fileTreeModel.dispatchAddNode(existingNode.getParent(), existingNode, newTipId);
private void handleExternalCopy(String newpath, TreeNodeInfo newNode, String newTipId) {
PathUtil path = new PathUtil(newpath);
FileTreeNode rootNode = fileTreeModel.getWorkspaceRoot();
// If the root is null... then we are receiving mutations before we even got
// the workspace in the first place. So we should ignore.
// TODO: This is a potential race. We need to schedule a pending
// referesh for the tree!!
if (rootNode == null) {
Log.warn(getClass(), "Receiving COPY tree mutations before the root node is set for node: "
+ path.getPathString());
FileTreeNode installedNode = (FileTreeNode) newNode;
fileTreeModel.addNode(path, installedNode, newTipId);