private static IType[] innerGetClassName(ISourceModule sourceModule,
TextSequence statementText, int propertyEndPosition,
boolean isClassTriger, int offset) {
PHPVersion phpVersion = ProjectOptions.getPhpVersion(sourceModule
int classNameStart = PHPTextSequenceUtilities.readIdentifierStartIndex(
phpVersion, statementText, propertyEndPosition, true);
String className = statementText.subSequence(classNameStart,
if (isClassTriger && className != null && className.length() != 0) {
final String comparable = PHPVersion.PHP5_4.isLessThan(phpVersion) ? className
.toLowerCase() : className;
if ("self".equals(comparable) //$NON-NLS-1$
|| "parent".equals(comparable) //$NON-NLS-1$
|| (phpVersion.isGreaterThan(PHPVersion.PHP5) && "static" //$NON-NLS-1$
.equals(comparable))) {
IType classData = PHPModelUtils.getCurrentType(sourceModule,
offset - className.length() - 2); // the offset before
// "self::",
// "parent::" or
// "static::"
if (classData != null) {
return new IType[] { classData };
if (className.length() > 0) {
if (className.startsWith("$") //$NON-NLS-1$
&& phpVersion.isGreaterThan(PHPVersion.PHP5)) {
int statementStart = statementText
return getVariableType(sourceModule, className,
} else {
ModuleDeclaration moduleDeclaration = SourceParserUtil
.getModuleDeclaration(sourceModule, null);
FileContext context = new FileContext(sourceModule,
moduleDeclaration, offset);
IEvaluatedType type = PHPClassType.fromTypeName(className,
sourceModule, offset);
IType[] modelElements = PHPTypeInferenceUtils
.getModelElements(type, context, offset);
if (modelElements != null) {
return modelElements;
if (className.length() == 0) {
// this can happen if the first char before the property is ']'
String testedVar = statementText
.subSequence(0, propertyEndPosition).toString().trim();
if (testedVar != null && testedVar.length() != 0) {
// check for $GLOBALS['myVar'] scenario
Matcher m = globalPattern.matcher(testedVar);
if (m.matches()) {
// $GLOBALS['myVar'] => 'myVar'
String quotedVarName = testedVar.substring(
testedVar.indexOf('[') + 1, testedVar.indexOf(']'))
// 'myVar' => $myVar
className = DOLLAR
+ quotedVarName.substring(1,
quotedVarName.length() - 1); //$NON-NLS-1$
// check for $array[0] scenario
} else if (testedVar.endsWith("}")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
className = testedVar;
} else if (testedVar.endsWith("]")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
if (statementText.toString().lastIndexOf('[') > 0) {
int end = statementText.toString().lastIndexOf('[');
int classNameStart1 = PHPTextSequenceUtilities
statementText, end, true);
className = statementText.subSequence(classNameStart1,
// if its object call calc the object type.
if (className.length() > 0
&& className.charAt(0) == '$') {
int statementStart = statementText
return getArrayVariableType(sourceModule,
className, statementStart);
className = testedVar;
// if its object call calc the object type.
if (className.length() > 0 && className.charAt(0) == '$') {
int statementStart = statementText
return getVariableType(sourceModule, className, statementStart);
boolean arrayReference = false;
if (statementText.charAt(propertyEndPosition - 1) == ']'
&& phpVersion.isGreaterThan(PHPVersion.PHP5_3)) {
int closeBracketIndex = statementText.toString().lastIndexOf(')');
if (closeBracketIndex >= 0) {
if (statementText.toString().indexOf('[', closeBracketIndex) > closeBracketIndex) {
propertyEndPosition = closeBracketIndex + 1;
arrayReference = true;
// if its function call calc the return type.
if (propertyEndPosition > 0
&& statementText.charAt(propertyEndPosition - 1) == ')') {
int functionNameEnd = PHPModelUtils.getFunctionNameEndOffset(
statementText, propertyEndPosition - 1);
int functionNameStart = PHPTextSequenceUtilities
.readIdentifierStartIndex(phpVersion, statementText,
functionNameEnd, false);
String functionName = statementText.subSequence(functionNameStart,
// if its a non class function
Set<IType> returnTypes = new LinkedHashSet<IType>();
if (functionNameStart == functionNameEnd
&& statementText.charAt(functionNameStart) == '('
&& propertyEndPosition - 1 > functionNameStart + 1
&& phpVersion.isGreaterThan(PHPVersion.PHP5_3)) {
TextSequence newClassStatementText = statementText
.subTextSequence(functionNameStart + 1,
propertyEndPosition - 1);
String newClassName = PHPModelUtils