Represents a property set in the Horrible Property Set Format (HPSF). These are usually metadata of a Microsoft Office document.
An application that wants to access these metadata should create an instance of this class or one of its subclasses by calling the factory method {@link PropertySetFactory#create} and then retrievethe information its needs by calling appropriate methods.
{@link PropertySetFactory#create} does its work by calling oneof the constructors {@link PropertySet#PropertySet(InputStream)} or{@link PropertySet#PropertySet(byte[])}. If the constructor's argument is not in the Horrible Property Set Format, i.e. not a property set stream, or if any other error occurs, an appropriate exception is thrown.
A {@link PropertySet} has a list of {@link Section}s, and each {@link Section} has a {@link Property} array. Use {@link #getSections} to retrieve the {@link Section}s, then call {@link Section#getProperties} for each {@link Section} to get hold of the{@link Property} arrays.
Since the vast majority of {@link PropertySet}s contains only a single {@link Section}, the convenience method {@link #getProperties} returns the properties ofa {@link PropertySet}'s {@link Section} (throwing a {@link NoSingleSectionException} if the {@link PropertySet} contains more(or less) than exactly one {@link Section}). @author Rainer Klute