Package pivot.wtkx

Examples of pivot.wtkx.WTKXSerializer$NamedObjectDictionary

        Prompt prompt = (Prompt)component;

        // Load the prompt content
        WTKXSerializer wtkxSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();
        Component content = null;

        try {
            content = (Component)wtkxSerializer.readObject(getClass().getResource("prompt_skin.wtkx"));
        } catch(Exception exception) {
            throw new RuntimeException(exception);


        // Set the type image
        TerraTheme theme = (TerraTheme)Theme.getTheme();

        ImageView typeImageView = (ImageView)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("typeImageView");

        // Set the message
        Label messageLabel = (Label)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("messageLabel");
        String message = prompt.getMessage();

        // Set the body
        FlowPane messageFlowPane = (FlowPane)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("messageFlowPane");
        Component body = prompt.getBody();
        if (body != null) {

        // Add the option buttons
        FlowPane buttonFlowPane = (FlowPane)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("buttonFlowPane");

        for (int i = 0, n = prompt.getOptionCount(); i < n; i++) {
            Object option = prompt.getOption(i);

            PushButton optionButton = new PushButton(option);
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            public String getDescription() {
                return "Specifies authentication credentials";

            public void perform() {
                final WTKXSerializer sheetSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();
                final Sheet sheet;

                try {
                    sheet = (Sheet)sheetSerializer.readObject("pivot/tools/net/setAuthentication.wtkx");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);

                Button okButton = (Button)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("okButton");
                okButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
                    public void buttonPressed(Button button) {

                Button cancelButton = (Button)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("cancelButton");
                cancelButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
                    public void buttonPressed(Button button) {

                if (credentials != null) {
                    TextInput usernameTextInput = (TextInput)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("username");
                    TextInput passwordTextInput = (TextInput)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("password");

                sheet.getSheetStateListeners().add(new SheetStateListener() {
                    public Vote previewSheetClose(Sheet sheet, boolean result) {
                        return Vote.APPROVE;

                    public void sheetCloseVetoed(Sheet sheet, Vote reaso) {
                        // No-op

                    public void sheetClosed(Sheet sheet) {
                        if (sheet.getResult()) {
                            TextInput usernameTextInput = (TextInput)
                            TextInput passwordTextInput = (TextInput)

                            String username = usernameTextInput.getText();
                            String password = passwordTextInput.getText();

                            if (username.length() == 0 && password.length() == 0) {
                                credentials = null;
                            } else {
                                credentials = new Credentials(username, password);


        new Action("toggleHostnameVerificationAction") {
            public String getDescription() {
                return "Toggles lenient hostname verification";

            public void perform() {
                lenientHostnameVerification = !lenientHostnameVerification;

        new Action("setKeystoreAction") {
            private String keystorePath = null;
            private String keystorePassword = null;

            public String getDescription() {
                return "Sets a trusted keystore";

            public void perform() {
                final WTKXSerializer sheetSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();
                final Sheet sheet;

                try {
                    sheet = (Sheet)sheetSerializer.readObject("pivot/tools/net/setKeystore.wtkx");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);

                Button okButton = (Button)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("okButton");
                okButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
                    public void buttonPressed(Button button) {

                Button cancelButton = (Button)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("cancelButton");
                cancelButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
                    public void buttonPressed(Button button) {

                if (keystorePath != null) {
                    TextInput pathTextInput = (TextInput)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("path");

                if (keystorePassword != null) {
                    TextInput passwdTextInput = (TextInput)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("passwd");

                sheet.getSheetStateListeners().add(new SheetStateListener() {
                    public Vote previewSheetClose(Sheet sheet, boolean result) {
                        Vote vote = Vote.APPROVE;

                        if (result) {
                            TextInput pathTextInput = (TextInput)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("path");
                            TextInput passwdTextInput = (TextInput)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("passwd");

                            keystorePath = pathTextInput.getText();
                            keystorePassword = passwdTextInput.getText();

