Examples of Pattern52

Examples of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.dt52.Pattern52

                    Window.alert( constants.PleaseEnterANameThatIsNotAlreadyUsedByAnotherPattern() );

                //Create new pattern
                editingPattern = new Pattern52();
                editingPattern.setFactType( ft );
                editingPattern.setBoundName( fn );
                editingPattern.setNegated( chkNegated.getValue() );

                //Clear Field and Operator when pattern changes
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Examples of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.dt52.Pattern52

            } else if ( modelCol instanceof ConditionCol52 ) {
                ConditionCol52 tc = (ConditionCol52) modelCol;
                tc.setWidth( column.getWidth() );
                tc.setHideColumn( !column.isVisible() );

                Pattern52 p = model.getPattern( tc );
                Pattern52 newPattern = getExistingNewPattern( newPatterns,
                                                              p );
                if ( newPattern == null ) {
                    newPattern = clonePatternExcludingConditions( p );
                    newPatterns.add( newPattern );
                newPattern.getConditions().add( tc );

            } else if ( modelCol instanceof ActionCol52 ) {
                ActionCol52 tc = (ActionCol52) modelCol;
                tc.setWidth( column.getWidth() );
                tc.setHideColumn( !column.isVisible() );
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Examples of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.dt52.Pattern52

        model.setActionCols( newActionColumns );


    private Pattern52 clonePatternExcludingConditions(Pattern52 p) {
        Pattern52 newPattern = new Pattern52();
        newPattern.setBoundName( p.getBoundName() );
        newPattern.setEntryPointName( p.getEntryPointName() );
        newPattern.setFactType( p.getFactType() );
        newPattern.setNegated( p.isNegated() );
        newPattern.setWindow( p.getWindow() );
        return newPattern;
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Examples of org.drools.workbench.models.guided.dtable.shared.model.Pattern52

        return type;

    private String getType( final ConditionCol52 col ) {
        final Pattern52 pattern = model.getPattern( col );
        return getType( pattern,
                        col );
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Examples of org.drools.workbench.models.guided.dtable.shared.model.Pattern52


    public String getBoundFactType( String boundName ) {
        for ( CompositeColumn<?> cc : this.model.getConditions() ) {
            if ( cc instanceof Pattern52 ) {
                final Pattern52 p = (Pattern52) cc;
                if ( p.isBound() && p.getBoundName().equals( boundName ) ) {
                    return p.getFactType();
            } else if ( cc instanceof BRLConditionColumn ) {
                final BRLConditionColumn brl = (BRLConditionColumn) cc;
                for ( IPattern p : brl.getDefinition() ) {
                    if ( p instanceof FactPattern ) {
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Examples of org.drools.workbench.models.guided.dtable.shared.model.Pattern52

        final Map<String, String> currentValueMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

        // add cols for LHS
        final ConditionCol52 c1 = new ConditionCol52();
        final Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "c1" );
        p1.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c1.setFactField( "name" );
        c1.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( c1 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        final ConditionCol52 c1_ = new ConditionCol52();
        final Pattern52 p1_ = new Pattern52();
        p1_.setBoundName( "c1" );
        p1_.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c1_.setFactField( "name" );
        p1_.getChildColumns().add( c1_ );
        c1_.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_RET_VALUE );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1_ );

        final ConditionCol52 c1__ = new ConditionCol52();
        c1__.setFactField( "sex" );
        p1_.getChildColumns().add( c1__ );
        c1__.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_RET_VALUE );
        c1__.setValueList( "Male,Female" );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1_ );

        final ConditionCol52 c1___ = new ConditionCol52();
        final Pattern52 p1__ = new Pattern52();
        p1__.setBoundName( "c1" );
        p1__.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c1___.setFactField( "name" );
        c1___.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        c1___.setValueList( "one,two,three" );
        p1__.getChildColumns().add( c1___ );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1__ );

        final ConditionCol52 c2 = new ConditionCol52();
        final Pattern52 p2 = new Pattern52();
        p2.setBoundName( "c2" );
        p2.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c2.setFactField( "nothing" );
        c2.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p2.getChildColumns().add( c2 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p2 );

        final ActionSetFieldCol52 asf = new ActionSetFieldCol52();
        asf.setBoundName( "c1" );
        asf.setFactField( "name" );
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Examples of org.drools.workbench.models.guided.dtable.shared.model.Pattern52

        dt.getAttributeCols().add( at );
        dt.getAttributeCols().add( at_ );

        final ConditionCol52 c1 = new ConditionCol52();
        final Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "c1" );
        p1.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c1.setFactField( "name" );
        c1.setOperator( "==" );
        c1.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( c1 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        final ConditionCol52 c1_ = new ConditionCol52();
        final Pattern52 p1_ = new Pattern52();
        p1_.setBoundName( "c1" );
        p1_.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c1_.setFactField( "age" );
        c1_.setOperator( "==" );
        c1_.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1_.getChildColumns().add( c1_ );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1_ );

