Examples of PDFont

Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont

        //We won't know the actual number of characters until
        //we process the byte data(could be two bytes each) but
        //it won't ever be more than string.length*2(there are some cases
        //were a single byte will result in two output characters "fi"
        final PDFont font = graphicsState.getTextState().getFont();
        //This will typically be 1000 but in the case of a type3 font
        //this might be a different number
        final float glyphSpaceToTextSpaceFactor = 1f/font.getFontMatrix().getValue( 0, 0 );
        float spaceWidthText=0;
        try{ // to avoid crash as described in PDFBOX-614
            // lets see what the space displacement should be
            spaceWidthText = (font.getFontWidth( SPACE_BYTES, 0, 1 )/glyphSpaceToTextSpaceFactor);
        }catch (Throwable exception)
            log.warn( exception, exception);
        if( spaceWidthText == 0 )
            spaceWidthText = (font.getAverageFontWidth()/glyphSpaceToTextSpaceFactor);
            //The average space width appears to be higher than necessary
            //so lets make it a little bit smaller.
            spaceWidthText *= .80f;
        /* Convert textMatrix to display units */
        final Matrix initialMatrix = new Matrix();

        final Matrix ctm = graphicsState.getCurrentTransformationMatrix();
        final Matrix dispMatrix = initialMatrix.multiply( ctm );

        Matrix textMatrixStDisp = textMatrix.multiply( dispMatrix );
        Matrix textMatrixEndDisp = null;

        final float xScaleDisp = textMatrixStDisp.getXScale();
        final float yScaleDisp = textMatrixStDisp.getYScale();
        final float spaceWidthDisp = spaceWidthText * xScaleDisp * fontSizeText;
        final float wordSpacingDisp = wordSpacingText * xScaleDisp * fontSizeText;
        float maxVerticalDisplacementText = 0;

        float[] individualWidthsBuffer = new float[string.length];
        StringBuilder characterBuffer = new StringBuilder(string.length);

        int codeLength = 1;
        for( int i=0; i<string.length; i+=codeLength )
            // Decode the value to a Unicode character
            codeLength = 1;
            String c = font.encode( string, i, codeLength );
            if( c == null && i+1<string.length)
                //maybe a multibyte encoding
                c = font.encode( string, i, codeLength );

            //todo, handle horizontal displacement
            // get the width and height of this character in text units
            float characterHorizontalDisplacementText =
                (font.getFontWidth( string, i, codeLength )/glyphSpaceToTextSpaceFactor);
            maxVerticalDisplacementText =
                    font.getFontHeight( string, i, codeLength)/glyphSpaceToTextSpaceFactor);

            // PDF Spec - 5.5.2 Word Spacing
            // Word spacing works the same was as character spacing, but applies
            // only to the space character, code 32.
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Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont

                    COSBase item = dicFonts.getItem((COSName) key);
                    COSDictionary xObjFont = COSUtils.getAsDictionary(item, cosDocument);

                        PDFont aFont = PDFontFactory.createFont(xObjFont);
                        FontContainer aContainer = this.context.getFontContainer(aFont.getCOSObject());
                        // another font is used in the Type3, check if the font is valid.
                        if (!aContainer.isValid())
                            this.fontContainer.push(new ValidationError(ERROR_FONTS_TYPE3_DAMAGED,
                                    "The Resources dictionary of type 3 font contains invalid font"));
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Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont


                List<Object> tokens = getStreamTokens(appearanceStream);
                List<Object> daTokens = getStreamTokens(getDefaultAppearance());
                PDFont pdFont = getFontAndUpdateResources(tokens, appearanceStream);

                if (!containsMarkedContent(tokens))
                    ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    // BJL 9/25/2004 Must prepend existing stream
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Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont


    private PDFont getFontAndUpdateResources(List<Object> tokens,
            PDAppearanceStream appearanceStream) throws IOException
        PDFont retval = null;
        PDResources streamResources = appearanceStream.getResources();
        PDResources formResources = acroForm.getDefaultResources();
        if (formResources != null)
            if (streamResources == null)
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Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont

            context.addValidationError(new ValidationError(PreflightConstants.ERROR_FONTS_INVALID_DATA, "Font validation process needs at least one PDFont object"));
            PDFont font = (PDFont) vPath.peek();
            FontContainer fontContainer = context.getFontContainer(font.getCOSObject());
            if (fontContainer == null)
            { // if fontContainer isn't null the font is already checked
                FontValidator<? extends FontContainer> validator = getFontValidator(context, font);
                if (validator != null) validator.validate();
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Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont

