Examples of Percentile

Examples of org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile

public class TimeGeneratorTest {

    public void testRandomGenerator() {
        Percentile p = new Percentile(35);
        p.setData(new double[]{35});
        Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        data.put(SimulationConstants.DISTRIBUTION_TYPE, "random");
        data.put(SimulationConstants.MIN, 500L);
        data.put(SimulationConstants.MAX, 40000L);

Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile

      for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
        splitPoints[i-1] = (values[i] + values[i-1]) / 2.0;
      return splitPoints;
    Percentile distribution = new Percentile();
    double[] percentiles = new double[MAX_NUMERIC_SPLITS];
    for (int i = 0 ; i < percentiles.length; i++) {
      double p = 100.0 * ((i + 1.0) / (MAX_NUMERIC_SPLITS + 1.0));
      percentiles[i] = distribution.evaluate(p);
    return percentiles;

Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile

public class TimeGeneratorTest {

    public void testRandomGenerator() {
        Percentile p = new Percentile(35);
        p.setData(new double[]{35});
        Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        data.put(SimulationConstants.DISTRIBUTION_TYPE, "random");
        data.put(SimulationConstants.MIN, 500L);
        data.put(SimulationConstants.MAX, 40000L);

Examples of org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Percentile

            sensor.add(sensor.name() + ".max", new Max());
            sensor.add(new Percentiles(1024,
                                       new Percentile(sensor.name() + ".median", 50.0),
                                       new Percentile(sensor.name() + ".p_99", 99.0)));
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        for (int i = 0; i < iters; i++)
        double ellapsed = (System.nanoTime() - start) / (double) iters;

Examples of org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Percentile

        s.add("test.max", new Max());
        s.add("test.min", new Min());
        s.add("test.rate", new Rate(TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        s.add("test.occurences", new Rate(TimeUnit.SECONDS, new Count()));
        s.add("test.count", new Count());
        s.add(new Percentiles(100, -100, 100, BucketSizing.CONSTANT, new Percentile("test.median", 50.0), new Percentile("test.perc99_9",

        Sensor s2 = metrics.sensor("test.sensor2");
        s2.add("s2.total", new Total());

Examples of org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Percentile

        int buckets = 100;
        Percentiles percs = new Percentiles(4 * buckets,
                                            new Percentile("test.p25", 25),
                                            new Percentile("test.p50", 50),
                                            new Percentile("test.p75", 75));
        MetricConfig config = new MetricConfig().eventWindow(50).samples(2);
        Sensor sensor = metrics.sensor("test", config);
        Metric p25 = this.metrics.metrics().get("test.p25");
        Metric p50 = this.metrics.metrics().get("test.p50");

Examples of org.boris.expr.function.excel.PERCENTILE

        PEARSON p = new PEARSON();
        fail("PEARSON not implemented");

    public void testPERCENTILE() throws Exception {
        PERCENTILE p = new PERCENTILE();
        fail("PERCENTILE not implemented");

Examples of org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.eval.StatisticsUtil.Percentile

          int align= firstNonDigit(meanString);
          meanString= spaces.substring(0, 30 - align - nameString.length()) + meanString;

          align= nameString.length() + meanString.length();

          Percentile percentile= StatisticsUtil.T95;
          double[] confidenceInterval= s.getConfidenceInterval(dimension, percentile);

          String confidenceString= n <= 2
          ? " (no confidence)" //$NON-NLS-1$
              : spaces.substring(0, 40 - align) + format.format(new Object[] {new Double(percentile.inside()), dimension.getDisplayValue(confidenceInterval[0]), dimension.getDisplayValue(confidenceInterval[1])});

          align+= confidenceString.length();
          String sizeWarning;
          try {
            sizeWarning= spaces.substring(0, 70 - align) + checkSampleSize(s, sample, dimension);

Examples of org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.eval.StatisticsUtil.Percentile

          int endIndex = 30 - align - nameString.length();
          if (endIndex > 0) meanString= spaces.substring(0, endIndex) + meanString;

          align= nameString.length() + meanString.length();

          Percentile percentile= StatisticsUtil.T95;
          double[] confidenceInterval= s.getConfidenceInterval(dimension, percentile);

          StringBuffer printBuffer;
          if (n <= 2) {
            printBuffer = new StringBuffer(" (no confidence)"); //$NON-NLS-1$
          } else {
            printBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            int ns = align;
            while (ns++ < 40) printBuffer.append(' ');
            printBuffer.append(format.format(new Object[] {new Double(percentile.inside()), dimension.getDisplayValue(confidenceInterval[0]), dimension.getDisplayValue(confidenceInterval[1])}));

          align+= printBuffer.length();
          try {
            while (align++ < 70) printBuffer.append(' ');

Examples of org.radargun.stats.representation.Percentile

         return (T) new MeanAndDev(histogram.getMean(), histogram.getStdDeviation());
      } else if (clazz == Throughput.class) {
         return (T) Throughput.compute(histogram.getTotalCount(), histogram.getMean(), args);
      } else if (clazz == Percentile.class) {
         double percentile = Percentile.getPercentile(args);
         return (T) new Percentile(histogram.getValueAtPercentile(percentile));
      } else if (clazz == Histogram.class) {
         int buckets = Histogram.getBuckets(args);
         double percentile = Histogram.getPercentile(args);
         AbstractHistogram.AllValues values = histogram.allValues();
         ArrayList<Long> ranges = new ArrayList<>();
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