Examples of POSort

Examples of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSort

        List<Boolean> mAscCols = new LinkedList<Boolean>();
        PORead read = new PORead(new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), input);
        List<PhysicalOperator> inputs = new LinkedList<PhysicalOperator>();
        POSort sort = new POSort(new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), -1, inputs,
                sortPlans, mAscCols, null);
        Tuple t = null;
        Result res1 = sort.getNextTuple();
        // System.out.println(res1.result);
        Result res2 = sort.getNextTuple();
        while (res2.returnStatus != POStatus.STATUS_EOP) {
            Object i1 = ((Tuple) res1.result).get(1);
            Object i2 = ((Tuple) res2.result).get(1);
            int i = DataType.compare(i1, i2);
            assertEquals(true, (i <= 0));
            // System.out.println(res2.result);
            res1 = res2;
            res2 = sort.getNextTuple();
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Examples of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSort

        List<Boolean> mAscCols = new LinkedList<Boolean>();
        PORead read = new PORead(new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), input);
        List<PhysicalOperator> inputs = new LinkedList<PhysicalOperator>();
        POSort sort = new POSort(new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), -1, inputs,
                sortPlans, mAscCols, null);
        Tuple t = null;
        Result res1 = sort.getNextTuple();
        // System.out.println(res1.result);
        Result res2 = sort.getNextTuple();
        while (res2.returnStatus != POStatus.STATUS_EOP) {
            Object i1 = ((Tuple) res1.result).get(1);
            Object i2 = ((Tuple) res2.result).get(1);
            int i = DataType.compare(i1, i2);
            assertEquals(true, (i >= 0));
            // System.out.println(res2.result);
            res1 = res2;
            res2 = sort.getNextTuple();
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Examples of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSort

        PORead read = new PORead(new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), input);
        List<PhysicalOperator> inputs = new LinkedList<PhysicalOperator>();

        POSort sort = new POSort(new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), -1, inputs,
                                 sortPlans, mAscCols, null);

        Tuple t = null;
        Result res ;
        // output line 1
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(0), 1) ;
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(1), 10) ;
        // output line 2
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(0), 2) ;
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(1), 8) ;
        // output line 3
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(0), 3) ;
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(1), 8) ;

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Examples of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSort

        PORead read = new PORead(new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), input);
        List<PhysicalOperator> inputs = new LinkedList<PhysicalOperator>();

        POSort sort = new POSort(new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), -1, inputs,
                                 sortPlans, mAscCols, null);

        Tuple t = null;
        Result res ;
        // output line 1
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertNull(((Tuple) res.result).get(0)) ;
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(1), 10) ;
         // output line 2
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(0), 1) ;
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(1), 8) ;
        // output line 3
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(0), 3) ;
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(1), 8) ;
        // output line 4
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertNull(((Tuple) res.result).get(0)) ;
        assertNull(((Tuple) res.result).get(1)) ;
        // output line 5
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(0), 1 );
        assertNull(((Tuple) res.result).get(1)) ;

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Examples of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSort

        PORead read = new PORead(new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), input);
        List<PhysicalOperator> inputs = new LinkedList<PhysicalOperator>();

        POSort sort = new POSort(new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), -1, inputs,
                                 sortPlans, mAscCols, null);

        Tuple t = null;
        Result res ;
        // output line 1
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(0), 3) ;
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(1), 5) ;
        // output line 2
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(0), 3) ;
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(1), 8) ;
        // output line 3
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(0), 1) ;
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(1), 2) ;

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Examples of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSort

        PORead read = new PORead(new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), input);
        List<PhysicalOperator> inputs = new LinkedList<PhysicalOperator>();

        POSort sort = new POSort(new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), -1, inputs,
                                 sortPlans, mAscCols, null);

