Package pivot.wtk

Examples of pivot.wtk.TextInput$TextInputListenerList

    public boolean mouseDown(Component component, Mouse.Button button, int x, int y) {
        if (button == Mouse.Button.LEFT) {
            // Move the caret to the insertion point
            TextInput textInput = (TextInput)getComponent();
            String text = getText();

            if (text.length() > 0) {
                int index = getInsertionIndex(text, x);
                textInput.setSelection(index, 0);

            // Set focus to the text input

            // Capture the mouse so we can select text
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    public boolean mouseClick(Component component, Mouse.Button button, int x, int y, int count) {
        if (button == Mouse.Button.LEFT
            && count > 1) {
            TextInput textInput = (TextInput)getComponent();
            TextNode textNode = textInput.getTextNode();
            textInput.setSelection(0, textNode.getCharacterCount());

        return super.mouseClick(component, button, x, y, count);
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        // Ignore characters in the control range and the ASCII delete
        // character
        if (character > 0x1F
            && character != 0x7F) {
            TextInput textInput = (TextInput)getComponent();
            TextNode textNode = textInput.getTextNode();

            if (textNode.getCharacterCount() < textInput.getMaximumLength()) {
                textInput.insertText(character, textInput.getSelectionStart());
            } else {
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    public boolean keyPressed(Component component, int keyCode, Keyboard.KeyLocation keyLocation) {
        boolean consumed = false;

        TextInput textInput = (TextInput)getComponent();
        TextNode textNode = textInput.getTextNode();

        if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.DELETE) {
        } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.BACKSPACE) {
        } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.LEFT) {
            int selectionStart = textInput.getSelectionStart();
            int selectionLength = textInput.getSelectionLength();

            if (Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.SHIFT)
                && Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.CTRL)) {
                // Add all preceding text to the selection
                selectionLength = selectionStart + selectionLength;
                selectionStart = 0;
            } else if (Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.SHIFT)) {
                // Add the previous character to the selection
                if (selectionStart > 0) {
            } else if (Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.CTRL)) {
                // Clear the selection and move the caret to the beginning of
                // the text
                selectionStart = 0;
                selectionLength = 0;
            } else {
                // Clear the selection and move the caret back by one
                // character
                if (selectionLength == 0
                    && selectionStart > 0) {

                selectionLength = 0;

            textInput.setSelection(selectionStart, selectionLength);
        } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.RIGHT) {
            int selectionStart = textInput.getSelectionStart();
            int selectionLength = textInput.getSelectionLength();

            if (Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.SHIFT)
                && Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.CTRL)) {
                // Add all subsequent text to the selection
                selectionLength = textNode.getCharacterCount() - selectionStart;
            } else if (Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.SHIFT)) {
                // Add the next character to the selection
                if (selectionStart + selectionLength < textNode.getCharacterCount()) {
            } else if (Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.CTRL)) {
                // Clear the selection and move the caret to the end of
                // the text
                selectionStart = textNode.getCharacterCount();
                selectionLength = 0;
            } else {
                // Clear the selection and move the caret forward by one
                // character
                selectionStart += selectionLength;

                if (selectionLength == 0
                    && selectionStart < textNode.getCharacterCount()) {

                selectionLength = 0;

            textInput.setSelection(selectionStart, selectionLength);
        } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.A
            && Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.CTRL)) {
            // Select all
            textInput.setSelection(0, textNode.getCharacterCount());
        } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.X
            && Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.CTRL)) {
            if (textInput.isPassword()) {
            } else {
        } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.C
            && Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.CTRL)) {
            if (textInput.isPassword()) {
            } else {
        } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.V
            && Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.CTRL)) {
        } else {
            consumed = super.keyPressed(component, keyCode, keyLocation);

        return consumed;
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    public void focusedChanged(Component component, boolean temporary) {
        super.focusedChanged(component, temporary);

        TextInput textInput = (TextInput)getComponent();
        TextNode textNode = textInput.getTextNode();

        if (component.isFocused()) {
            showCaret(textInput.getSelectionLength() == 0);

            if (!temporary
                && Mouse.getCapturer() != component) {
                textInput.setSelection(0, textNode.getCharacterCount());
        } else {
            if (!temporary) {
                    + textInput.getSelectionLength(), 0);

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        // TODO Report this issue to Sun?
        if (text.length() == 0) {
            text = " ";

        TextInput textInput = (TextInput)getComponent();

        int selectionStart = textInput.getSelectionStart();
        int selectionLength = textInput.getSelectionLength();

        TextLayout textLayout = new TextLayout(text, font, fontRenderContext);

        caretShapes = textLayout.getCaretShapes(selectionStart);
        logicalHighlightShape = textLayout.getLogicalHighlightShape(selectionStart,
            selectionStart + selectionLength);

        int width = getWidth();

        if (width <= padding.left + padding.right + 2) {
            scrollLeft = 0;
        } else {
            if (textInput.getSelectionLength() == 0) {
                Rectangle2D caretBounds = caretShapes[0].getBounds();
                int caretLeft = (int)caretBounds.getX();

                if (caretLeft - scrollLeft < 0) {
                    // Ensure that the left edge of caret is visible
                    scrollLeft = caretLeft;
                } else {
                    // Ensure that the right edge of the caret is visible
                    int caretRight = (int)caretBounds.getMaxX();

