Creation -- SYMBOLIC -- then resolve(IScope) -- RESOLVED -- concretize(...) -- CONCRETE @author Erik Hilsdale @author Jim HuguninA day in the life of a pointcut.... - AMC. ========================================== Pointcuts are created by the PatternParser, which is called by ajdt to parse a pointcut from the PseudoTokens AST node (which in turn are part of a PointcutDesignator AST node). Pointcuts are resolved by ajdt when an AdviceDeclaration or a PointcutDeclaration has its statements resolved. This happens as part of completeTypeBindings in the AjLookupEnvironment which is called after the diet parse phase of the compiler. Named pointcuts, and references to named pointcuts are instances of ReferencePointcut. At the end of the compilation process, the pointcuts are serialized (write method) into attributes in the class file. When the weaver loads the class files, it unpacks the attributes and deserializes the pointcuts (read). All aspects are added to the world, by calling addOrReplaceAspect on the crosscutting members set of the world. When aspects are added or replaced, the crosscutting members in the aspect are extracted as ShadowMungers (each holding a pointcut). The ShadowMungers are concretized, which concretizes the pointcuts. At this stage ReferencePointcuts are replaced by their declared content. During weaving, the weaver processes type by type. It first culls potentially matching ShadowMungers by calling the fastMatch method on their pointcuts. Only those that might match make it through to the next phase. At the next phase, all of the shadows within the type are created and passed to the pointcut for matching (match). When the actual munging happens, matched pointcuts are asked for their residue (findResidue) - the runtime test if any. Because of negation, findResidue may be called on pointcuts that could never match the shadow.
A pointcut is composed of a {@link ClassFilter} and a {@link MethodMatcher}. Both these basic terms and a Pointcut itself can be combined to build up combinations (e.g. through {@link}). @author Rod Johnson @see ClassFilter @see MethodMatcher @see @see @see