Examples of PopulateCmd

Examples of hudson.plugins.accurev.cmd.PopulateCmd

           if (AccurevLauncher.runCommand("Reference tree update command", launcher, updatecmd, null,
                   scm.getOptionalLock(), accurevEnv, accurevWorkingSpace, listener, logger, true)) {
               listener.getLogger().println("Update completed successfully.");
             // Now get that into local filesystem
               PopulateCmd pop = new PopulateCmd();
               if ( pop.populate(scm, launcher, listener, server, accurevClientExePath, null, true, "from reftree", accurevWorkingSpace, accurevEnv) ) {
                  _startDateOfPopulate = pop.get_startDateOfPopulate();
               } else {
                  return false;
                final Map<String, RefTreeExternalFile> externalFiles = getReftreesStatus(server, accurevEnv, accurevWorkingSpace, listener, accurevClientExePath, launcher);
                File toBeDeleted;
                listener.getLogger().println("externalFiles size -"+externalFiles.size());
                Collection<RefTreeExternalFile> extObjects = externalFiles.values();
                for (RefTreeExternalFile o : extObjects)
                   listener.getLogger().println("External File path -"+o.getLocation());
                   toBeDeleted= new File(o.getLocation());
           } else {
             listener.getLogger().println("Update failed...");
             listener.getLogger().println("Run update -9 along with -r option");
               final ArgumentListBuilder update9cmd = new ArgumentListBuilder();
               Command.addServer(update9cmd, server);
               if (!AccurevLauncher.runCommand("Reference tree update -9 command", launcher, update9cmd, null,
                       scm.getOptionalLock(), accurevEnv, accurevWorkingSpace, listener, logger, true)) {
                return false;
                // Now get that into local filesystem
                  PopulateCmd pop = new PopulateCmd();
                  if ( pop.populate(scm, launcher, listener, server, accurevClientExePath, null, true, "from re-pop reftree", accurevWorkingSpace, accurevEnv) ) {
                     _startDateOfPopulate = pop.get_startDateOfPopulate();
                  } else {
                     return false;
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Examples of hudson.plugins.accurev.cmd.PopulateCmd

                   return false;
               listener.getLogger().println("Update completed successfully.");
             //pop -O -R .
               // Now get that into local filesystem
               PopulateCmd pop = new PopulateCmd();
               if ( pop.populate(scm, launcher, listener, server, accurevClientExePath, null, true, "from workspace", accurevWorkingSpace, accurevEnv) ) {
                  _startDateOfPopulate = pop.get_startDateOfPopulate();
               } else {
                  return false;
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Examples of hudson.plugins.accurev.cmd.PopulateCmd

                    accurevEnv, jenkinsWorkspace, listener, logger, true)) {
                return false;
            listener.getLogger().println("Snapshot created successfully.");
            PopulateCmd pop = new PopulateCmd();
            if ( pop.populate(this, launcher, listener, server, accurevClientExePath, snapshotName, true, "from workspace", accurevWorkingSpace, accurevEnv) ) {
               startDateOfPopulate = pop.get_startDateOfPopulate();
            } else {
               return false;
            listener.getLogger().println("Calculating latest transaction info for stream: " + localStream + ".");
        } else {
          /*Change the background color of the stream to white as default, this background color can be optionally changed by the users to green/red upon build success/failure
             *using post build action plugins.
               //For AccuRev 6.0.x versions
               SetProperty.setproperty(this, accurevWorkingSpace, listener, accurevClientExePath, launcher, accurevEnv, server, localStream, "#FFFFFF", "style");
               //For AccuRev 6.1.x onwards
               SetProperty.setproperty(this, accurevWorkingSpace, listener, accurevClientExePath, launcher, accurevEnv, server, localStream, "#FFFFFF", "streamStyle");               
           PopulateCmd pop = new PopulateCmd();
           if ( pop.populate(this, launcher, listener, server, accurevClientExePath, localStream, true, "from jenkins workspace", accurevWorkingSpace, accurevEnv) ) {
              startDateOfPopulate = pop.get_startDateOfPopulate();
           } else {
              return false;
           listener.getLogger().println("Calculating latest transaction info for stream: " + localStream + ".");
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