                            File file = new File(keystorePath);
                            if (!file.exists()
                                || !file.isFile()) {
                                vote = Vote.DENY;
                            } else if (!file.canRead()) {
                                vote = Vote.DENY;

                        return vote;

                    public void sheetCloseVetoed(Sheet sheet, Vote reaso) {
                        // No-op

                    public void sheetClosed(Sheet sheet) {
                        if (sheet.getResult()) {
                            System.setProperty("", keystorePath);
                            System.setProperty("", keystorePassword);


        // Load the main app window
        serializer = new WTKXSerializer();
        window = (Window)serializer.readObject("pivot/tools/net/application.wtkx");;

        TableView tableView = (TableView)serializer.getObjectByName("log.tableView");
        tableView.getComponentMouseButtonListeners().add(new ComponentMouseButtonListener() {
            public boolean mouseDown(Component component, Mouse.Button button, int x, int y) {
                return false;

            public boolean mouseUp(Component component, Mouse.Button button, int x, int y) {
                return false;

            public boolean mouseClick(Component component, Mouse.Button button, int x, int y, int count) {
                boolean consumed = false;

                if (button == Mouse.Button.LEFT && count == 2) {
                    consumed = true;

                    if (detailsFrame == null) {
                        final WTKXSerializer frameSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();

                        try {
                            detailsFrame = (Frame)frameSerializer.readObject
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            throw new RuntimeException(ex);
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    String src = properties.get(SRC_ARGUMENT);
    String title = properties.get(TITLE_ARGUMENT);

    WTKXSerializer wtkxSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();

    Component content = (Component)wtkxSerializer.readObject(src);
    window = new Window(content);
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public class DragAndDropDemo implements Application {
    private Window window = null;

    public void startup(Display display, Dictionary<String, String> properties)
        throws Exception {
        WTKXSerializer wtkxSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();
        window = new Window((Component)wtkxSerializer.readObject(getClass().getResource("drag_and_drop.wtkx")));

        // Text
        final Label label = (Label)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("label");
        label.setDragSource(new DragSource() {
            private LocalManifest content = null;

            public boolean beginDrag(Component component, int x, int y) {
                String text = label.getText();
                if (text != null) {
                    content = new LocalManifest();

                return (content != null);

            public void endDrag(Component component, DropAction dropAction) {
                content = null;

            public boolean isNative() {
                return true;

            public LocalManifest getContent() {
                return content;

            public Visual getRepresentation() {
                return null;

            public Point getOffset() {
                return null;

            public int getSupportedDropActions() {
                return DropAction.COPY.getMask();

        label.setDropTarget(new DropTarget() {
            public DropAction dragEnter(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, DropAction userDropAction) {
                DropAction dropAction = null;

                if (dragContent.containsText()
                    && DropAction.COPY.isSelected(supportedDropActions)) {
                    dropAction = DropAction.COPY;

                return dropAction;

            public void dragExit(Component component) {

            public DropAction dragMove(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, int x, int y, DropAction userDropAction) {
                return (dragContent.containsText() ? DropAction.COPY : null);

            public DropAction userDropActionChange(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, int x, int y, DropAction userDropAction) {
                return (dragContent.containsText() ? DropAction.COPY : null);

            public DropAction drop(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, int x, int y, DropAction userDropAction) {
                DropAction dropAction = null;

                if (dragContent.containsText()) {
                    try {
                        dropAction = DropAction.COPY;
                    } catch(IOException exception) {


                return dropAction;

        PushButton copyTextButton = (PushButton)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("copyTextButton");
        copyTextButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
            public void buttonPressed(Button button) {
                String text = label.getText();
                LocalManifest clipboardContent = new LocalManifest();

        PushButton pasteTextButton = (PushButton)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("pasteTextButton");
        pasteTextButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
            public void buttonPressed(Button button) {
                Manifest clipboardContent = Clipboard.getContent();

                if (clipboardContent != null
                    && clipboardContent.containsText()) {
                    try {
                    } catch(IOException exception) {

