Package pivot.wtk

Examples of pivot.wtk.ScrollPane$Corner

        return preferredHeight;

    public Dimensions getPreferredSize() {
        ScrollPane scrollPane = (ScrollPane)getComponent();

        int preferredWidth = 0;
        int preferredHeight = 0;

        Component view = scrollPane.getView();
        if (view != null) {
            Dimensions preferredViewSize = view.getPreferredSize();

            preferredWidth += preferredViewSize.width;
            preferredHeight += preferredViewSize.height;

            Component rowHeader = scrollPane.getRowHeader();
            if (rowHeader != null) {
                preferredWidth += rowHeader.getPreferredWidth(-1);

            Component columnHeader = scrollPane.getColumnHeader();
            if (columnHeader != null) {
                preferredHeight += columnHeader.getPreferredHeight(-1);

            if (scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBarPolicy() == ScrollBarPolicy.ALWAYS) {
                preferredHeight += horizontalScrollBar.getPreferredHeight(-1);

            if (scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBarPolicy() == ScrollBarPolicy.ALWAYS) {
                preferredWidth += verticalScrollBar.getPreferredWidth(-1);

        return new Dimensions(preferredWidth, preferredHeight);
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    public boolean mouseWheel(Component component, Mouse.ScrollType scrollType, int scrollAmount,
        int wheelRotation, int x, int y) {
        boolean consumed = false;

        ScrollPane scrollPane = (ScrollPane)getComponent();
        Component view = scrollPane.getView();

        if (view != null) {
            // The scroll orientation is tied to whether the shift key was
            // presssed while the mouse wheel was scrolled
            if (Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.SHIFT)) {
                // Treat the mouse wheel as a horizontal scroll event
                int previousScrollLeft = scrollPane.getScrollLeft();
                int newScrollLeft = previousScrollLeft + (scrollAmount * wheelRotation *

                if (wheelRotation > 0) {
                    int maxScrollLeft = getMaxScrollLeft();
                    newScrollLeft = Math.min(newScrollLeft, maxScrollLeft);

                    if (previousScrollLeft < maxScrollLeft) {
                        consumed = true;
                } else {
                    newScrollLeft = Math.max(newScrollLeft, 0);

                    if (previousScrollLeft > 0) {
                        consumed = true;

            } else {
                // Treat the mouse wheel as a vertical scroll event
                int previousScrollTop = scrollPane.getScrollTop();
                int newScrollTop = previousScrollTop + (scrollAmount * wheelRotation *

                if (wheelRotation > 0) {
                    int maxScrollTop = getMaxScrollTop();
                    newScrollTop = Math.min(newScrollTop, maxScrollTop);

                    if (previousScrollTop < maxScrollTop) {
                        consumed = true;
                } else {
                    newScrollTop = Math.max(newScrollTop, 0);

                    if (previousScrollTop > 0) {
                        consumed = true;


        return consumed;
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    public boolean keyPressed(Component component, int keyCode, Keyboard.KeyLocation keyLocation) {
        boolean consumed = super.keyPressed(component, keyCode, keyLocation);

        if (!consumed) {
            ScrollPane scrollPane = (ScrollPane)getComponent();

            int scrollTop = scrollPane.getScrollTop();
            int scrollLeft = scrollPane.getScrollLeft();

            if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.UP) {
                int newScrollTop = Math.max(scrollTop -
                    verticalScrollBar.getUnitIncrement(), 0);


                consumed = (newScrollTop != scrollTop);
            } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.DOWN) {
                int newScrollTop = Math.min(scrollTop +
                    verticalScrollBar.getUnitIncrement(), getMaxScrollTop());


                consumed = (newScrollTop != scrollTop);
            } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.LEFT) {
                int newScrollLeft = Math.max(scrollLeft -
                    horizontalScrollBar.getUnitIncrement(), 0);


                consumed = (newScrollLeft != scrollLeft);
            } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.RIGHT) {
                int newScrollLeft = Math.min(scrollLeft +
                    horizontalScrollBar.getUnitIncrement(), getMaxScrollLeft());


                consumed = (newScrollLeft != scrollLeft);
            } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.PAGE_UP) {
                int increment = verticalScrollBar.getBlockIncrement();
                int newScrollTop = Math.max(scrollTop - increment, 0);


                consumed = (newScrollTop != scrollTop);
            } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.PAGE_DOWN) {
                int increment = verticalScrollBar.getBlockIncrement();
                int newScrollTop = Math.min(scrollTop + increment, getMaxScrollTop());


                consumed = (newScrollTop != scrollTop);
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     * The maximum scrollTop value
    private int getMaxScrollTop() {
        int maxScrollTop = 0;