            COSBase font = fontsDictionary.getDictionaryObject(fontName);
            // data-000174.pdf contains a font that is a COSArray, looks to be an error in the
            // PDF, we will just ignore entries that are not dictionaries.
            if (font instanceof COSDictionary)
                PDFont newFont = null;
                    newFont = PDFontFactory.createFont((COSDictionary) font);
                catch (IOException e)
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Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont

            doc = new PDDocument();

            // Page 1
            PDFont font = PDType1Font.HELVETICA;
            PDPage page = new PDPage(PDRectangle.A4);
            float fontSize = 12.0f;

            PDRectangle pageSize = page.getMediaBox();
            float centeredXPosition = (pageSize.getWidth() - fontSize/1000f)/2f;
            float stringWidth = font.getStringWidth( message );
            float centeredYPosition = (pageSize.getHeight() - (stringWidth*fontSize)/1000f)/3f;

            PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page, false, false);
            contentStream.setFont( font, fontSize );
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Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont

                // First add some text, two lines we'll add some annotations to this later

                PDFont font = PDType1Font.HELVETICA_BOLD;

                PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(document, page);
                contentStream.setFont( font, 18 );
                contentStream.moveTextPositionByAmount( inch, ph-inch-18);
                contentStream.drawString( "PDFBox" );
                contentStream.moveTextPositionByAmount( 0,-(inch/2));
                contentStream.drawString( "Click Here" );


                // Now add the markup annotation, a highlight to PDFBox text
                PDAnnotationTextMarkup txtMark = new PDAnnotationTextMarkup(PDAnnotationTextMarkup.SUB_TYPE_HIGHLIGHT);
                txtMark.setConstantOpacity((float)0.2);   // Make the highlight 20% transparent

                // Set the rectangle containing the markup

                float textWidth = (font.getStringWidth( "PDFBox" )/1000) * 18;
                PDRectangle position = new PDRectangle();
                position.setLowerLeftY( ph-inch-18 );
                position.setUpperRightX(72 + textWidth);

                // work out the points forming the four corners of the annotations
                // set out in anti clockwise form (Completely wraps the text)
                // OK, the below doesn't match that description.
                // It's what acrobat 7 does and displays properly!
                float[] quads = new float[8];

                quads[0] = position.getLowerLeftX()// x1
                quads[1] = position.getUpperRightY()-2; // y1
                quads[2] = position.getUpperRightX(); // x2
                quads[3] = quads[1]; // y2
                quads[4] = quads[0]// x3
                quads[5] = position.getLowerLeftY()-2; // y3
                quads[6] = quads[2]; // x4
                quads[7] = quads[5]; // y5

                txtMark.setContents("Highlighted since it's important");


                // Now add the link annotation, so the clickme works
                PDAnnotationLink txtLink = new PDAnnotationLink();

                // Set the rectangle containing the link

                textWidth = (font.getStringWidth( "Click Here" )/1000) * 18;
                position = new PDRectangle();
                position.setLowerLeftY( ph-(float)(1.5*inch)-20)// down a couple of points
                position.setUpperRightX(72 + textWidth);
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Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont

            doc = new PDDocument();

            PDPage page = new PDPage();
            doc.addPage( page );
            PDFont font = PDType1Font.HELVETICA_BOLD;

            PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page);
            contentStream.setFont( font, 12 );
            contentStream.moveTextPositionByAmount( 100, 700 );
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Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont


        for (COSName key : resources.getFontNames())
            PDFont font = resources.getFont(key);
            // write the font
            if (font instanceof PDTrueTypeFont)
                String name = null;
                if (addKey)
                    name = getUniqueFileName(prefix + "_" + key, "ttf");
                    name = getUniqueFileName(prefix, "ttf");
                writeFont(font.getFontDescriptor(), name);
            else if (font instanceof PDType0Font)
                PDCIDFont descendantFont = ((PDType0Font) font).getDescendantFont();
                if (descendantFont instanceof PDCIDFontType2)
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