        // Images
        final ImageView imageView = (ImageView)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("imageView");
        imageView.setDragSource(new DragSource() {
            private LocalManifest content = null;

            public boolean beginDrag(Component component, int x, int y) {
                Image image = imageView.getImage();

                if (image != null) {
                    content = new LocalManifest();

                return (content != null);

            public void endDrag(Component component, DropAction dropAction) {
                content = null;

            public boolean isNative() {
                return true;

            public LocalManifest getContent() {
                return content;

            public Visual getRepresentation() {
                return null;

            public Point getOffset() {
                return null;

            public int getSupportedDropActions() {
                return DropAction.COPY.getMask();

        imageView.setDropTarget(new DropTarget() {
            public DropAction dragEnter(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, DropAction userDropAction) {
                DropAction dropAction = null;

                if (dragContent.containsImage()
                    && DropAction.COPY.isSelected(supportedDropActions)) {
                    dropAction = DropAction.COPY;

                return dropAction;

            public void dragExit(Component component) {

            public DropAction dragMove(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, int x, int y, DropAction userDropAction) {
                return (dragContent.containsImage() ? DropAction.COPY : null);

            public DropAction userDropActionChange(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, int x, int y, DropAction userDropAction) {
                return (dragContent.containsImage() ? DropAction.COPY : null);

            public DropAction drop(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, int x, int y, DropAction userDropAction) {
                DropAction dropAction = null;

                if (dragContent.containsImage()) {
                    try {
                        dropAction = DropAction.COPY;
                    } catch(IOException exception) {


                return dropAction;

        PushButton copyImageButton = (PushButton)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("copyImageButton");
        copyImageButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
            public void buttonPressed(Button button) {
                Image image = imageView.getImage();
                if (image != null) {
                    LocalManifest clipboardContent = new LocalManifest();

        PushButton pasteImageButton = (PushButton)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("pasteImageButton");
        pasteImageButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
            public void buttonPressed(Button button) {
                Manifest clipboardContent = Clipboard.getContent();

                if (clipboardContent != null
                    && clipboardContent.containsImage()) {
                    try {
                    } catch(IOException exception) {

        // Files
        final ListView listView = (ListView)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("listView");
        listView.setListData(new FileList());

        listView.setDragSource(new DragSource() {
            private LocalManifest content = null;

            public boolean beginDrag(Component component, int x, int y) {
                ListView listView = (ListView)component;
                FileList fileList = (FileList)listView.getListData();

                if (fileList.getLength() > 0) {
                    content = new LocalManifest();

                return (content != null);

            public void endDrag(Component component, DropAction dropAction) {
                content = null;

            public boolean isNative() {
                return true;

            public LocalManifest getContent() {
                return content;

            public Visual getRepresentation() {
                return null;

            public Point getOffset() {
                return null;

            public int getSupportedDropActions() {
                return DropAction.COPY.getMask();

        listView.setDropTarget(new DropTarget() {
            public DropAction dragEnter(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, DropAction userDropAction) {
                DropAction dropAction = null;

                if (dragContent.containsFileList()
                    && DropAction.COPY.isSelected(supportedDropActions)) {
                    dropAction = DropAction.COPY;

                return dropAction;

            public void dragExit(Component component) {

            public DropAction dragMove(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, int x, int y, DropAction userDropAction) {
                return (dragContent.containsFileList() ? DropAction.COPY : null);

            public DropAction userDropActionChange(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, int x, int y, DropAction userDropAction) {
                return (dragContent.containsFileList() ? DropAction.COPY : null);

            public DropAction drop(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, int x, int y, DropAction userDropAction) {
                DropAction dropAction = null;

                if (dragContent.containsFileList()) {
                    try {
                        dropAction = DropAction.COPY;
                    } catch(IOException exception) {


                return dropAction;

        PushButton copyFilesButton = (PushButton)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("copyFilesButton");
        copyFilesButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
            public void buttonPressed(Button button) {
                // TODO

