boolean updateAvail = PluginContainer.getInstance().isStarted();
PingRequest request = new PingRequest(getConfiguration().getAgentName(), updateAvail, true);
ClientRemotePojoFactory factory = m_clientSender.getClientRemotePojoFactory();
CoreServerService server = factory.getRemotePojo(CoreServerService.class);
request = server.ping(request);
// take this opportunity to check the agent-server clock sync
// If the server thinks we are down, we need to do some things to get this agent in sync
// with the server. Anything we do in here should be very fast.
boolean serverThinksWeAreDown = request.isReplyAgentIsBackfilled();
if (serverThinksWeAreDown) {
PluginContainer pluginContainer = PluginContainer.getInstance();
if (pluginContainer.isStarted()) {
// tell the plugin container to send a full avail report up so the server knows we are UP