if (depth == 0) {
depth = 1;
ArrayList<ByteBuffer> dataArray = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(depth);
PixelInputOutput basePixelIO = null;
float[][] compressedMaterialColor = null;
TexturePixel[] baseTextureColors = null;
if (baseImage != null) {
basePixelIO = PixelIOFactory.getPixelIO(baseImage.getFormat());
compressedMaterialColor = new float[2][4];
baseTextureColors = new TexturePixel[] { new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel() };
float[] resultPixel = new float[4];
float[] pixelColor = new float[4];
TexturePixel[] colors = new TexturePixel[] { new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel() };
int baseXTexelIndex = 0, baseYTexelIndex = 0;
float[] alphas = new float[] { 1, 1 };
for (int dataLayerIndex = 0; dataLayerIndex < depth; ++dataLayerIndex) {
ByteBuffer data = image.getData(dataLayerIndex);
ByteBuffer newData = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(data.remaining());
while (data.hasRemaining()) {
if (format == Format.DXT3) {
long alpha = data.getLong();
// get alpha for first and last pixel that is compressed in the texel
byte alpha0 = (byte) (alpha << 4 & 0xFF);
byte alpha1 = (byte) (alpha >> 60 & 0xFF);
alphas[0] = alpha0 >= 0 ? alpha0 / 255.0f : 1.0f - ~alpha0 / 255.0f;
alphas[1] = alpha1 >= 0 ? alpha1 / 255.0f : 1.0f - ~alpha1 / 255.0f;
} else if (format == Format.DXT5) {
byte alpha0 = data.get();
byte alpha1 = data.get();
alphas[0] = alpha0 >= 0 ? alpha0 / 255.0f : 1.0f - ~alpha0 / 255.0f;
alphas[1] = alpha1 >= 0 ? alpha0 / 255.0f : 1.0f - ~alpha0 / 255.0f;
// only read the next 6 bytes (these are alpha indexes)
int col0 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(data.getShort());
int col1 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(data.getShort());
// compressing 16 pixels from the base texture as if they belonged to a texel
if (baseImage != null) {
// reading pixels (first and last of the 16 colors array)
basePixelIO.read(baseImage, dataLayerIndex, baseTextureColors[0], baseXTexelIndex << 2, baseYTexelIndex << 2);// first pixel
basePixelIO.read(baseImage, dataLayerIndex, baseTextureColors[1], baseXTexelIndex << 2 + 4, baseYTexelIndex << 2 + 4);// last pixel
// blending colors