        PushButton pasteFilesButton = (PushButton)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("pasteFilesButton");
        pasteFilesButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
            public void buttonPressed(Button button) {
                // TODO
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    private Frame frame = null;

    public void startup(Display display, Dictionary<String, String> properties)
        throws Exception {
        WTKXSerializer wtkxSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();

        frame = new Frame((Component)wtkxSerializer.readObject(getClass().getResource("charts_test.wtkx")));
        frame.setTitle("Charts Test");

        ChartViewMouseButtonHandler chartViewMouseButtonHandler = new ChartViewMouseButtonHandler();

        PieChartView pieChartView = (PieChartView)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("pieCharts.pieChartView");

        BarChartView categoryBarChartView = (BarChartView)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("barCharts.categoryBarChartView");

        BarChartView xyBarChartView = (BarChartView)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("barCharts.xyBarChartView");

        LineChartView categoryLineChartView = (LineChartView)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("lineCharts.categoryLineChartView");

        LineChartView xyLineChartView = (LineChartView)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("lineCharts.xyLineChartView");

        AreaChartView categoryAreaChartView = (AreaChartView)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("areaCharts.categoryAreaChartView");

        AreaChartView xyAreaChartView = (AreaChartView)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("areaCharts.xyAreaChartView");

        HighLowChartView highLowChartView = (HighLowChartView)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("highLowCharts.highLowChartView");

        frame.setPreferredSize(640, 480);;
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    private TableView fileTableView = null;
    private PushButton uploadButton = null;

    public void startup(Display display, Dictionary<String, String> properties)
        throws Exception {
        WTKXSerializer wtkxSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();
        window = new Window((Component)wtkxSerializer.readObject(getClass().getResource("file_drop_target_demo.wtkx")));

        fileTableView = (TableView)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("fileTableView");

        fileList = new FileList();

        fileList.getListListeners().add(new ListListener<File>() {
            public void itemInserted(List<File> list, int index) {
                uploadButton.setEnabled(list.getLength() > 0);

            public void itemsRemoved(List<File> list, int index, Sequence<File> files) {
                uploadButton.setEnabled(list.getLength() > 0);

                if (fileTableView.isFocused()
                    && index < list.getLength()) {

            public void itemUpdated(List<File> list, int index, File previousFile) {
                // No-op

            public void comparatorChanged(List<File> fileList, Comparator<File> previousComparator) {
                // No-op

        fileTableView.getComponentKeyListeners().add(new ComponentKeyListener() {
            public boolean keyTyped(Component component, char character) {
                return false;

            public boolean keyPressed(Component component, int keyCode, Keyboard.KeyLocation keyLocation) {
                if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.DELETE
                    || keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.BACKSPACE) {
                    Sequence<Span> selectedRanges = fileTableView.getSelectedRanges();

                    for (int i = selectedRanges.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        Span range = selectedRanges.get(i);
                        int index = range.getStart();
                        int count = range.getEnd() - index + 1;
                        fileList.remove(index, count);

                return false;

            public boolean keyReleased(Component component, int keyCode, Keyboard.KeyLocation keyLocation) {
                return false;

        fileTableView.setDropTarget(new DropTarget() {
            public DropAction dragEnter(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, DropAction userDropAction) {
                DropAction dropAction = null;

                if (dragContent.containsFileList()
                    && DropAction.COPY.isSelected(supportedDropActions)) {
                    dropAction = DropAction.COPY;

                return dropAction;

            public void dragExit(Component component) {

            public DropAction dragMove(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, int x, int y, DropAction userDropAction) {
                return (dragContent.containsFileList() ? DropAction.COPY : null);

            public DropAction userDropActionChange(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, int x, int y, DropAction userDropAction) {
                return (dragContent.containsFileList() ? DropAction.COPY : null);

            public DropAction drop(Component component, Manifest dragContent,
                int supportedDropActions, int x, int y, DropAction userDropAction) {
                DropAction dropAction = null;

                if (dragContent.containsFileList()) {
                    try {
                        FileList tableData = (FileList)fileTableView.getTableData();
                        FileList fileList = dragContent.getFileList();
                        for (File file : fileList) {
                            if (file instanceof Folder) {
                            } else {

