The base/quality scores are organized as follows (with one exception, SEE BELOW): The right 2 most bits (these are the LEAST significant bits) indicate the base, where A=00(0x00), C=01(0x01), G=10(0x02), and T=11(0x03)
The remaining bytes compose the quality score which is an unsigned int.
EXCEPTION: If a byte is entirely 0 (e.g. byteRead == 0) then it is a no call, the base becomes '.' and the Quality becomes 2, the default illumina masking value
(E.g. if we get a value in binary of 10001011 it gets transformed as follows:
Value read: 10001011(0x8B)
Quality Base
100010 11 00100010 0x03 0x22 T 34 T
So the output base/quality will be a (T/34)