                    if (caretRight - scrollLeft + padding.left + 1 > width - padding.right - 1) {
                        scrollLeft = Math.max(caretRight
                            - (width - (padding.left + padding.right + 2)), 0);
            } else {
                Rectangle2D logicalHighlightBounds = logicalHighlightShape.getBounds();
                int logicalHighlightLeft = (int)logicalHighlightBounds.getX();

                if (logicalHighlightLeft - scrollLeft < 0) {
                    // Ensure that the left edge of the highlight is visible
                    scrollLeft = logicalHighlightLeft;
                } else {
                    // Ensure that the right edge of the highlight is visible
                    int logicalHighlightRight = (int)logicalHighlightBounds.getMaxX();

                    if (logicalHighlightRight - scrollLeft + padding.left + 1 > width - padding.right - 1) {
                        scrollLeft = Math.max(logicalHighlightRight
                            - (width - (padding.left + padding.right + 2)), 0);

            && textInput.getSelectionLength() == 0);

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            if (caretBounds.width == 0) {

            TextInput textInput = (TextInput)getComponent();
            textInput.repaint(caretBounds.x, caretBounds.y,
                caretBounds.width, caretBounds.height, true);
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    private class ScrollSelectionCallback implements Runnable {
        private int x = 0;

        public void run() {
            TextInput textInput = (TextInput)getComponent();
            TextNode textNode = textInput.getTextNode();

            int selectionStart = textInput.getSelectionStart();
            int selectionLength = textInput.getSelectionLength();

            if (x < 0) {
                // Add the previous character to the selection
                if (selectionStart > 0) {
            } else {
                // Add the next character to the selection
                if (selectionStart + selectionLength < textNode.getCharacterCount()) {

            textInput.setSelection(selectionStart, selectionLength);
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        ListButton protocolListButton = (ListButton)serializer.getObjectByName("request.protocol");
        ListItem protocolListItem = (ListItem)protocolListButton.getSelectedItem();
        Protocol protocol = Protocol.decode(protocolListItem.getText());
        boolean secure = protocol.isSecure();

        TextInput hostTextInput = (TextInput)serializer.getObjectByName("");
        String host = hostTextInput.getText();

        TextInput portTextInput = (TextInput)serializer.getObjectByName("request.port");
        String portText = portTextInput.getText();
        int port;
        try {
            port = Integer.parseInt(portText);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            port = secure ? 443 : 80;

        TextInput pathTextInput = (TextInput)serializer.getObjectByName("request.path");
        String path = pathTextInput.getText();

        ListButton methodListButton = (ListButton)serializer.getObjectByName("request.method");
        ListItem methodListItem = (ListItem)methodListButton.getSelectedItem();

        // Construct the HTTP request
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                if (credentials != null) {
                    TextInput usernameTextInput = (TextInput)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("username");
                    TextInput passwordTextInput = (TextInput)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("password");

                sheet.getSheetStateListeners().add(new SheetStateListener() {
                    public Vote previewSheetClose(Sheet sheet, boolean result) {
                        return Vote.APPROVE;

                    public void sheetCloseVetoed(Sheet sheet, Vote reaso) {
                        // No-op

                    public void sheetClosed(Sheet sheet) {
                        if (sheet.getResult()) {
                            TextInput usernameTextInput = (TextInput)
                            TextInput passwordTextInput = (TextInput)

                            String username = usernameTextInput.getText();
                            String password = passwordTextInput.getText();

                            if (username.length() == 0 && password.length() == 0) {
                                credentials = null;
                            } else {
                                credentials = new Credentials(username, password);


        new Action("toggleHostnameVerificationAction") {
            public String getDescription() {
                return "Toggles lenient hostname verification";

            public void perform() {
                lenientHostnameVerification = !lenientHostnameVerification;

        new Action("setKeystoreAction") {
            private String keystorePath = null;
            private String keystorePassword = null;

            public String getDescription() {
                return "Sets a trusted keystore";

            public void perform() {
                final WTKXSerializer sheetSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();
                final Sheet sheet;

                try {
                    sheet = (Sheet)sheetSerializer.readObject("pivot/tools/net/setKeystore.wtkx");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);

                Button okButton = (Button)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("okButton");
                okButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
                    public void buttonPressed(Button button) {

                Button cancelButton = (Button)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("cancelButton");
                cancelButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
                    public void buttonPressed(Button button) {

                if (keystorePath != null) {
                    TextInput pathTextInput = (TextInput)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("path");

                if (keystorePassword != null) {
                    TextInput passwdTextInput = (TextInput)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("passwd");

                sheet.getSheetStateListeners().add(new SheetStateListener() {
                    public Vote previewSheetClose(Sheet sheet, boolean result) {
                        Vote vote = Vote.APPROVE;

                        if (result) {
                            TextInput pathTextInput = (TextInput)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("path");
                            TextInput passwdTextInput = (TextInput)sheetSerializer.getObjectByName("passwd");

                            keystorePath = pathTextInput.getText();
                            keystorePassword = passwdTextInput.getText();

                            File file = new File(keystorePath);
                            if (!file.exists()
                                || !file.isFile()) {
                                vote = Vote.DENY;
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Related Classes of pivot.wtk.TextInput$TextInputListenerList

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