        final ConditionCol52 c2 = new ConditionCol52();
        final Pattern52 p2 = new Pattern52();
        p2.setBoundName( "c1" );
        p2.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c2.setFactField( "age" );
        c2.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p2.getChildColumns().add( c2 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p2 );

        final ActionSetFieldCol52 a = new ActionSetFieldCol52();
        a.setBoundName( "c1" );
        a.setFactField( "name" );
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Examples of org.drools.workbench.models.guided.dtable.shared.model.Pattern52

        enabledAttribute.setAttribute( "enabled" );

        dt.getAttributeCols().add( salienceAttribute );
        dt.getAttributeCols().add( enabledAttribute );

        final Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();

        final ConditionCol52 conditionColName = new ConditionCol52();
        p1.setBoundName( "c1" );
        p1.setFactType( "Driver" );
        conditionColName.setFactField( "name" );
        conditionColName.setOperator( "==" );
        conditionColName.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( conditionColName );

        final ConditionCol52 conditionColAge = new ConditionCol52();
        conditionColAge.setFactField( "age" );
        conditionColAge.setOperator( "==" );
        conditionColAge.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( conditionColAge );

        final ConditionCol52 conditionColDate = new ConditionCol52();
        conditionColDate.setFactField( "date" );
        conditionColDate.setOperator( "==" );
        conditionColDate.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( conditionColDate );

        final ConditionCol52 conditionColApproved = new ConditionCol52();
        conditionColApproved.setFactField( "approved" );
        conditionColApproved.setOperator( "==" );
        conditionColApproved.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( conditionColApproved );

        final ConditionCol52 conditionColAge2 = new ConditionCol52();
        conditionColAge2.setFactField( "age" );
        conditionColAge2.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( conditionColAge2 );

        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        final ActionSetFieldCol52 a = new ActionSetFieldCol52();
        a.setBoundName( "c1" );
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Examples of org.drools.workbench.models.guided.dtable.shared.model.Pattern52

        final GuidedDecisionTableUtils utils = new GuidedDecisionTableUtils( oracle,
                                                                             dt );

        // add cols for LHS
        final ConditionCol52 c1 = new ConditionCol52();
        final Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "c1" );
        p1.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c1.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( c1 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        final ConditionCol52 c2 = new ConditionCol52();
        final Pattern52 p2 = new Pattern52();
        p2.setBoundName( "c2" );
        p2.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c2.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        c2.setValueList( "a,b,c" );
        p2.getChildColumns().add( c2 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        assertEquals( 0,
                      utils.getValueList( c1 ).length );
        assertEquals( 3,
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Examples of org.drools.workbench.models.guided.dtable.shared.model.Pattern52

        aifc.setBoundName( "d2" );
        aifc.setFactType( "Driver" );
        aifc.setFactField( "age" );

        final ConditionCol52 c1 = new ConditionCol52();
        Pattern52 p1 = new Pattern52();
        p1.setBoundName( "c1" );
        p1.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c1.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p1.getChildColumns().add( c1 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p1 );

        final ConditionCol52 c2 = new ConditionCol52();
        Pattern52 p2 = new Pattern52();
        p2.setBoundName( "c2" );
        p2.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c2.setFactField( "age" );
        c2.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p2.getChildColumns().add( c2 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p2 );

        final ConditionCol52 c3 = new ConditionCol52();
        Pattern52 p3 = new Pattern52();
        p3.setBoundName( "c3" );
        p3.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c3.setOperator( "==" );
        c3.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p3.getChildColumns().add( c3 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p3 );

        final ConditionCol52 c4 = new ConditionCol52();
        Pattern52 p4 = new Pattern52();
        p4.setBoundName( "c4" );
        p4.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c4.setFactField( "age" );
        c4.setOperator( "==" );
        c4.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        p4.getChildColumns().add( c4 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p4 );

        final ConditionCol52 c5 = new ConditionCol52();
        Pattern52 p5 = new Pattern52();
        p5.setBoundName( "c5" );
        p5.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c5.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_PREDICATE );
        p5.getChildColumns().add( c5 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p5 );

        final ConditionCol52 c6 = new ConditionCol52();
        Pattern52 p6 = new Pattern52();
        p6.setBoundName( "c6" );
        p6.setFactType( "Driver" );
        c6.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_RET_VALUE );
        p6.getChildColumns().add( c6 );
        dt.getConditions().add( p6 );

        assertTrue( utils.isConstraintValid( rnc ) );
        assertTrue( utils.isConstraintValid( dc ) );
        assertTrue( utils.isConstraintValid( mdc ) );
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