A Position
will be passed as parameter when a client sends it's location to the server. See GelocationCallback#onSuccess
. A Position
object is a combination of Coordinates
and a timestamp.
A position is fundamentally a quantity of a security. For example, a position might be 50 shares of OpenGamma.
It differs from a trade in that it may represent the combined result from a set of trades. The collection of trades is optional and if present may be incomplete.
This interface is read-only. Implementations may be mutable.
Note: This class must not have any sub-classes to ensure W3C Specifications are being strictly followed by the system or application that uses this geolocation package.
A {@code Position} object points at a location between two characters.As the surrounding content is altered, the {@code Position} objectadjusts its offset automatically to reflect the changes. If content is inserted or removed before the {@code Position} object's location, then the{@code Position} increments or decrements its offset, respectively,so as to point to the same location. If a portion of the document is removed that contains a {@code Position}'s offset, then the {@code Position}'s offset becomes that of the beginning of the removed region. For example, if a {@code Position} has an offset of 5 and the region 2-10 is removed, thenthe {@code Position}'s offset becomes 2.
{@code Position} with an offset of 0 is a special case. It never changes itsoffset while document content is altered. @author Timothy Prinzing
08/01, 2011 - Created
encapsulates the position in ordering information contained in a Webdav request. This includes both the {@link OrderingConstants#HEADER_POSITION Position header} and the positionXml element present in the request body of an ORDERPATCH request.
@see OrderingConstants#HEADER_POSITION
@see OrderingConstants#XML_POSITION
@see OrderPatch
This observable notifies when the position is changed. @author Fredrik Osterlind
Positions attached to documents are usually updated by position updaters. Because position updaters are freely definable and because of the frequency in which they are used, the fields of a position are made publicly accessible. Clients other than position updaters are not allowed to access these public fields.
Positions cannot be used as keys in hash tables as they override equals
and hashCode
as they would be value objects.
An axis has a particular dimensionality, that is, a set of one or more dimensions which will appear on that axis, and every position on that axis will have a member of each of those dimensions. For example, in the MDX query
SELECT {[Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Store Sales]} ON COLUMNS,
{[Product].[Food], [Product].[Drink]}) ON ROWS
FROM [Sales]
axis has dimensionality {[Measures]
} and the ROWS
axis has dimensionality {[Gender]
, [Product]
}. In the result,
Gender | Product | Unit Sales | Store Sales |
All Gender | Food | 191,940 | 409,035.59 |
All Gender | Drink | 24,597 | 48,836.21 |
F | Food | 94,814 | 203,094.17 |
F | Drink | 12,202 | 24,457.37 |
M | Food | 97,126 | 205,941.42 |
M | Drink | 12,395 | 24,378.84 |
each of the six positions on the ROWS
axis has two members, consistent with its dimensionality of 2. The COLUMNS
axis has two positions, each with one member.
This observable is changed and notifies observers whenever new coordinates are set. @author Fredrik Osterlind