System.out.println("3 = AI vs AI");
int mode = sc.nextInt();
boolean checkmate = false;
if (mode==1) {
//create two human players
PlayerHuman player1 = new PlayerHuman(0);
PlayerHuman player2 = new PlayerHuman(1);
System.out.println("Player1: White");
System.out.println("Player2: Black");
int whosTurn = 0; //white starts
System.out.println("Player1's turn");
// board.showGameStateWithNotation();
boolean cont = true;
String src, dest;
sc.nextLine(); //clear buffer
while (cont && !checkmate) {
boolean legalMove = false;
//repeat until move is legal
while (!legalMove) {
System.out.println("What piece you'd like to move? (notation)");
src = sc.nextLine();
System.out.println("Where you'd like to move that piece? (notation)");
dest = sc.nextLine();
if (whosTurn==player1.getSide()) {
legalMove = move.doMove(player1, src, dest);
} else if (whosTurn==player2.getSide()) {
legalMove = move.doMove(player2, src, dest);
if (!legalMove) {
System.out.println("Illegal move");
//after a successful move, change player
if (whosTurn == 0) {
whosTurn = 1;
} else {
whosTurn = 0;
// board.showGameStateWithNotation();
//inform that player turn changes
if (whosTurn==player1.getSide()) {
System.out.println("Player1's turn");
} else {
System.out.println("Player2's turn");
//check for checkmate
checkmate = game.checkCheckmate(board, move, player1, player2);
// System.out.println("Continue playing? (y/n)");
// String ans = sc.nextLine();
// if (ans.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
// cont = true;
// } else {
// cont = false;
// }
} else if (mode==2) {
//create human and AI
PlayerHuman player1 = new PlayerHuman(0);
PlayerAI player2 = new PlayerAI(board, move, 1);
System.out.println("Player1: White");
System.out.println("Player2: Black");
int whosTurn = 0; //white starts
System.out.println("Player1's turn");
// board.showGameStateWithNotation();
boolean cont = true;
String src, dest;
sc.nextLine(); //clear buffer
while (cont && !checkmate) {
boolean legalMove = false;
//repeat until move is legal
if (whosTurn==0) {
while (!legalMove) {
System.out.println("What piece you'd like to move? (notation)");
src = sc.nextLine();
System.out.println("Where you'd like to move that piece? (notation)");
dest = sc.nextLine();
if (whosTurn==player1.getSide()) {
legalMove = move.doMove(player1, src, dest);
if (!legalMove) {
System.out.println("Illegal move");
whosTurn = 1;
} else if (whosTurn==1) {
whosTurn = 0;
// board.showGameStateWithNotation();
//inform that player turn changes
if (whosTurn==player1.getSide()) {
System.out.println("Player1's turn");
} else {
System.out.println("Player2's turn");
//check for checkmate