Examples of PlanValidationException

Examples of org.apache.pig.impl.plan.PlanValidationException

                endAlias = null;
            if(startCol < 0){
                String msg = "Invalid start column position in " +
                "range projection (..) " + startCol;
                throw new PlanValidationException(this, msg, 2270, PigException.BUG);
            if(endCol > 0 && startCol > endCol){
                String msg = "start column appears after end column in " +
                "range projection (..) . Start column position " + startCol +
                " End column position " + endCol;
                throw new PlanValidationException(this, msg, 1127, PigException.INPUT);
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Examples of org.apache.pig.impl.plan.PlanValidationException

            if( colNum == -1 ) {
              String msg = "Invalid field projection. Projected field [" + alias + "] does not exist";
                if( inputSchema != null )
                  msg += " in schema: " + inputSchema.toString( false );
                msg += ".";
                throw new PlanValidationException( this, msg, 1025 );
            return colNum;
        } else {
            int col = getColNum();
            if( inputSchema != null && col >= inputSchema.size() ) {
                throw new PlanValidationException( this,
                        "Out of bound access. Trying to access non-existent column: " +
                        col + ". Schema " +  inputSchema.toString(false) +
                        " has " + inputSchema.size() + " column(s)." , 1000);
            return col;
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Examples of org.apache.pig.impl.plan.PlanValidationException

                endAlias = null;
            if(startCol < 0){
                String msg = "Invalid start column position in " +
                "range projection (..) " + startCol;
                throw new PlanValidationException(this, msg, 2270, PigException.BUG);
            if(endCol > 0 && startCol > endCol){
                String msg = "start column appears after end column in " +
                "range projection (..) . Start column position " + startCol +
                " End column position " + endCol;
                throw new PlanValidationException(this, msg, 1127, PigException.INPUT);
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Examples of org.apache.pig.impl.plan.PlanValidationException

            if( colNum == -1 ) {
              String msg = "Invalid field projection. Projected field [" + alias + "] does not exist";
                if( inputSchema != null )
                  msg += " in schema: " + inputSchema.toString( false );
                msg += ".";
                throw new PlanValidationException( this, msg, 1025 );
            return colNum;
        } else {
            int col = getColNum();
            if( inputSchema != null && col >= inputSchema.size() ) {
                throw new PlanValidationException( this,
                        "Out of bound access. Trying to access non-existent column: " +
                        col + ". Schema " +  inputSchema.toString(false) +
                        " has " + inputSchema.size() + " column(s)." , 1000);
            return col;
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