if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
LOG.trace(" Checking for cached principal for " + ssoId);
JBossSingleSignOnEntry entry = getSingleSignOnEntry(cookie.getValue());
if (entry != null && isValid(ssoId, entry))
Principal ssoPrinc = entry.getPrincipal();
// have to deal with the fact that the entry may not have an
// associated Principal. SSO entries retrieved via a lookup from a
// cluster will not have a Principal, as Principal is not Serializable
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
LOG.trace(" Found cached principal '" +
(ssoPrinc == null ? "NULL" : ssoPrinc.getName()) +
"' with auth type '" + entry.getAuthType() + "'");
request.setNote(Constants.REQ_SSOID_NOTE, cookie.getValue());
// Only set security elements if per-request reauthentication is
// not required AND the SSO entry had a Principal.