        ScrollPane scrollPane = (ScrollPane)getComponent();
        Component view = scrollPane.getView();

        if (view != null) {
            int viewHeight = view.getHeight();
            int columnHeaderHeight = 0;
            int horizontalScrollBarHeight = 0;
            int height = getHeight();

            Component columnHeader = scrollPane.getColumnHeader();
            if (columnHeader != null) {
                columnHeaderHeight = columnHeader.getHeight();

            if (horizontalScrollBar.isVisible()) {
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     * The maximum scrollLeft value
    private int getMaxScrollLeft() {
        int maxScrollLeft = 0;

        ScrollPane scrollPane = (ScrollPane)getComponent();
        Component view = scrollPane.getView();

        if (view != null) {
            int viewWidth = view.getWidth();
            int rowHeaderWidth = 0;
            int verticalScrollBarWidth = 0;
            int width = getWidth();

            Component rowHeader = scrollPane.getRowHeader();
            if (rowHeader != null) {
                rowHeaderWidth = rowHeader.getWidth();

            if (verticalScrollBar.isVisible()) {
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        return maxScrollLeft;

    public void layout() {
        ScrollPane scrollPane = (ScrollPane)getComponent();

        ScrollBarPolicy horizontalPolicy = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBarPolicy();
        ScrollBarPolicy verticalPolicy = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBarPolicy();

        boolean fillWidthToCapacity = false;
        boolean fillHeightToCapacity = false;

        // The FILL_TO_CAPACITY policy means that we try to use AUTO, and only
        // if it ends up not being wide or tall enough do we use FILL

        if (horizontalPolicy == ScrollBarPolicy.FILL_TO_CAPACITY) {
            horizontalPolicy = ScrollBarPolicy.AUTO;
            fillWidthToCapacity = true;

        if (verticalPolicy == ScrollBarPolicy.FILL_TO_CAPACITY) {
            verticalPolicy = ScrollBarPolicy.AUTO;
            fillHeightToCapacity = true;

        layoutHelper(horizontalPolicy, verticalPolicy);

        Component view = scrollPane.getView();
        if (view != null && (fillWidthToCapacity || fillHeightToCapacity)) {
            // We assumed AUTO. Now we check our assumption to see if we
            // need to adjust it to use FILL
            boolean adjustWidth = false, adjustHeight = false;

            if (fillWidthToCapacity) {
                Component rowHeader = scrollPane.getRowHeader();
                int rowHeaderWidth = rowHeader != null ? rowHeader.getWidth() : 0;

                int verticalScrollBarWidth = verticalScrollBar.isVisible() ?
                    verticalScrollBar.getWidth() : 0;
                int minViewWidth = getWidth() - rowHeaderWidth - verticalScrollBarWidth;

                if (view.getWidth() < minViewWidth) {
                    horizontalPolicy = ScrollBarPolicy.FILL;
                    adjustWidth = true;

            if (fillHeightToCapacity) {
                Component columnHeader = scrollPane.getColumnHeader();
                int columnHeaderHeight = columnHeader != null ?
                    columnHeader.getHeight() : 0;

                int horizontalScrollBarHeight = horizontalScrollBar.isVisible() ?
                    horizontalScrollBar.getHeight() : 0;
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     * @param vertical policy
     * The assumed vertical scroll policy; musn't be <tt>FILL_TO_CAPACITY</tt>
    private void layoutHelper(ScrollBarPolicy horizontalPolicy,
        ScrollBarPolicy verticalPolicy) {
        ScrollPane scrollPane = (ScrollPane)getComponent();

        int width = getWidth();
        int height = getHeight();

        boolean constrainWidth = (horizontalPolicy == ScrollBarPolicy.FILL);
        boolean constrainHeight = (verticalPolicy == ScrollBarPolicy.FILL);

