolean enforceBounds, boolean runonce)
        m_nodeGroup = PrefuseLib.getGroupName(group, Graph.NODES);
        m_edgeGroup = PrefuseLib.getGroupName(group, Graph.EDGES);
        m_enforceBounds = enforceBounds;
        m_runonce = runonce;
        m_fsim = new ForceSimulator();
        m_fsim.addForce(new NBodyForce());
        m_fsim.addForce(new SpringForce());
        m_fsim.addForce(new DragForce());
     * Create a new ForceDirectedLayout. The layout will assume it is being
     * run in animated (rather than run-once) fashion.
     * @param group the data group to layout. Must resolve to a Graph instance.
     * @param fsim the force simulator used to drive the layout computation
     * @param enforceBounds indicates whether or not the layout should require
     * that all node placements stay within the layout bounds.
    public ForceDirectedLayout(String group,
            ForceSimulator fsim, boolean enforceBounds) {
        this(group, fsim, enforceBounds, false);
     * Create a new ForceDirectedLayout.
     * @param group the data group to layout. Must resolve to a Graph instance.
     * @param fsim the force simulator used to drive the layout computation
     * @param enforceBounds indicates whether or not the layout should require
     * that all node placements stay within the layout bounds.
     * @param runonce indicates if the layout will be run in a run-once or
     * animated fashion. In run-once mode, the layout will run for a set number
     * of iterations when invoked. In animation mode, only one iteration of the
     * layout is computed.
    public ForceDirectedLayout(String group, ForceSimulator fsim,
            boolean enforceBounds, boolean runonce)
        m_nodeGroup = PrefuseLib.getGroupName(group, Graph.NODES);
        m_edgeGroup = PrefuseLib.getGroupName(group, Graph.EDGES);
        m_enforceBounds = enforceBounds;
        m_runonce = runonce;
        m_fsim = fsim;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get the maximum timestep allowed for integrating node settings between
     * runs of this layout. When computation times are longer than desired,
     * and node positions are changing dramatically between animated frames,
     * the max step time can be lowered to suppress node movement.
     * @return the maximum timestep allowed for integrating between two
     * layout steps.
    public long getMaxTimeStep() {
        return m_maxstep;

     * Set the maximum timestep allowed for integrating node settings between
     * runs of this layout. When computation times are longer than desired,
     * and node positions are changing dramatically between animated frames,
     * the max step time can be lowered to suppress node movement.
     * @param maxstep the maximum timestep allowed for integrating between two
     * layout steps
    public void setMaxTimeStep(long maxstep) {
        this.m_maxstep = maxstep;
     * Get the force simulator driving this layout.
     * @return the force simulator
    public ForceSimulator getForceSimulator() {
        return m_fsim;
     * Set the force simulator driving this layout.
     * @param fsim the force simulator
    public void setForceSimulator(ForceSimulator fsim) {
        m_fsim = fsim;
     * Get the number of iterations to use when computing a layout in
     * run-once mode.
     * @return the number of layout iterations to run
    public int getIterations() {
        return m_iterations;

     * Set the number of iterations to use when computing a layout in
     * run-once mode.
     * @param iter the number of layout iterations to run
    public void setIterations(int iter) {
        if ( iter < 1 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Iterations must be a positive number!");
        m_iterations = iter;
     * Explicitly sets the node and edge groups to use for this layout,
     * overriding the group setting passed to the constructor.
     * @param nodeGroup the node data group
     * @param edgeGroup the edge data group
    public void setDataGroups(String nodeGroup, String edgeGroup) {
        m_nodeGroup = nodeGroup;
        m_edgeGroup = edgeGroup;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @see prefuse.action.Action#run(double)
    public void run(double frac) {
        // perform different actions if this is a run-once or
        // run-continuously layout
        if ( m_runonce ) {
            Point2D anchor = getLayoutAnchor();
            Iterator iter = m_vis.visibleItems(m_nodeGroup);
            while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
                VisualItem  item = (NodeItem);
            long timestep = 1000L;
            for ( int i = 0; i < m_iterations; i++ ) {
                // use an annealing schedule to set time step
                timestep *= (1.0 - i/(double)m_iterations);
                long step = timestep+50;
                // run simulator
                // debugging output
//                if (i % 10 == 0 ) {
//                    System.out.println("iter: "+i);
//                }
        } else {
            // get timestep
            if ( m_lasttime == -1 )
                m_lasttime = System.currentTimeMillis()-20;
            long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long timestep = Math.min(m_maxstep, time - m_lasttime);
            m_lasttime = time;
            // run force simulator
        if ( frac == 1.0 ) {

