Examples of PreBookmark

Examples of myPackage.FooHandler.PreBookmark

        // add new
        CompanyType co = cDoc.addNewCompany();

        xc = cDoc.newCursor();
        PreBookmark prebk = (PreBookmark) xc.getBookmark(PreBookmark.class);

        expected = "{preSet in FooHandler: 2, <xml-fragment></xml-fragment>, {company.xsd}company, false, -1}";
        actual = prebk.getMsg();
        Assert.assertTrue("Expected: " + expected + "\n  actual: " + actual, expected.equals(actual));

        PostBookmark postbk = (PostBookmark) xc.getBookmark(PostBookmark.class);

        expected = "{postSet in FooHandler: 2, " + cDoc + ", {company.xsd}company, false, -1}";
        actual = postbk.getMsg();
        Assert.assertTrue("Expected: " + expected + "\n  actual: " + actual, expected.equals(actual));


        // set
        co.setName2("xbean name");

        xc = co.newCursor();
        prebk = (PreBookmark) xc.getBookmark(PreBookmark.class);

        expected = "{preSet in FooHandler: 1, <xml-fragment/>, name, true, -1}";
        actual = prebk.getMsg();
        Assert.assertTrue("Expected: " + expected + "\n  actual: " + actual, expected.equals(actual));

        postbk = (PostBookmark) xc.getBookmark(PostBookmark.class);
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