        Component view = scrollPane.getView();
        Component columnHeader = scrollPane.getColumnHeader();
        Component rowHeader = scrollPane.getRowHeader();
        Component corner = scrollPane.getCorner();

        int rowHeaderWidth = 0;
        if (rowHeader != null) {
            rowHeaderWidth = rowHeader.getPreferredWidth(-1);

        int columnHeaderHeight = 0;
        if (columnHeader != null) {
            columnHeaderHeight = columnHeader.getPreferredHeight(-1);

        int previousViewWidth, viewWidth = 0;
        int previousViewHeight, viewHeight = 0;
        int previousHorizontalScrollBarHeight, horizontalScrollBarHeight = cachedHorizontalScrollBarHeight;
        int previousVerticalScrollBarWidth, verticalScrollBarWidth = cachedVerticalScrollBarWidth;
        int i = 0;

        do {
            previousViewWidth = viewWidth;
            previousViewHeight = viewHeight;
            previousHorizontalScrollBarHeight = horizontalScrollBarHeight;
            previousVerticalScrollBarWidth = verticalScrollBarWidth;

            if (view != null) {
                if (constrainWidth && constrainHeight) {
                    viewWidth = Math.max
                        (width - rowHeaderWidth - verticalScrollBarWidth, 0);
                    viewHeight = Math.max
                        (height - columnHeaderHeight - horizontalScrollBarHeight, 0);
                } else if (constrainWidth) {
                    viewWidth = Math.max
                        (width - rowHeaderWidth - verticalScrollBarWidth, 0);
                    viewHeight = view.getPreferredHeight(viewWidth);
                } else if (constrainHeight) {
                    viewHeight = Math.max
                        (height - columnHeaderHeight - horizontalScrollBarHeight, 0);
                    viewWidth = view.getPreferredWidth(viewHeight);
                } else {
                    Dimensions viewPreferredSize = view.getPreferredSize();
                    viewWidth = viewPreferredSize.width;
                    viewHeight = viewPreferredSize.height;

            if (horizontalPolicy == ScrollBarPolicy.ALWAYS
                || (horizontalPolicy == ScrollBarPolicy.AUTO
                && viewWidth > width - rowHeaderWidth - verticalScrollBarWidth)) {
                horizontalScrollBarHeight = horizontalScrollBar.getPreferredHeight(-1);
            } else {
                horizontalScrollBarHeight = 0;

            if (verticalPolicy == ScrollBarPolicy.ALWAYS
                || (verticalPolicy == ScrollBarPolicy.AUTO
                && viewHeight > height - columnHeaderHeight - horizontalScrollBarHeight)) {
                verticalScrollBarWidth = verticalScrollBar.getPreferredWidth(-1);
            } else {
                verticalScrollBarWidth = 0;

            if (++i > 4) {
                // Infinite loop protection
                System.err.println("Breaking out of potential infinite loop");
        } while (viewWidth != previousViewWidth
            || viewHeight != previousViewHeight
            || horizontalScrollBarHeight != previousHorizontalScrollBarHeight
            || verticalScrollBarWidth != previousVerticalScrollBarWidth);

        int scrollTop = scrollPane.getScrollTop();
        int scrollLeft = scrollPane.getScrollLeft();

        if (view != null) {
            view.setSize(viewWidth, viewHeight);
            view.setLocation(rowHeaderWidth - scrollLeft, columnHeaderHeight - scrollTop);

        if (columnHeader != null) {
            columnHeader.setSize(viewWidth, columnHeaderHeight);
            columnHeader.setLocation(rowHeaderWidth - scrollLeft, 0);

        if (rowHeader != null) {
            rowHeader.setSize(rowHeaderWidth, viewHeight);
            rowHeader.setLocation(0, columnHeaderHeight - scrollTop);

        if (horizontalScrollBarHeight > 0) {

            int horizontalScrollBarWidth = Math.max
               (width - rowHeaderWidth - verticalScrollBarWidth, 0);
                height - horizontalScrollBarHeight);
        } else {

        if (verticalScrollBarWidth > 0) {

            int verticalScrollBarHeight = Math.max
               (height - columnHeaderHeight - horizontalScrollBarHeight, 0);
            verticalScrollBar.setLocation(width - verticalScrollBarWidth,
        } else {