    private void updateNodePositions() {
        Rectangle2D bounds = getLayoutBounds();
        double x1=0, x2=0, y1=0, y2=0;
        if ( bounds != null ) {
            x1 = bounds.getMinX(); y1 = bounds.getMinY();
            x2 = bounds.getMaxX(); y2 = bounds.getMaxY();
        // update positions
        Iterator iter = m_vis.visibleItems(m_nodeGroup);
        while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
            VisualItem item = (VisualItem);
            ForceItem fitem = (ForceItem)item.get(FORCEITEM);
            if ( item.isFixed() ) {
                // clear any force computations
                fitem.force[0] = 0.0f;
                fitem.force[1] = 0.0f;
                fitem.velocity[0] = 0.0f;
                fitem.velocity[1] = 0.0f;
                if ( Double.isNaN(item.getX()) ) {
                    setX(item, referrer, 0.0);
                    setY(item, referrer, 0.0);
            double x = fitem.location[0];
            double y = fitem.location[1];
            if ( m_enforceBounds && bounds != null) {
                Rectangle2D b = item.getBounds();
                double hw = b.getWidth()/2;
                double hh = b.getHeight()/2;
                if ( x+hw > x2 ) x = x2-hw;
                if ( x-hw < x1 ) x = x1+hw;
                if ( y+hh > y2 ) y = y2-hh;
                if ( y-hh < y1 ) y = y1+hh;
            // set the actual position
            setX(item, referrer, x);
            setY(item, referrer, y);
     * Reset the force simulation state for all nodes processed
     * by this layout.
    public void reset() {
        Iterator iter = m_vis.visibleItems(m_nodeGroup);
        while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
            VisualItem item = (VisualItem);
            ForceItem fitem = (ForceItem)item.get(FORCEITEM);
            if ( fitem != null ) {
                fitem.location[0] = (float)item.getEndX();
                fitem.location[1] = (float)item.getEndY();
                fitem.force[0]    = fitem.force[1]    = 0;
                fitem.velocity[0] = fitem.velocity[1] = 0;
        m_lasttime = -1L;
     * Loads the simulator with all relevant force items and springs.
     * @param fsim the force simulator driving this layout
    protected void initSimulator(ForceSimulator fsim) {    
        // make sure we have force items to work with
        TupleSet ts = m_vis.getGroup(m_nodeGroup);
        if ( ts == null ) return;
        try {
        } catch ( IllegalArgumentException iae ) { /* ignored */ }
        float startX = (referrer == null ? 0f : (float)referrer.getX());
        float startY = (referrer == null ? 0f : (float)referrer.getY());
        startX = Float.isNaN(startX) ? 0f : startX;
        startY = Float.isNaN(startY) ? 0f : startY;
        Iterator iter = m_vis.visibleItems(m_nodeGroup);
        while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
            VisualItem item = (VisualItem);
            ForceItem fitem = (ForceItem)item.get(FORCEITEM);
            fitem.mass = getMassValue(item);
            double x = item.getEndX();
            double y = item.getEndY();
            fitem.location[0] = (Double.isNaN(x) ? startX : (float)x);
            fitem.location[1] = (Double.isNaN(y) ? startY : (float)y);
        if ( m_edgeGroup != null ) {
            iter = m_vis.visibleItems(m_edgeGroup);
            while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
                EdgeItem  e  = (EdgeItem);
                NodeItem  n1 = e.getSourceItem();
                ForceItem f1 = (ForceItem)n1.get(FORCEITEM);
                NodeItem  n2 = e.getTargetItem();
                ForceItem f2 = (ForceItem)n2.get(FORCEITEM);
                float coeff = getSpringCoefficient(e);
                float slen = getSpringLength(e);
                fsim.addSpring(f1, f2, (coeff>=0?coeff:-1.f), (slen>=0?slen:-1.f));
     * Get the mass value associated with the given node. Subclasses should
     * override this method to perform custom mass assignment.
     * @param n the node for which to compute the mass value
     * @return the mass value for the node. By default, all items are given
     * a mass value of 1.0.
    protected float getMassValue(VisualItem n) {
        return 1.0f;
     * Get the spring length for the given edge. Subclasses should
     * override this method to perform custom spring length assignment.
     * @param e the edge for which to compute the spring length
     * @return the spring length for the edge. A return value of
     * -1 means to ignore this method and use the global default.
    protected float getSpringLength(EdgeItem e) {
        return -1.f;

     * Get the spring coefficient for the given edge, which controls the
     * tension or strength of the spring. Subclasses should
     * override this method to perform custom spring tension assignment.
     * @param e the edge for which to compute the spring coefficient.
     * @return the spring coefficient for the edge. A return value of
     * -1 means to ignore this method and use the global default.
    protected float getSpringCoefficient(EdgeItem e) {
        return -1.f;
     * Get the referrer item to use to set x or y coordinates that are
     * initialized to NaN.
     * @return the referrer item.
     * @see prefuse.util.PrefuseLib#setX(VisualItem, VisualItem, double)
     * @see prefuse.util.PrefuseLib#setY(VisualItem, VisualItem, double)
    public VisualItem getReferrer() {
        return referrer;
     * Set the referrer item to use to set x or y coordinates that are
     * initialized to NaN.
     * @param referrer the referrer item to use.
     * @see prefuse.util.PrefuseLib#setX(VisualItem, VisualItem, double)
     * @see prefuse.util.PrefuseLib#setY(VisualItem, VisualItem, double)
    public void setReferrer(VisualItem referrer) {
        this.referrer = referrer;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ForceItem Schema Addition
     * The data field in which the parameters used by this layout are stored.
    public static final String FORCEITEM = "_forceItem";
     * The schema for the parameters used by this layout.
    public static final Schema FORCEITEM_SCHEMA = new Schema();
    static {
                                   new ForceItem());
} // end of class ForceDirectedLayout

Related Classes of prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout

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