} else {
//final DEROctetString os = header.getSenderKID();
//if ( os!=null )
// StressTest.this.performanceTest.getLog().info("Found a sender keyId: "+new String(os.getOctets()));
// Verify the PasswordBased protection of the message
final PBMParameter pp; {
final AlgorithmIdentifier pAlg = header.getProtectionAlg();
// StressTest.this.performanceTest.getLog().info("Protection type is: "+pAlg.getObjectId().getId());
pp = PBMParameter.getInstance(pAlg.getParameters());
final int iterationCount = pp.getIterationCount().getPositiveValue().intValue();
// StressTest.this.performanceTest.getLog().info("Iteration count is: "+iterationCount);
final AlgorithmIdentifier owfAlg = pp.getOwf();
// Normal OWF alg is - SHA1
// StressTest.this.performanceTest.getLog().info("Owf type is: "+owfAlg.getObjectId().getId());
final AlgorithmIdentifier macAlg = pp.getMac();
// Normal mac alg is - HMAC/SHA1
// StressTest.this.performanceTest.getLog().info("Mac type is: "+macAlg.getObjectId().getId());
final byte[] salt = pp.getSalt().getOctets();
//log.info("Salt is: "+new String(salt));
final byte[] raSecret = new String("password").getBytes();
// HMAC/SHA1 os normal or 1.2.840.113549.2.7
final String macOid = macAlg.getObjectId().getId();
final SecretKey key; {