        // Handle corner components

        if (columnHeaderHeight > 0
            && rowHeaderWidth > 0) {
            if (corner != null) {
                corner.setSize(rowHeaderWidth, columnHeaderHeight);
                corner.setLocation(0, 0);

            } else {
                topLeftCorner.setSize(rowHeaderWidth, columnHeaderHeight);
                topLeftCorner.setLocation(0, 0);
        } else {
            if (corner != null) {


        if (rowHeaderWidth > 0
            && horizontalScrollBarHeight > 0) {
            bottomLeftCorner.setSize(rowHeaderWidth, horizontalScrollBarHeight);
            bottomLeftCorner.setLocation(0, height - horizontalScrollBarHeight);
        } else {

        if (verticalScrollBarWidth > 0
            && horizontalScrollBarHeight > 0) {
            bottomRightCorner.setSize(verticalScrollBarWidth, horizontalScrollBarHeight);
            bottomRightCorner.setLocation(width - verticalScrollBarWidth,
                height - horizontalScrollBarHeight);
        } else {

        if (columnHeaderHeight > 0
            && verticalScrollBarWidth > 0) {
            topRightCorner.setSize(verticalScrollBarWidth, columnHeaderHeight);
            topRightCorner.setLocation(width - verticalScrollBarWidth, 0);
        } else {

        // Perform bounds checking on the scrollTop and scrollLeft values,
        // and adjust them as necessary. Make sure to do this after we've laid
        // everything out, since our ViewPortListener methods rely on valid
        // sizes from our components.

        int maxScrollTop = getMaxScrollTop();
        if (scrollTop > maxScrollTop) {

        int maxScrollLeft = getMaxScrollLeft();
        if (scrollLeft > maxScrollLeft) {

        // Adjust the structure of our scroll bars. Make sure to do this after
        // we adjust the scrollTop and scrollLeft values; otherwise we might
        // try to set structure values that are out of bounds.
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        int x = 0;
        int y = 0;
        int width = getWidth();
        int height = getHeight();

        ScrollPane scrollPane = (ScrollPane)getComponent();

        Component rowHeader = scrollPane.getRowHeader();
        if (rowHeader != null) {
            int rowHeaderWidth = rowHeader.getWidth();

            x += rowHeaderWidth;
            width -= rowHeaderWidth;

        Component columnHeader = scrollPane.getColumnHeader();
        if (columnHeader != null) {
            int columnHeaderHeight = columnHeader.getHeight();

            y += columnHeaderHeight;
            height -= columnHeaderHeight;
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        // reposition the view and row header. Invalidating would yield
        // the correct positioning, but it would do much more work than needed.
        int width = getWidth();
        int height = getHeight();

        ScrollPane scrollPane = (ScrollPane)viewport;
        Graphics2D graphics = scrollPane.getGraphics();

        Component view = scrollPane.getView();
        Component rowHeader = scrollPane.getRowHeader();
        Component columnHeader = scrollPane.getColumnHeader();

        int scrollTop = scrollPane.getScrollTop();
        int deltaScrollTop = scrollTop - previousScrollTop;

        int columnHeaderHeight = 0;
        int horizontalScrollBarHeight = horizontalScrollBar.isVisible() ?
            horizontalScrollBar.getHeight() : 0;

        if (columnHeader != null) {
            columnHeaderHeight = columnHeader.getHeight();

        int blitX = 0;
        int blitY = columnHeaderHeight + Math.max(deltaScrollTop, 0);
        int blitWidth = width - verticalScrollBar.getWidth();
        int blitHeight = height - horizontalScrollBarHeight -
            columnHeaderHeight - Math.abs(deltaScrollTop);

        boolean optimizeScrolling = this.optimizeScrolling;