        Tuple t = null;
        Result res ;
        // output line 1
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(0), 3) ;
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(1), 8) ;
        // output line 2
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(0), 1) ;
        assertNull(((Tuple) res.result).get(1)) ;
        // output line 3
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(0), 1) ;
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(1), 8) ;
        // output line 4
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertNull(((Tuple) res.result).get(0)) ;
        assertNull(((Tuple) res.result).get(1)) ;
        // output line 5
        res = sort.getNextTuple();
        assertNull(((Tuple) res.result).get(0)) ;
        assertEquals(((Tuple) res.result).get(1), 10) ;

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Examples of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSort

        String funcName = WeirdComparator.class.getName() + "()";
        /*POUserFunc comparator = new POUserFunc(
                new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), -1, inputs, funcName);*/
        POUserComparisonFunc comparator = new POUserComparisonFunc(
                new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), -1, null, new FuncSpec(funcName));
        POSort sort = new POSort(new OperatorKey("", r.nextLong()), -1, inputs,
                null, null, comparator);
        Tuple t = null;
        Result res1 = sort.getNextTuple();
        // System.out.println(res1.result);
        Result res2 = sort.getNextTuple();
        while (res2.returnStatus != POStatus.STATUS_EOP) {
            int i1 = ((Integer) ((Tuple) res1.result).get(1) == null ? 0 : (Integer) ((Tuple) res1.result).get(1));
            int i2 = ((Integer) ((Tuple) res2.result).get(1) == null ? 0 : (Integer) ((Tuple) res2.result).get(1));
            int i = (i1 - 50) * (i1 - 50) - (i2 - 50) * (i2 - 50);
            assertEquals(true, (i <= 0));
            System.out.println(i + " : " + res2.result);
            res1 = res2;
            res2 = sort.getNextTuple();

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Examples of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSort

            MapReduceOper prevJob,
            FileSpec lFile,
            FileSpec quantFile,
            int rp) throws PlanException, VisitorException {
        POSort sort = new POSort(inpSort.getOperatorKey(), inpSort
                .getRequestedParallelism(), null, inpSort.getSortPlans(),
                inpSort.getMAscCols(), inpSort.getMSortFunc());
        sort.addOriginalLocation(inpSort.getAlias(), inpSort.getOriginalLocations());
      // Turn the asc/desc array into an array of strings so that we can pass it
        // to the FindQuantiles function.
        List<Boolean> ascCols = inpSort.getMAscCols();
        String[] ascs = new String[ascCols.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < ascCols.size(); i++) ascs[i] = ascCols.get(i).toString();
        // check if user defined comparator is used in the sort, if so
        // prepend the name of the comparator as the first fields in the
        // constructor args array to the FindQuantiles udf
        String[] ctorArgs = ascs;
        if(sort.isUDFComparatorUsed) {
            String userComparatorFuncSpec = sort.getMSortFunc().getFuncSpec().toString();
            ctorArgs = new String[ascs.length + 1];
            ctorArgs[0] = USER_COMPARATOR_MARKER + userComparatorFuncSpec;
            for(int j = 0; j < ascs.length; j++) {
                ctorArgs[j+1] = ascs[j];
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Examples of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSort

      List<Boolean> ascCol = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
      for(int i=0; i<groups.size(); i++) {               
      POSort sort = new POSort(op.getOperatorKey(), op.getRequestedParallelism(), null, groups, ascCol, null);
      // set up transform plan to get keys and memory size of input tuples
      // it first adds all the plans to get key columns,
      List<PhysicalPlan> transformPlans = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>();
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Examples of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSort

        LogicalFieldSchema sortPlanFS = ((LogicalExpression)sortPlanLeaf).getFieldSchema();

        PhysicalPlan pp = Util.buildPhysicalPlanFromNewLP(lp, pc);
        POStore poStore = (POStore)pp.getLeaves().get(0);
        POSort poSort = (POSort)pp.getPredecessors(poStore).get(0);
        POProject poProject = (POProject)poSort.getSortPlans().get(0).getLeaves().get(0);
        assertEquals(DataType.TUPLE, poProject.getResultType());
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