                        dropAction = DropAction.COPY;
                    } catch(IOException exception) {


                return dropAction;

        uploadButton = (PushButton)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("uploadButton");
        uploadButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
            public void buttonPressed(Button button) {
                Prompt.prompt(MessageType.INFO, "Pretending to upload...", window);
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    private TextInput textinputIntRange = null;
    private TextInput textinputDateRegex = null;
    private TextInput textinputCustomBoolean = null;

    public void startup(Display display, Dictionary<String, String> properties) throws Exception {
        WTKXSerializer wtkxSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();
        window = new Window((Component)wtkxSerializer.readObject(
        textinputFloatRange = (TextInput)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("textinputFloatRange");
        textinputIntRange = (TextInput)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("textinputIntRange");
        textinputDateRegex = (TextInput)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("textinputDateRegex");
        textinputCustomBoolean = (TextInput)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("textinputCustomBoolean");

        // standard float range model
        textinputFloatRange.setValidator(new FloatRangeValidator(0.3f, 2000f));

        // test the listener by updating a label
        textinputFloatRange.getTextInputListeners().add(new TextInputListener() {
            public void maximumLengthChanged(TextInput textInput, int previousMaximumLength) {

            public void passwordChanged(TextInput textInput) {

            public void promptChanged(TextInput textInput, String previousPrompt) {

            public void textKeyChanged(TextInput textInput, String previousTextKey) {

            public void textNodeChanged(TextInput textInput, TextNode previousTextNode) {

            public void textSizeChanged(TextInput textInput, int previousTextSize) {

            public void textValidChanged(TextInput textInput) {
                invalidLabel.setText(textInput.isTextValid() ? "valid" : "invalid");

            public void textValidatorChanged(TextInput textInput, Validator validator) {

        invalidLabel = (Label)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("invalidLabel");

        // standard int range model
        textinputIntRange.setValidator(new IntRangeValidator(0, 100));
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    private Window window = null;

    public void startup(Display display, Dictionary<String, String> properties)
        throws Exception {
        WTKXSerializer wtkxSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();
        window = new Window((Component)wtkxSerializer.readObject(getClass().getResource("scripting_demo.wtkx")));

        String foo = (String)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("foo");
        System.out.println("foo = " + foo);

        window.setTitle("Scripting Demo");
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        basePath = properties.get(BASE_PATH_KEY);
        if (basePath == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("basePath is required.");

        WTKXSerializer wtkxSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();
        window = (Window)wtkxSerializer.readObject(getClass().getResource("large_data.wtkx"));

        fileListButton = (ListButton)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("fileListButton");

        loadDataButton = (PushButton)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("loadDataButton");
        loadDataButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
          public void buttonPressed(Button button) {

        statusLabel = (Label)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("statusLabel");

        tableView = (TableView)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("tableView");

        tableViewHeader = (TableViewHeader)wtkxSerializer.getObjectByName("tableViewHeader");
        tableViewHeader.getTableViewHeaderPressListeners().add(new TableView.SortHandler() {
          public void headerPressed(TableViewHeader tableViewHeader, int index) {
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            super.headerPressed(tableViewHeader, index);
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    private Window window = null;
    private boolean synchronizingSelection = false;

    public void startup(Display display, Dictionary<String, String> properties)
        throws Exception {
        WTKXSerializer wtkxSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();

        Component content =

        // Get references to the table views and table view headers
        final TableView primaryTableView =
        final TableViewHeader primaryTableViewHeader =

        final TableView fixedTableView =
        final TableViewHeader fixedTableViewHeader =

        // Keep selection state in sync
        primaryTableView.getTableViewSelectionListeners().add(new TableViewSelectionListener() {
            public void selectedRangeAdded(TableView tableView, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd) {
                if (!synchronizingSelection) {
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Related Classes of pivot.wtkx.WTKXSerializer$NamedObjectDictionary

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