        // TODO Remove this check when we can. Sun bug 4033851 causes paint
        // artifacts while scrolling. For a full description of why this is,
        // needed, see
        // There seems to be no workaround, so we have to turn the optimization
        // completely off if we're not sure that we're unobscured.
        if (optimizeScrolling) {
            ApplicationContext.DisplayHost displayHost = viewport.getDisplay().getDisplayHost();
            ApplicationContext applicationContext = displayHost.getApplicationContext();

            optimizeScrolling = (applicationContext instanceof DesktopApplicationContext ||
                (displayHost.getPeer().canDetermineObscurity() && !displayHost.getPeer().isObscured()));

        if (optimizeScrolling) {
            try {
                graphics.copyArea(blitX, blitY, blitWidth, blitHeight, 0, -deltaScrollTop);
            } catch (Throwable throwable) {
                // Due to Sun bug #6293145, we cannot call copyArea if scaling is
                // applied to the graphics context, so we fall back gracefully here
                optimizeScrolling = false;

        if (optimizeScrolling) {

        if (view != null) {
            view.setLocation(view.getX(), columnHeaderHeight - scrollTop);

        if (rowHeader != null) {
            rowHeader.setLocation(0, columnHeaderHeight - scrollTop);

        if (optimizeScrolling) {
            scrollPane.repaint(blitX, columnHeaderHeight + (deltaScrollTop > 0 ? blitHeight : 0),
                blitWidth, Math.abs(deltaScrollTop), true);

        if (scrollTop >= 0 && scrollTop <= getMaxScrollTop()) {
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        // reposition the view and column header. Invalidating would yield
        // the correct positioning, but it would do much more work than needed.
        int width = getWidth();
        int height = getHeight();

        ScrollPane scrollPane = (ScrollPane)viewport;
        Graphics2D graphics = scrollPane.getGraphics();

        Component view = scrollPane.getView();
        Component rowHeader = scrollPane.getRowHeader();
        Component columnHeader = scrollPane.getColumnHeader();

        int scrollLeft = scrollPane.getScrollLeft();
        int deltaScrollLeft = scrollLeft - previousScrollLeft;

        int rowHeaderWidth = 0;
        int verticalScrollBarWidth = verticalScrollBar.isVisible() ?
            verticalScrollBar.getWidth() : 0;

        if (rowHeader != null) {
            rowHeaderWidth = rowHeader.getWidth();

        int blitX = rowHeaderWidth + Math.max(deltaScrollLeft, 0);
        int blitY = 0;
        int blitWidth = width - verticalScrollBarWidth -
            rowHeaderWidth - Math.abs(deltaScrollLeft);
        int blitHeight = height - horizontalScrollBar.getHeight();

        boolean optimizeScrolling = this.optimizeScrolling;

        // TODO Remove this check when we can. Sun bug 4033851 causes paint
        // artifacts while scrolling. For a full description of why this is,
        // needed, see
        // There seems to be no workaround, so we have to turn the optimization
        // completely off if we're not sure that we're unobscured.
        if (optimizeScrolling) {
            ApplicationContext.DisplayHost displayHost = viewport.getDisplay().getDisplayHost();
            ApplicationContext applicationContext = displayHost.getApplicationContext();

            optimizeScrolling = (applicationContext instanceof DesktopApplicationContext ||
                (displayHost.getPeer().canDetermineObscurity() && !displayHost.getPeer().isObscured()));

        if (optimizeScrolling) {
            try {
                graphics.copyArea(blitX, blitY, blitWidth, blitHeight, -deltaScrollLeft, 0);
            } catch (Throwable throwable) {
                // Due to Sun bug #6293145, we cannot call copyArea if scaling is
                // applied to the graphics context, so we fall back gracefully here
                optimizeScrolling = false;

        if (optimizeScrolling) {

        if (view != null) {
            view.setLocation(rowHeaderWidth - scrollLeft, view.getY());

        if (columnHeader != null) {
            columnHeader.setLocation(rowHeaderWidth - scrollLeft, 0);

        if (optimizeScrolling) {
            scrollPane.repaint(rowHeaderWidth + (deltaScrollLeft > 0 ? blitWidth : 0), blitY,
                Math.abs(deltaScrollLeft), blitHeight, true);

        if (scrollLeft >= 0 && scrollLeft <= getMaxScrollLeft()) {
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Related Classes of pivot.wtk.ScrollPane$Corner

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